Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the UPSC Civil Services Examination.
Clear IAS Team wishes to personally respond to the hundreds of queries we get via comments, emails, Facebook messages etc every day.
We try our best but due to time constraints, this can never be practical.
Hence we prepared this post “UPSC FAQs” to answer the frequently asked questions by beginners.
However, before going into the FAQ, check the below links.
Important Links for a Beginner
- Beginner’s Guide: How to start IAS/IPS/IFS Preparation?
- IAS Exam Eligibility
- UPSC Syllabus
- UPSC Books
- UPSC Exam Date
- UPSC Exam Results
- UPSC Previous Year Question Papers
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This compilation – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the UPSC Civil Services Exam – is a comprehensive source to clarify the common queries of all freshers. Most of the repeated queries regarding all stages of the exam – Prelims, Mains and Interview – are clarified here. Please post additional queries in the comments, so that we can address them later. Thank you, and all the best! Clear IAS!
What is the full form of UPSC?
UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission.
What is UPSC?
UPSC is the Central Agency that recruits candidates for various services like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) etc.
What are civil services? How to get into civil services in India?
Civil Services are jobs like IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc. directly related to public service and are widely considered prestigious in India. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts Civil Service Exams for Central Government job vacancies. Click to know more about Civil Services Exam.
What is IAS? How can I clear the IAS Exam and become an IAS officer?
IAS is the short form of Indian Administrative Service. Click to know more about IAS.
What is the salary of an IAS officer?
IAS salary structure consists of different Pay Scales: Junior Scale, Senior Scales, Super Time Scale, Above Super Time Scales etc. Each of the pay scales further consists of different pay bands. Click to know more about the salary of an IAS officer.
What is the educational qualification needed to appear in the IAS exam?
Any degree (graduation). It may be regular or distant. The candidate must hold a degree from any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification. For details refer to Educational Qualification Requirement for IAS Exam.
What are the age limit and the number of attempts permitted to write the UPSC Civil Services Exam?
Click to learn about the eligibility criteria for the IAS exam. Details about the number of attempts and age limits in the UPSC Civil Services Exam are available in the link given.
How does UPSC calculate age?
ClearIAS UPSC Age Calculator is a useful tool to help you calculate your current age and understand your eligibility for UPSC exams.
Enter your date of birth and other required details in the ClearIAS Age Calculator to calculate your UPSC exam eligibility.
What is the latest syllabus for the IAS exam?
Click to read the revised syllabus for the IAS exam.
When can I apply for the UPSC Civil Services Exam?
The notification for the UPSC Civil Services Examination for 2023 will be published on February 14, 2024. You can apply for UPSC CSE 2023 between February 14, 2024, and May 05, 2024.
- UPSC CSE 2024 Prelims Date: May 26 2024 (Sunday)
- UPSC CSE 2024 Mains Date: September 20 2024 (5 days)
- UPSC CSE 2024 Interview Date: January-March 2025 (expected)
- UPSC CSE 2024 Final Result Date: April 2025 (expected)
Check the UPSC 2024 Exam Calendar for details.
I am just about to begin the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. How should a fresher begin IAS exam preparation?
If you are a beginner, then the best place to start should be the article ‘UPSC Exam Guidance for beginners: How to start IAS preparation?’.
What are the books to read for each subject in Prelims and Mains?
You can buy online the ‘Recommended list of IAS Books: Prelims+Mains‘ from the links given on this website.
Does offer free study materials?
Yes, we offer free online study materials, mock tests, toppers interviews etc. in addition to the numerous articles on guidance. Clear IAS™ was started with a vision of quality, but affordable online education, giving stress to self-study. Click to browse our free IAS study materials.
Will I get a discount on the ClearIAS Prelims Test Series?
ClearIAS Prelims Test Series are provided at a discounted rate to make it affordable for aspirants.
However, at times, we offer extra discount offers.
Request you to check the ClearIAS Discount Codes section to see if any offers are currently active.
Can I clear the IAS exam without attending classroom coaching?
Yes. You can, particularly if you are good at self-study. We are not against classroom coaching. There are good institutes and teachers who help aspirants save a lot of time and effort. But not all coaching institutes provide quality service, so if you wish to join one, do that after proper research. It should also be noted that with the advent of technology, guidance and study materials can be bought online. Our website ( and mobile app (Clear IAS) provide free guidance and study materials to lakhs of aspirants who can’t afford classroom coaching. You can also learn and compete with thousands of aspirants across India by attempting the ClearIAS full-length timed online mock test series with negative marking for UPSC Prelims. Read our article ‘Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes?‘ to get an overall idea.
What are the useful websites for IAS exam preparation?
Check the list of ‘Useful Websites for IAS Preparation.
Can I get the previous year’s UPSC question papers online?
Yes. Check the link UPSC Previous Year Question Papers.
What is the structure of the UPSC Civil Service Prelims Exam?
The prelims exam is objective in nature. There will be two papers – 200 marks each. Paper 1 is related to General Studies and Paper 2 is related to Mental Ability and Aptitude. For selection to the main exam, only marks of Paper 1 will be counted, provided the candidate has 33 percent marks in Paper 2. (Pattern from 2015)
Will there be an individual cut-off for two papers in Civil Service Prelims?
The minimum cut-off mark for Paper 2 is 33 per cent. The Commission may fix a minimum cut-off mark for Paper 1 too.
Will there be negative marks or different marks for Preliminary Questions?
There will be negative marking for incorrect answers for all questions except some of the questions where the negative marking will be inbuilt in the form of different marks being awarded to the most appropriate and not-so-appropriate answer for such questions.
Can you clarify some common doubts regarding the UPSC Civil Services Prelims Application?
Most of the doubts aspirants raise while filing Prelims application are discussed here.
What is the structure of the UPSC Civil Service Mains Exam? (Latest Pattern)
The Main Examination will consist of a written examination and an interview test. The written examination will consist of 9 papers of the conventional essay type. Two papers (out of 9) will be of qualifying in nature. Marks obtained for all the compulsory papers (Paper–I to Paper VII) and Marks obtained in the Interview for Personality Test will be counted for ranking. Read the UPSC Civil Services Exam syllabus to know more.
Which optional subject should I choose for UPSC Mains?
UPSC has given a list of around 50 optional subjects to choose from. Read our article ‘How to select IAS Mains optional subject?‘ for more details.
Which stream/subject should I choose for graduation to clear the UPSC exam?
Most of the questions in the general studies paper in Prelims and Mains are related to Humanities background. But it is neither necessary nor advisable to take Humanities as your graduation stream just to clear the UPSC exam. Graduation should be based on your taste – it can be humanities, science, engineering, literature or management. For graduation, select any stream you like to study for 3-4 years. You are free to choose any optional subject for UPSC Mains and it may not be the one you studied for graduation.
