Cut Off Marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016 is published by UPSC. The minimum qualifying marks for Prelims, Mains and Interview stages of UPSC IAS Exam 2016 is thus now publically available. Cut off marks for Indian Forest Services Exam 2016 will be announced soon.
Cut Off Marks vs Minimum Qualifying Marks
UPSC uses the term minimum qualifying standard (marks) instead of cut-off score. In the Civil Services Examination 2016, the minimum qualifying standards (marks)/marks secured by the last recommended candidate in various categories at various stages are given below.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016 (Prelims)
Marks for UPSC CSE Prelims that would have fetched a mains call is as below. (Marks out of 200). A General Category candidate should have scored 116 marks out of 200 in GS Paper 1 (58%) to get selection into the Main Exam (written) in 2016. UPSC 2016 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
- General – 116.00 (2016) vs 107.34 (2015)
- OBC – 110.66 (2016) vs 106.00 (2015)
- SC – 99.34 (2016) vs 94.00 (2015)
- ST – 96.00 (2016) vs 91.34 (2015)
- PH1 – 75.34 (2016) vs 90.66 (2015)
- PH2 – 72.66 (2016) vs 76.66 (2015)
- PH3 – 40.00 (2016) vs 40.00 (2015)
Note: In addition to the minimum qualifying marks stated above for GS Paper 1 (marks out of 200), the candidate has to score above 33% marks for GS Paper 2.
PS: It is interesting to note here that ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2016 and study materials alone could have contributed more than 100 marks for our regular followers in 2016 Prelims.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016 (Mains)
Marks for UPSC CSE Mains that would have fetched an interview call is as below. (Marks out of 1750). A General Category candidate should have scored 787 marks out of 1750 for the seven papers in the Main Exam (written) to get selection into the Interview (Personality Test) in 2016 (44.97%). UPSC 2016 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
- General – 787 vs 676
- OBC – 745 vs 630
- SC – 739 vs 622
- ST – 730 vs 617
- PH1 – 713 vs 580
- PH2 – 740 vs 627
- PH3 – 545 vs 504
# Subject to 10% marks in each of the seven competitive papers i.e. Essay, GS‐I, GS‐II, GS‐III, GS‐IV, Optional‐I and Optional‐II and 25% marks in compulsory papers.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016: Final Rank List
Marks needed to be included in the final rank list for UPSC CSE 2016 is as below (Marks out of 2025). A General Category candidate should have scored 988 marks out of 2025 (48.79%) for the seven papers in the Main Exam (written) plus Interview (Personality Test) in 2017 to get selection in the final rank list. UPSC 2016 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
- General – 988 vs 877
- OBC – 951 vs 834
- SC – 937 vs 810
- ST – 920 vs 801
- PH1 – 927 vs 802
- PH2 – 951 vs 830
- PH3 – 817 vs 697
Cutoff marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016: Analysis
In the case of UPSC evaluation, there are no good or bad marks – but only relative performance. When the valuation is tight (as it was the case in 2013), the scores were very low. But in 2016, there is a huge jump in the marks – which can be attributed to two reasons – (1) liberal valuation (2) better preparation by candidates due to the right guidance and study materials by online coaching initiatives like
The cut-off percentage for UPSC CSE Prelims has gone up by around 4.5 % or 9 marks in 2016 in comparison with last year. The Mains the cut-off percentage has gone up by around 6% or 111 marks in comparison to last year. Final cut-off marks too increased by 6% or 111 marks. Detailed trend analysis of IAS exam cut-off marks is made by ClearIAS Team in the link. If you need the official PDF for 2016 cut-off score, check this link.
Cut off marks to qualify for Indian Forestry Services Mains Exam 2016 based on CSE Prelims
UPSC has released the Marks for UPSC CSE Prelims that would have fetched an IFoS Mains call.
How can you know the Mains Marks (Individual Subjects) and Interview Marks?
UPSC Civil Services Exam 2016 Marks of all candidates who wrote Mains or attended Interview is now available on the UPSC website. Link –
Aspirants can share your marks in our comments section to get insights about the trend of UPSC marks this year.
How to read THE HINDU efficiently in less time?
if you are beginner then there is no way you can complete it in less time..after all it covers around 35% around prelims. So dont worry about time and as time will pass you will be fine with THE HINDU because of the constant practice. All the best..
Sir its me Rahul. Sir i hv a confusion. I got 47percent in class 10.n in clas 12 i got 49percent bt i got 5marks grace in chem subjct. So sir m doing bsc ryt nw so after completing degree can i able be elligible tp giv ias exam.pls reply me i m worrid for grace marks.
yes, marks of 10th & 12th have no relevance for CSAT. You can very well be eligible for IAS, but work hard & gain good knowledge.Good Luck & My Best Wishes…….!
sir i wants to know that tha exam of upsc are taking based on graduation ?
if in any subject in 1st year tha student are get back than any problem will creat there are not.
Sr I want to prepare for UPSC ias but I don’t knw how to start …. I completed my graduation in 2016 right now preparing for banking exams but my desire is to make career in upsc exams
What is the cut off for cs prelims 2016 for ST??
Great explanation..please tell me the cutt of mark for ips
Sir my name is Hafijur Rahman.i am HSLC passed 41%.HS passed 62% and major economic to 60%degree aims IAS officer.
If a person qualifies in gs paper 1 and csat paper and his marks his less then 200 does he qualifies for mains or not
How much percentage should be scored in graduation in order to enter prelims
Sir if anyone complete dgree from open…then it will ??
Sir my name is panurang kamble , retired from Indian Army and my date of birth is, Jan 1984 (SC Cat) Sir can I eligible for this year 2018/19 civil service
Yes. You are.
I am studying 3rd year but I have interest in CSE .
Any one tell how to prepare and how many hours to prepare?