Will there be minimum qualifying marks for UPSC Mains Compulsory Papers?
The Commission has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination. For 2015, the minimum mark is 25% for the Indian language and English language. For GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4 the minimum mark expected is 10%.
Will UPSC deduct marks for bad handwriting?
If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him.
Can you clarify some common doubts regarding the UPSC Civil Services Mains Application (Detailed Application Form)?
Civil Service Mains Application Form (DAF) Checklist is given here.
What are the checklist items for the Mains Exam hall?
Main exam hall checklist is given here.
Can you provide a checklist for the candidates attending the UPSC interview?
Please read the article: Check List For The Candidates Attending UPSC Interview.
Will there be minimum qualifying marks for the UPSC Interview?
The interview will carry 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).
If the overall marks of two or more candidates are equal, how is the relative merit between such candidates decided?
The principles for tie-breaking in various exams conducted by UPSC are explained in the linked post. PS: You may also browse the whole FAQ on the UPSC website by clicking on the link.
Can candidates use calculators in the UPSC Civil Services Exam?
Not for the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam. But candidates will be allowed the use of Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators at the conventional (Essay) type examination of UPSC, ie Mains Exam. Programmable type calculators will however not be allowed and the use of such calculators shall be tantamount to resorting to unfair means by the candidates. Loaning or interchanging of calculators in the Examination Hall is not permitted. It is also important to note that candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type papers (Test Booklets). They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.
How to download the UPSC Hall Ticket?
Can you brief me about the other exams conducted by UPSC apart from the Civil Services Exam? What are the exam dates?
Check our article on UPSC.
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We are happy to guide you.
You can call or ping (Whatsapp) at any of the below phone numbers to talk to our mentors:
- 9656621000
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If you wish to connect through email, you can email us at [email protected].
We will get back as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: Though every effort is made from our end to keep the details up to date, due to frequent changes in syllabus or pattern, the actual data might be different. Candidates are always advised to cross-check the information given on this website with the official UPSC website, ie
Once I pass the prelim, i appeared for the Main, but i could not pass the Main. Next year is it necessary to pass the Prelim before appearing for Main?
For upsc engineering service exam 2019. It is categorized that 4 department.. it does not have electronics and communication engineering .. I belongs to ECE.. can I apply for this exam.. please clear my doubt…
Yes. You will again have to appear for UPSC Prelims. This whole series ofexam is one process.
can i carry on with any of my business (personal) after being selected for an IPS officer post ?
As per the rules and guidelines you cannot do any other business.
Sir… I have completed my degree in ( computers ).
There is a column in upsc application form regarding ” select your degree subject in graduation “.I am confused what to choose in that column. Can you please help me in choosing this column.
My email id is [email protected]
Is there any physical or health requirements(height , eye sight etc) for appearing for civil services examination.
I am a Graduate with Economics, Political Science and English(Elective). In the UPSC online form of CSE 2015(preliminary), there is a column regarding “Select you degree subject in Graduation.” Can anybody please guide me which subject i should fill. There is another option in the list i.e. “others”. My email id is [email protected]
i passed class 12 wid non med. want to be an ias officer . confused ….
what to choose bsc hons in physics, chem., stat ,comp. science or or anything else and have equal interest in all sobjects…
I just finished my graduation..with 62% in hindi medium.. Although I studied in correspondence manner (private) no tution and guidence just book and me.. I got good marks in public administration and political science and average marks in English literature.. So which subject is good for me to select in I. A. S mains exam.. Please.. Help me
I am a science student with subjects phsics,chemistry and biology…ihv studied mathematics till 11th std…bt I dropped maths in 12th n took I eligible for upsc examination
yes you can
Could i apply for ias if im graduated from forign university
No. Only UGC mentioned universities.
can a dual degree student from IIT Bombay apply for UPSC after completing Third Year (6th Semester)?
how should i prepare for ias . i am studying civil engg. at nitw .2nd year
@Anand: Get some books for UPSC exams, read our online study materials and take ClearIAS online mock tests for Prelims. You may start from our post on UPSC exam guidance.
Hello sir
I am Randhir and I want your help regarding my career like suggestions or tips.. sir I am a student of 12th (I.Sc.) I want to say that..from last 3 years, till now i am in 12th class because I am unable to pass in one subject in these 3 years and right now I have so much tension and I am in depression that till now I am unable to do some good in 12th
Actually sir I am very interested to study but I am in depression. Sir please help me because I want to beacome an IAS officer after graduation.
And right now I am thinking to start the preparation for UPSC exam but till now I am in 12th
Which subject you are not able to pass?
Which monthly magazine is more useful pratiyogta darpan or chronicles?
Please suggest me.
Sir i want ask u i am study english medium but my english week and storng my hindi subject if main exam choice hindi so that what can write main exam in hindi english is my good but meaning problems and hindi my better subject
sir i am confused for mains exam as I well know Marathi language and also I well understand history and geography in Marathi but gk as well as general science in English so if I choose English language then which paper I written in English and which In Marathi
Umer Farook. T. S.
Respected sir,
Please help me to know that is it possible for a person who has been completed his bachelor degree in the style of distance education can apply to take part in the civil service examination ?.
Expecting your kind reply
Sir I graduated with physics honours. Math and chemistry are subsidiaries.
Can i choose history and phycology as optional subject fot IAS exam
Please tell , when will we notified about cse 2016 syllabus and changes in pattern ?
Sir,my honours percentage is 59.25% and my overall percentage is 58.275% but I have one supplie in pass course(1st Year) which is not cleared. Am I eligible for Civil Service exams?
My DOB is 28-4-1997 , when i can give first attempt for IAS exam??Plz tell m…
Hello Sir,
I just wanted to know when will we get notification regarding upsc exam if I wanted to take up exam in 2016. Pls clarify
Kya hum hindi mai ias ka exam de sakte hai pre aur mains dono
sir I like to become an IAS officer but now i am studying,(agriculture) i need a study materials to get good grade in upsc exam
i like to become an IAS officer i need study materials to score good grade
Hello sir
Am a fresher i have planned to prepare for upsc exams. But i have zero knowledge about history geography n sociology. What should i do. By reading books can i gain knowledge in this area. If so suggests me some good books.
@Soumya: Get some books for UPSC exams, read our online study materials and take ClearIAS online mock tests for Prelims. You may start from our post on UPSC exam guidance.
Sir I hardly get 3 hrs after my coaching,please tell me what to cover in these 3 hrs??? . I will write my first prelims in 15-16 that’s next year.
I am 29years old.Now I am working as asst. Prof. In govt. B.ed college. My educational qualifications are and M.ed .I never have tried to any competitive exam.For me,at this age,can I prepare me for IAS.please reply
Which subjects are nessesaey to be an IAS?
Sir im a dental student pursuing my final year.So my querie is if I will be able to prepare the syllabus on my own or should i go for coaching.Please guide email id is [email protected]
It depends on your preference. If you join a coaching institute, do some research on the same before joining.
Sir i am asking one question if i opt hindi medium and write all paper in hindi language except optional paper. Is it possible sir??
Please clarify sir.
Sir I my graduation in civil engineering which is in English medium but I want to take Hindi medium in remain 7 paper of GS that is possible, what can I do
You guys are doing a pretty good job. The app is really good. Contains everything from the ncerts stuff to the reference books,from the prelims to the interviews which is helpful and motivating too.
I’ve a small question the answer to which i haven’t found anywhere.
I’m an aspirant (currently final year B. E.) and will take up the exam in 2017 for which I’ve already started preparing but the problem is I’m having a tattoo on my left forearm (inner part). Will i be eligible for the non tech based jobs in civil services (IAS, IRS, etc)? And if i remove the tattoo will it make a difference? Apart from the army based jobs no where in the medical instructions manual it is mentioned. So it would be appreciated if you can help me in this.
My name is Meenakshi, and I want to give UPSC exam however just have below queries.
1. I belong to ST cast (Maharashtra)however i got married to an open caste person so can i claim under ST caste quota?
2. I am officially not divorcee but staying separate from him from the last 1.5 year, i just have marriage certificate , name change gazette copy & rest of the documents are in my maiden name. so can i fill up the the form as unmarried ?
3.I have logged the DVA & IPC 498 A case against my spouse and in-laws so will that be a problem for UPSC?
Call me 79 8964 7007 …I’m also confused mam
Is there any negative marks in this exam.. if yes how it is calculated in prelim,mains and interview ?
Dates of prelims
2 papers ?
Dates of mains
9 papers ?
Is there any gap between each papers or conducted one by one without days gap ?
please clarify my doubt …
Fee structure for
1. sc/st
Sir, I am doing Btech (CSE), there are no options for CSE students in syllabus,
can I apply for UPSC..
does flat foot and titanium plate in my face matter for ips??
my birthday is on 3rd aug 1995,but the rules says 21 years must be completed before or on 1aug 2016 for appearing in CSE2016. so i am not able to sit next there any rules of relaxing dates of minimum age limit.
Hello sir/mam i,m deepanshu. I have an aim that after my +2 i will going to choose iit stream. Then after it in going through my syllabus of iit for 4years i will prepare for i.a.s right now i,m in 11th & in 10th i gotted 8.2 cgpa .may i am doing right planning sir/mam?
Which language should be suitable for fresh graduate candidate to preparation of I.A.S Exam.
Why are the new ncert books preferred over the old ones for UPSC preparation ? Or do we have to study only History from old and rest from the new?
Can an aspirant give interview in the regional language for INDIAN FOREST SERVICE exam ????
Are pre-final year engineering students eligible for UPSC exam ??
Isnt there an IT as an optional subject?
I want this app in Hindi
Can I get
@jyoti: That would take some time.
Sir. There are two optional subject or one. Whate sub i can take.plz guide.
@krishna kumar singh: One.
Sir, Im the son of second I dont have my father and first wife question is am i eligible for the IAS post and any other governtment post ?
Sir,i want to write the exam in english and give the interview in my regional language i.e this possible or I have to give the interview in english only.How much time and how many members interview takes.?
Can I prepare for UPSC while doing regular PG course without any coaching institute?
sir please tell me, i am a fresher aspirant. today, i tried to solve csat paper 2, but i knew only seven answer of 80, sir i am confused that in future can i complete 80 in august if i tried my best in this paper
Sir plz tell about the useful books name for Hindi Literature in Mains
Hi… doing BBA (bachelor of business administration) in IAS which subject can I choose…….?
iam doing 2nd year degree i can join for ias coaching
Yes ..for better preparation..till u graguted.ur age must be 21.
Sir in CS(mains) exam 2015, I’ve attempted all question in optional subject. So sir any problem is possiblm?!
Sir i completed my bca degree in correspondence , can i eligible for write ias exam
Sir I have been fined by a court for Rs. 2000 for drunk driving. Am I eligible for IAS
Am did my degree in open university after 10th STD without doing my 12th. Can I eligible for.writing ias exam.please reply me sir.
i am doing bsc(H) physics from DU.i am in 1st year i am in bit confsion ,i want to do upsc but also crack iit jam for msc .pls tell me what i have to do and how i have to do??
I want this app in hindi.
Is it possible or not.if it is not possible so what can i do for hindi medium notes. Plz answer me.
@Rashmi: At the moment our app is only in English, but we are sure that you would find it easy and simple. For Hindi medium students, we have compiled the list of useful Hindi books in this website.
sir Now I read in B.A. Part-1 (Geography) hons. and my age is 19 years.
so , Now What will I do for clear UPSC exams in first attampt.
………….Please suggest me………?
what is wrong with the hindi mediam aspirants prep…behind his unsucsses or less selection in comparision of english mediam aspirants
If i complete 10 th class in 2010 and 12 th class in 2013 but I Register B.SC 1st year exam 2015 and I will pass in 2018 can I applicable for give IAS Exam in 2018 pls sir help so that I can prepare well
sir ias interview me batch me number of candidates ate he
sir ias interview me upsc daily pe rbatch kitne candidates leti he
Is there any optional paper for civil service prelims.
I have completed my B.E. in Instrumentation and Control. I want to apply for Engineering Services Examination (ESE). I want to know that can I apply for exam in Electronic and Communication Branch.
Last date of Apllication is 25/3/2016. Kindly revert back as soon as possible.
Thank You
My mail Id: [email protected]
is hindi a compulsory paper for every one appearing the mains exam?
Hi, it took 8 years to pass my degree due to my careless and with some reason. I have started to work from 8 years onward. I have realized Now i am planing to prepare civil service exam. Whether any problem arise with my degree in exam selection.
@Rafi: No.
Sir, I have sight -10 and -13 with vision 6/18 and 6/24. My friends told me that there is some reservation for low vision. I couldnt understand the criteria clearly. Can u please tell me whether I’ll come under that category or not. If so , can u tell me what all I should have to submit along with the application. Thank u.
@Siva, can you check the 2015 UPSC Prelims notification link or gazette? A search on or google will get you that. Details of reservations will be specified in the notification. Do let us know if you face difficulties. All the best!
kindly direct me whether i can appear in IAS all exam papers in hindi???
Sir, am finish B.A History in courses so can I write IAS EXAM
Right or wrong ah sir
sir i m a student of electronics and communication branch, m i eligible for IAS examination? please tell me the link from where i can download the optional subject syllabus…
Sir, can I give upsc main exam of optional subject in english and other general studies paper in Hindi, plz sir suggest me
this is very helpfull.But I have a question.I am a third year student.I dont have any backlog.But in my 2nd year exam I have passed with 2 grace marks.Am I eligible for IAS examination?And if I am,then will it affect my selection in IAS exam?
if a person dont know about generl knowledge can he / she cover up the syllabus for ips if the aspirant is dedicated to it
Can I attempt IAS prelims in 2016 if my DOB is 07-08-1995(7th august) and I am in my final year of graduation.
Sir i m pursuing b.a.ll.b. course of 5 years can i apply for ias exam on basis of my after 3 years .is it be equivalent to graduation degree..sir plz reply i belong to rural area and face lack of guidance…need ur help…
Sir i have degree but sone problem i clear in 5 year so can i able to prepare for upsc i mean this case not created problem in interview or document verification period
I am in B.A part 1(English honours)
from where I can start my preparation for I.A.S?
how is this book for GS (prelis)
Respected mam/sir,
I am applying for UPSC
should I write my matriculation name or name after marriage
Or to attest marriage certificate?
Pls answer me..
hi sir ,
i just want to clear my doubts
in main exam there is paper on indian language as a qualifying paper we have to answer the paper in that language or which we have preferred for gs and other paper.
Sir… I have completed my degree in .
There is a column in upsc application form regarding ” select your degree subject in graduation “.I am confused what to choose in that column. Can you please help me in choosing this column.
My email [email protected]
Sir,can I appear in ias exam during final year and what if I had already failed in few subjects in first or second year
sir,……… i am now in 3 year of last stage till may, but my 4th year starts in july 2016 can i appear in ias prelims in august 2016 ?
plzz answer i have to apply
with regards
sir is any physically standard like {eyesight} for ips?? and 2nd is that why engineering student make good rank or simple graduate nt?
Sir , I have applied Mathematics for prelims 2016 on my optional paper 1 . Now I am getting tension in Mathematics whether will I pass or fail . Is there any option to change the subject Mathematics in Optional Paper 1 at before the Prelims Exam 2016 ?
There is no option to edit the application. But the below details from UPSC notification should give you the clue: “The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher RID is complete in all respects like applicants’ details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the applications with higher RID (Registration ID) shall be entertained.”
Sir,can I appear in ias exam during final year and what if I had already failed in few subjects in first or second year
I did my graduation in engineering from Bristol university, UK. It was a 3 years course. Am i eligible for the examination? Will degree from the university and the transcripts be satisfactory proof for the commission? (Also i will not be awarded an equivalence certificate by AIU as its a 3 years course) Hoping for a quick response. Thank you.
Sir , I have applied for Civils and IFS 2016 . I want to apply again because there are some mistakes occurred while applying ( i.e , change in Optional Paper 1 ) . I want to apply Civils and IFS for the second time sir . My question is if I apply civils and IFS for the second time then which one will be counted Whether first or second ? Please reply me sir , I am getting Tension .
Sir , I have applied for Civils and IFS 2016 . I want to apply again for Civils and IFS because there are some mistakes occurred while applying ( i.e., change in Optional Paper 1 ) . I want to apply for Civils and IFS for the second Time sir . My question is if I have applied for Civils and IFS for the second time then which one will be counted Whether first or Second ? Please remember me Sir , I am getting Tension ?
Where is the IAS exam centre
Sir , I have applied for Civils and IFS 2016 . I want to apply again for Civils and IFS because there are some mistakes occurred while applying ( i.e., change in Optional Paper 1 ) . I want to apply for Civils and IFS for the second Time sir . My question is if I have applied for Civils and IFS for the second time then which one will be counted Whether first or Second ?
I hve completed my bachelor degree ad doing my PG degree from last year but now I have supply in my previous exam. Should i eligible for this exam .or else 1stly complete my PG degree ????
Does it matters ???
I want to apply in 2017 but a also have supply exam .. Plzz tell me what to do
Please suggest person who have three kids are eligible or not for upsc exam
hiv+ person is eligible for ias or not
please reply me with detail
Sir , I have applied for Civils and IFS 2016 . I want to apply again for Civils and IFS because there are some mistakes occurred while applying ( i.e., change in Optional Paper 1 ) . . I want to apply for Civils and IFS for the second Time sir . My question is if I have applied for Civils and IFS for the second time then which one will be counted Whether first or Second ?
Can i choose the same optional subject for paper1 and paper 2 of ias mains?
I intent to chose electrical engineering,so can i chose it for both paper1& paper 2?
in the 2016 ias application form ,what finished students has to fill , reply soon
sir , what is the eye sight limit for IAS exam?
Is it necessary to mention the post for which one wants to appear in the exam??
I’ve completed my 12th this year and will be perusing my B.A. Degree for next 3 years doing political science.
I’m confused as I’ve no clue where to start from and what to do. I read everything that is necessary
Shall I start preparing from now(I.e after 12th) or from completing my graduation. Please reply
Respected ClearIas,
sir, i’am planning to give UPSC in 2017 that means, i have 15 months ‘in my hand, but sir i don’t know where to start ..should i go for NCERT’s first or directly on specified book for cracking IAS..plz suggest me how to start, n how much time should be given for particular subject..I’am Bsc(IT) graduate..which wuld be a best optional subject for me…plz Baba suggest me a good strategy with proper study materials and proper routine..i will follow this coz..15 months is enough to crack any Toughest EXAM.. waiting for ur valuable revert…
@Ashish: We suggest you start with NCERTs and then move to specialized books like Laxmikanth. Also, enroll for ClearIAS prelims test series. That would ensure that you are on right track for Prelims, and help you learn faster. Browse our mains test series archives – that would give you correct direction for mains. Refer our free online study materials which present difficult concepts in an easy to understand format. Our approach is more about equipping our readers to self-study. As there are a plethora of materials available online and offline, we always try not to overburden our students, with unnecessary things. The mantra is to learn right!
Thank you very much ClearIAS Team, for clarifying my doubts…
Now i am in delhi so when i applied for civil service exam i have choosen delhi as centre. Is there any chance to change the centre for mains???
One way to change this is by re-applying. But before doing this should check the same with UPSC.
When apply for upsc civil exam optional subject option shows only one subject how to choose two subject ? I select the option Mech engg do not select the second subject is there any problem.
You need to select only one subject. There are two papers for one subject. That’s all.
is there any discrimination on the basis of cast or religion in final results of cse? bcoz i heart about it
I have failed in 12th maths…..but have 78% overall…
Can I give upse exam
sir, i got 5 years btech degree instead of 4 years ; iam 22 years old ;
am i eligible for civils?? will i get any problem @interview room??
please reply me sir….
Not a problem Ganesh.
is there any way to change the optional subject? sir
is there any way to change the optional subject after submission of prelim online application? sir.,
I have done UPSC CSP exam in 2009, 2011 and the last one is 2012. I am a General Category candidate. Can I go for this time or will I preserve a chance for 2017 with a complete preparation. I am a MCA background student and I am trying for banking as well.
What is your age? How many attempts left?
Hi, My mail id is ” [email protected] “, Please mail me, I need some inputs from you. Thanks in advance.
Hello sir, I am giving exam of an Education because I have a failed in BA(Program) iii yr last year. Sir, is it important to graduate in any one specialized subject. I am 30 yrs old and sc. Can I appear for the exam. Suggest me sir, how can I appear for the exam and I will really work hard.
Get the graduation as early as possible. You have still years and chances left. Be positive. Work hard.
There are 6 chances for IAS and IFS(indian forest service) each..but prelim exam is my dubt is , i ve filled up IFos form this time 2016 but not IAS 2016 ,so 6 chances for ias exam will be unchanged or not ,i mean it ll reduce to 5 ???????
sir..i want to choose optional subjects from geography,maths,telugu literature.but i studied telugu upto my 10 th so i am good in telugu. i studied iam good in plz help me to choose which suits best for me…plz
dear sir / mam ,
I am in the third year of my graduation by having political science as my honours subject . I don’t think that, I am an average student but my academic background justifies me just opposite of my thinkings .
My English is ook , but not up to that level of the required perfection to write my answers in the mains , also I have not been studying my honours sub in the required manner , just due to some carelessness . will that be possible for me to crack upsc , if I start my sincere preparation from now onwards ?
In total the damn reality is that ,
I am a fresher right now !!!
plzz suggest me ……..
on what path should I go through
??????………..confused regarding my confidence and performance …..
Hello, I am Rohan Gupta and I want to prepare for CSE. I am confused about the optional subject to take as I had completed my b-tech in mechanical but have low interest in mechanical. So please anybody guide me for optional subject which can be easy and interesting for a person having mechanical engineering background.
Sir I have passed my12th class very bad % because of my Heath problems and some disease is now I m good student in university now can I apply for Coching .12class % is important for upsc IAS or other Indian services …plez suggests I m very confused about this matter…. Plezzz reply fast
Please tell only 33% marks enough (gs paper -2 …preliminary) to qualifying in upsc mains or more number needed?
Sir i have complete my degree in correspondent iam in indian para-military force from before 10 years.can i apply for IPS? and degree marks would counted for IPS exam result merit list?
Please tell me sir…
Is the prelims questions for IFS (Indian Forest Service) and IAS same? Please clarify my doubt. Thankyou.
height(minimum) for IAS and IFS
Hello Sir
I am a btech (cse) fresher I would like u to guide me what I should do after my 4 yrs of engg. for the preparation of UPSC examination. I am a student of pure science and I have got no idea of what subjects are required and how to go about it . Please Sir I request you to guide me and help me out with the right directions.
Hi, I am also searching for those guidance, If I get any support I will let you know, the same If you get any support regarding preparation please let me know.
My Name is Karthik.
Mob : 8122710092
Mail : [email protected]
Jyoti as you know prelims is same for all.but yes for mains you can opt a suitable subject like subject from your engg. Or you can opt any option according to your liking . Mostly students preparing with public administration and sociology and geography is also a good option and and all other topics is same for all so be ready and work hard. For any queries contact on email
[email protected]
Is the students, completed degree through distant education(KSOU) without PUC eligible for IAS, 1st class pass in graduation kindly reply.
It takes 1 year for me to become a graduate.Can I write preliminaryexam with out a graduation certificate??
i am the commerce student .and i am chosing the commerce and accounting optional subject and i’m confuse that calculator is allow in the main examination hall or not
plz reply me as possible as.
I have sumit my for for Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer vacancy and also submit the fee RS 25/- transaction id is IKB5974760.. but due to website issue i was not able to submit the form with photo & Signature uploading.. Please help me to resolve this issue. Am i able to take the test or not ?
If my form not submit then please return the money deposit to you.
or if you required the photo and signature then i can share with you.
sir,actually i have cleared from english medium.. and now i’ m preparing for upsc..i want know,can i use my regional language(gujarati) for writing in upsc main??
Hi sir i have passed my 12 from icse board but with less % marks so due to which i cannot make admission in du or other reputated after doing ba honors political science from lovely professional University am i eligible for cse….
If we apply IAS Prelims exam for 2 times in the same year 2016 ( Due to mistake occurred in Optional subjects ) . Then which application will be counted for IAS Prelims Exam 2016 , whether 1st application or 2nd application ?
Sir i want to give exam in Gujarati language in main exam, what will the medium of question paper, it will be in gujarati language or in hindi or eng?
1)if one person applied for ias exam and he just missed the interview can that candidate can change his optional for next time .is it ok with board
2)another question is can that candidate can change his details for the next time he apply for exam in his biodata is it ok with the board
sir I am 17 now,passed 12th, and want to prepare for IAS, is distance graduation helps me or not?
sir whether we can use calculator in upsc mains for mathematics?
Yes, for UPSC mains.
Sir I am coming from poor family and my education all completed in kannada medium,but I want Clear IAS exam its my dream but how,I don’t no sir please educate me..
Sir,is the prelims exam online or offline
I’m not very good in English so can I score well even after poor English
Sir ; I dno knw hw to start study ;I studying 4th yr engineering ;say some tips hw to start IAS preparation?
i have joined cds but I want tobe a ias officer ……
can i leave combined defence service(cds). please gide me….
Is it that the degree of graduation from distance are valued less than the degree from the regular classes program.
sir my age is 16/06/1986 can i qualify 2018 upsc examination i have completed 4 attempt
can i give this exam before completing graduation i mean in my final year(im btech 4 year student)
Hello Sir/Madam,
I have done my B. A (HONS.) POL SCIENCE (Aggregate : 56.29%) in Nov-Dec 2015. but I’m an Ex-Student and now I wanna be an IAS officer. so Sir plz, tell to me Can I apply for this post ‘or’ Not and also i wanna do Crack it According do Hindi Medium and I am going to Join ALS* Hindi Medium Coaching center so its will be good for me & If I am from POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT so which Optional Subject will be better for me (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ‘or’ POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS),
According to Self-Struggle i can Crack this exam. But, How and Which Kind of Syllabus I can follow and Book I can Read.
Please Sir/Madam, Do the consider on my request.
Thank you.
I don’t knw any regional language
Respected Sir / Madam,
Recently I heard that those who studies English Literature (B.A / M.A) cannot apply / attend Civil Services Examination. Is this correct ? Please send me a reply.
Sir,i will be applying for ias exams next year.My query to you is in the online application form it is mentioned that we have to write the name as mentioned in 10th certificate and my sirname has changed and my 12th and degree certificates to contain my old sirname.So when i will be filling my form next year should i write my old sirname or my new sirname?If i have to write my old sirname ,can i change it at a later stage and how?Please reply sir its urgent.
if your problem related ( name chane ) solved then call me because i am also face this problem my contact no. 9867324862 &
ur call can solve my problem
sir i have completed all my child education in English medium now i am facing a problem that i am very weak in my mother tongue ( Telugu ). So is there any solution for this problem. but i am very good English.
I have applied for NDA and written will be held on 18 Sep 2016 at Chandigarh. However I am the student of Engg 1st year at NIT Allahabad and 1st half semester exam will be held from 19-26 Sep 2016. May I change my centre from Chandigarh to Allahabad. If yes then what is the procedure?
Dear Sir,
May I change my centre from Chandigarh to Allahabad for NDA written exam scheduled to be held on 18 Sep 2016. If yes then what is the procedure?
sir nw I m pursuing bsc degree in PCB subjects further I want to appear for upsc exams,so can I appear for upsc exam keeping my main subject as botany or zoology..plz guide me I m little confused about dis..and I come under general category so how many times can I appear for upsc exams..plz guide me sir….
My Eyesight is -0.50 . And I Use glass. Am I eligible for IPS ? Plz. Reply me Sir.
Dear sir/madam
I had completed my intermediate with biology, chemistry, physics. As now i am deciding to prepare for upsc. I have known that to appear upsc exam i have to complete graduation. My query is that can i complete my graduation by taking it in distance learning or regular. Is there any further complications if i complete my graduation in distance learning. Please suggest me on this.
Can I appear in IAS exam after graduation, I passed my 12th by supplementary in one subject
Sir ,
What is the strategy for aptitude portion CSAT
My birth date is 21/07/1997 . Can I appear in the IAS examination of 2018 ??
You must reach 21 yrs while attempt exam. I think, If you complete 21 yrs on the Last date of submitting Prelims form then you can fill up.
Yes you can give attempt in 2018. Upsc demand that your age should be 21 on every year on according to 1St August. So be ready and do work hard.for any query ask question on email
[email protected]
Is it IAS,IPS,IRS,ITS is allotted in rank basis or choice of candidate basis.In civil service exam on which stage these different services are allotted and what is the base…
Dear Sir,
I am persuing B.Sc. in final year and want to crack upsc exam in my first attempt.I also know very well that I can do it but the main problem is that I am from hindi medium and haven’t good at english as it required.
So please tell me how can I come over this within limited time as I have.
I m appearing final yr canditate of graduation BSc …i read somewhere that if one qualifies for mains they have 2 shw original document wt about appearing canditate of bsc ..if they qualify for mains ..will i be able 2 sit in mains ..and wt document needed to shw for appearing canditate and when to show???????
if a person from reserved category apply through general category if he completed his 6 attempts then can he will get the benefits of reserve category for further attempts.
Is it possible to clear upsc within one year
Sir am a delhi university s.o.l final yr student And my english is very poor.
Can I apply for ias exam.
sir i planning to do actuarial science. can i give ias exam after doing actuarial science
prelims and mains should write in English but i should write essay only in kannada. can I write?
Civil ke Prelims me jo II Paper hota hai
Or usme jo math aata hai
Kya vo SSC ke math ki hi tarah hota hai
Ya alag hota hai
Can I write cs main exam’s general studies all paper in odia language ?
i can’t get enough space to write my full name as described in HSC marks sheet,when i try to fill up upsc civil services exam ,so what is solution ?
Can I still apply for Civil Services exam,If there was accident with me in Past? one arm affected that time but now its good.
I have entered first priority as IMA and fourth as OTA as I am commerce student and doesnot qualify for Naval and Air force. Can you please tell me whether I will be elgible for OTA or not if I didnot take the Elementary Mathematics examination on the day of examination
Sir If a candidate clear its cse prelims & main but its height is less than the criteria then is that candidate eligible or not for the interview or if that candidate is eligible for interview & clear the interview then is that person eligible for ips
1) if i choose to give mains in gujarati then would question paper comes in that language ?..
2) if i choose to give mains in gujarati and for optional subject in english language..then would it be ok?.
Plz reply just these two doubts are left
Hello Sir,
I am currently working as an IT Professional in an MNC company, I am doing my Masters in distance, is that possible to take the UPSC after Master degree in regular or in distance. I heard that post-grad is not that necessary for taking CSE exam. Please help me out with this.
I am 25 year old. Is there benefit to prepare cse because if in 2018 cse exam the upper age limit become 26 year then i am not eligible for cse?
hello !
i am jai ..
mei 10th fail hu aur 12th kiya nahi hei ..
but baba saheb ambedakar open university mei (B.A.O.U.) Mei T.Y.B.A. kar raha hoo.
to inshort graduation is complitt without 10+2 .
to mei upsc mei civil service ke liye appear apply kar sakta hoon ?
May i take bio with eng in ias exams
Sir I am in 5th sem ,exam of which held in December, and in may exam of last semester i.e.6th semester will be held. My result will be declared in june-july. Now sir tell me if ,now, i can apply for IAS oe other civil exam or not? Plz reply me also on WhatsApp if u can.
My number is 9915447737
Sir can i give upsc civil service exam in my mother tongue gujrati ? can i write paper GS 1 GS2 GS3 GS4 paper and optional subject paper in gujarati ?
Can one join OXFORD university after clearing upsc cse exam. What are the rules for it?
hello, i need to ask that is it possible to clear ias exams without coachings and along with job? please help and provide me with perfect guidance
Sir mera question H ki kya main general studies me history geography and civics kkk Hindi me lekk sakta hu aur optional paper kkk English
Sir kya hum exam nd interview hindi me de sakte h?????
Sir first of all I want to thanks for your remarkable job ……
Sir if a person suffering from colour blindness then he can apply for CSE examination.
Please help sir
Sir can i get my IAS main exam’s original question paper to my home.?
I had applied in 2016 IAS, but not included in the test . And I want apply in 2017 ,it would be my first attempt or second attempt.
Hii.Im selling ias books at half price except Pub ad anyone willing to buy can contact me @ 9791667829
Sorry it’s not for half price bcoz all are new books.If anyone interested can contact.
My left thumb has two fingers.Is there any problem in qualifying the IPS test?
sir i am very bad in physics and chemistry but i am good in other subjects.So i want to ask can i able to choose maths and english to qualify for UPSC.
Sir I have doubt which type copy use in IAS mains exam.because I have problem write in white copy.I write always in one line or Hindi copy.please sir clear my doubt.because I start practice write in white copy.
I am serving in the Prestigious Indian Army as a Junior Commissioned Officer. I have completed 21 years of service. I am 41 yrs Old. Should I apply for any IAS or IPS exam ? give me reply please. i am graduate for history Hons (2nd class)
If your category permits an attempt, you should definitely try civil services. Check your eligibility here:
sir please help
sir me computer science ka student hoon mera dream hai ias so maine abhi se hi tyaari start kar di hai clear ias is best to support in my preparation but ik question disturb kar rha ki mera 8th semester june 2019 me khatam hoga or result approximately october november tak aayega kya me 2019 k liye eligible hoon upsc pre and mains sir please tell in detail in hindi
in my email address
महोदय जी,
क्या यह संभव है की अध्यन सामग्री हिंदी मैं उपलब्ध हो जाये?
राम सेवक
sir mujhe IAS me admision lene ke liye kab v kya ,kese aavedan karna hota hai
I am doing m.pharma. I want to do give exam of issues and preparations for ias. Can I do this? And what type of strategy will be follow
Please guide me the correct
Which one to choose for preliminary general studies package
Before Prelims I am 2nd yrs After Prelims I am 3rd yrs BA 2017-18 appering Can I give upsc Main And Interview Pls Tell Me Fast
Hi ,
My uncle son studied primary school (4 years of study ) in the USA and rest he studied in India including Degree, so he want to take UPSC exam, I would like to know whether he will meet criteria to attend UPSC exam.
Sir, I heard that language is not a barrier in UPSC Civil Services Examination. I am from Gujarat.
I wanted to give answers in mains examination in Gujarati language. So is it possible to give all papers of mains attempt in Gujarati accept English paper which is only qualifying in nature? I am taking about GS-1 to 4 papers and Essay paper. I don’t know what the rules are. Waiting for your reply sir.
hi sir, i am studing
i was detained in
again i continue my enginnering
after completing my
am i eligble for writing civils exam?
Sir i am not able to write correct english but my medium is english . How will i be able to write in english
Hi Vikas,
I don’t have any idea about your background, so I am not going to say anything about you. But if you don’t want to write in English, then first you should check if you can change your medium of examination from the website of UPSC. Otherwise, remember that you have the time of more than 6 months and I think it is long enough period to improve your English writing skill. You should start writing something in English and keep it on until you get a confident. Remember that practice is what which make everything possible to you. You must have heard the dialogues of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan in KBC “Sikhana bandh toh jitana bandh”. So if you utilize your time in proper way, then there will be nothing away from you. You can get whatever you want.
If you need any help from me in writing in English, you can contact me @[email protected].
Feel free to contact.
Good morning sir…… Myself prabhudh. I am preparing for upsc IPS exam. Sir I joined army in 2005 but I left after 4 months without information. I wanted to know that this will created any problem in future for IPS? Please help me sir.
sir, i had pcb in 12th class and i had pass out in 2013. i was preparing for medical now i cant due to neet rules changed. Will there be any problem in selection. AND PLZ SUGGEST ME FROM WHICH SUBJECT I MUST DO HONOURS IN B.A. I HAD SEARCHED A LOT BUT DIDN”T FIND MY ANSWER PLZ HELP.
Sir please tell that. Without any degrees we write this exams
Hi Manovidhya,
If you are interested in just writing this examination then it’s OK. In your case you can write for prelims and mains. But while filling up the application form you will have to mention about you graduation degree. I think it is not a good idea. Remaining decision is up to you.
I am from science stream so I want to know that is there any change in syllabus of upsc or not means that the percantage of art subjects decrease or not
Sirr m doing btch in civil engineering …… And m not started prepairing for thisss ….. Plzzz hlp me to prepare for disss give me some tipsss ….
sir I’m a distant education student and I’m going to write my final year exams in December of 2018. am I eligible to appear for civils in 2018 as I can get my certificates of my degree before interview itself……plzz.. help me wid this confusion
sir i’ve one doubt, if i qualify prelims then can i change my language medium for paper 1 to paper 7 ?
No. You can’t do this.
Sir ,my father and mother are group c workers,state government and income is above 6lakh ,so I have to compete in gm category now .1yr later my father gets retired,parents income comes below 6 lakh ,suppose I make next attempt whether I have to compete in gm category or can I compete in obc category?I am writing upsc exam
I am going to apply for civil service exam next year.I had changed my name after 10th.Now my new name is in 12th,degree certificates and aadhar card.If old name(which is in 10th certificate) or new name fill in the application form.I’m confused.Plz reply
if your problem related ( name chane ) solved then call me because i am also face this problem my contact no. 9867324862 &
ur call can solve my problem
Sir I have one problem regarding caste
If obc certificate is not there ,what I m doing for premlinary examination because my caste is under obc. So plz reply sir
Hi Sapana,
you are supposed to produce the OBC certificate anyhow if you want to get all the facilities available for OBC candidates. If you fail to produce the same, you will be considered as an aspirant of general category. Refer to the notifications released by UPSC.
For which examination you like to be considered …CIVIL SERVICES OR IFS?
Hi Shau,
You are being asked about the examination which you are applying for.
respected sir
i was appeard in upsc pre exam
in 2010 11 12 14 15 & 16
i knew my 6 attemp is done
any possibility to appear in 2017 pre exam
for me ???
bcoz I was appeard in exam of 2011
my DOB-12/09/1986
Hello Bhupendra,
Since you are in general category, so no more chance is left for you because you also know that only SIX attempts are there for general category aspirants. You should think about some other options. If you need any help from me, you can contact me
Thank You.
I want to ask in which medium will be the prelim paper?
I choose marathi medium for mains so will the prelims papers will be in marathi medium?
Hi Snehal,
The question paper of prelims examination would be only in Hindi and English medium.
Sir,upsc ki full preparation ke liye kitna fee lagta hai (prelim+main) please guide me sir. ……….
i have taken french as my first language in 12th,
am i able to attend upsc exam
Sir, i have completed ME cse what qualification i have to select, Degree in engineering or something else
Hi Sir,
I have changed my name through Andhra pradesh gazette in 2015. All educational certificates ( SSC, Inter, Degree and PG) have old name. And all ID cards (Aadhaar, Voter ID, PAN, etc) have new name. Can I fill my new name in UPSC Civil Services (Preliminary) registration form. But in application, name field has the below note :
Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate.
Please suggest me.
Sir… I have completed my degree in BA( History polticalScience,Public Administration).
There is a column in upsc application form regarding ” select your degree subject in graduation “.I am confused what to choose in that column. Can you please help me in choosing this column.
Hello Sir,
My father’s first name is left in the 10th and 12th certificates, will it create problem during UPSC document verification ? School is not ready to help, Please show a way.
Can i fill up the upsc civil exam 2017 online form once again as i made a mistake in selecting the optional subject
Plz help me
Can anyone tell me this year upsc prelims is going online
Sir, I want to write the exam in Hindi medium with Mathematics as optional. But I have studied Mathematics in english medium. Can I write Mathematics using english even if I’ve opted hindi medium ?
I have applied for both civil and ifs exams. Is there any possibility both exams can occur at the same time?
Sir, I want to ask you that is there any class,notes,study material,test series available in Delhi for CIVIL ENGINEERING AS OPTIONAL SUBJECT IN UPSC MAINS.
Sir, last year i applied for UPSC CAPF AC 2016 and i did gave the examination, but this year i won’t be able to give the examination. Can i again apply for the same next year in 2018. Will it count to be my 2nd attempt or 3rd one ? there is also some age related issue, my date of birth is 20th dec 1989 but i do have my OBC certificate. i know that a OBC candidate can apply for 5 times but the real question is, if i skip one year, will i be able to give that exam with my previous registration number in the next year?
Sir. I m doing bsc with physics honars n I passed class 12 with 49percent n I got grace 4 marks in chemistry so aftr completing degree m I elligible to for ias exm.
Sir,i am a bba student.i am very much confused regarding i eligible for ias exams??please tell me..
sir, please guide me how to start and which books to refer for preparation of geography as pre-cum-mains approach?
i am economics graduate student, and asking your guidance just for pre and mains and not for optinal.
eagerly waiting for your response!! ☺
sir I have voice problem, so, am I able to IAS. I have great dream to become an IAS officer even since childhood
Is there any time table for online prelims test series
Sir I have little weakness in English but now I go to English class to increase my English knowledge. I will complete my degree in2019
can I write my exam in Tamil?
Where can I get Tamil study materials? If English knowledge is must how can I improve my English speaking translating skills?
Hello , I am preparing to give ias exam next year but i have a query as i will turn 21 in the month of September and as we know that exam will start in july/aug , so plz tell me that will i be eligible to give exam next year .
As per rules you should be 21 years old on 1st August,so you can’t give the exam.I also have the same situation
I am pursuing graduation in microbiology and I want to do IAS,there is no option of microbiology subjects in the syllabus.which subject should I choose??
Sir I have made reading The Hindu a habbit.Should I write down current affairs notes directly by myself from The Hindu or relying completely on the notes from this website and noting it down is enough ?while writing down directly from the newspaper their is a confusion of what and what not to note?
which magazines and journals should i read for prelims and mains preparation?
Hallo sir/madam,
I am 15 years old and I gave my exam of class 12 this year. I wanna become an ias officer. My birth month is September so I could not apply for upsc exam so I have at least 7 years for preparation but I have no idea what will I do in remaining 4 years after graduation. Please give me some idea.
Can a NRI write the UPSC exam?
Sir,I had changed my name after 10th…then I have to fill upsc form with new name or old name? Please help emailId is [email protected]
I am graduated in I have degree but I am fail in part 2 than iam eligible for upsc.
Hello ,
I Graduate With BE With Mech Branch and My Age Is 31 Years ( SC Category ). I want To Join IAS Coaching . I want to Know That Can I Clear The Exam.Is It Possible . If Yes Then How Many Time….Plz Suggest Me.. Plz..
Thank U
i am student B.A final my subject are(history , geography, sociology) plz give the guidence first which subject I study for prepared for u.p.s.c
hello beta
one question please say yes or no …my daughter 18th aug 1985 born is she eligible for next year 2018
Does she belong to the general category? If yes, as per the present age limits the answer is NO – as she will cross 32 years as on August 1. There is age relaxation for other categories.
My name is intentionally added to a criminal case and fir is charged. Now I am acquitted from the case. Last year I failed in mains. This time I am sure that I will pass mains. As I am acquitted from the case, whether UPSC will reject me or accept me for civil service
If you are acquitted, then there is no need to worry. UPSC will surely accept you. Start preparing well.
I need IAS study materialof civil engineering.
I am doing my 4th year BDS. Am I eligible for attending the IAS exam???
Sir what is the percentage criteria of graduation for indian forest service exam
Sir i m pass class 12 in science subject and i want to prepare ias exam, can i give upse exam
Is there option for chossing language hindi or english.
Can we exam in hindi medium.
Hello. I am in a big dilemma. From this year the exams are being to be conducted early. I want to appear in 2018 examinations but, the last date of form filling would be in march and going to be 21 in may and the candidates are supposed to be born before 1 august, so, am I eligible for 2018 examinations?
Hello. I am in a big dilemma. From this year the exams are being to be conducted early. I want to appear in 2018 examinations but, the last date of form filling would be in march and I am going to be 21 in may, i.e., my date of birth is 5 may 1997 and the candidates are supposed to be born before 1 august, so, am I eligible for 2018 examinations?
If a student is backlog in graduation then after they clear this back paper so the student can became a IAS officer
Hello Sir/Madam
I want to know that sir mene 10t and 12th private kia h and Graduation distance se kia h
Kya me IAS k liye eligible me hu
MERI schooling private h me eligible hu IAS k liye plz inform me
10th private kia h 12th private kia h graduation distance se h
Can we give exam in gujarati language in upsc mains?
Hello sir ,I am from Assam ,Can I take assamese literature as main optional subject ? I confused as I have to take assamese as qualifying paper in preliminary exam,please please reply
what are the basic books to be referred for preliminary exam
Which place is better preparation for IAS Delhi or Chennai???
Sir I am working in a private bank and I have surrendered my all my original educational certificates for a bond period of 3 years. But I want to write Upsc civil service exam then what should I do while document verification before interview.
I am a physics graduate and I want to give indian forest service exam .If i opted for ifs then my attempt will be conduct in upacara exam (for ias,is) or ifs??
sir beginners ke liye jo 5 books for better India de rakhi hai
kya Hindi me bhi online available hai
please reply and send link
Sir I’m agriculture student
I have passed intermediate with Hindi medium and in UG programme all the syllabus is in english.
So I am confused in taking the medium in my IAS exam
Dear sir
i am sachin i lost my 3 limbs in accident 2 legs and 1 arm but now i able to walk and able to write. can i able to attend UPSC exams? pls instruct me.
Sachin…Really appreciate your spirit and enthusiasm. The medical requirements for differently abled candidates are mentioned in the UPSC CSE Prelims notification. It will be also available in the Gazette. You may Google for previous year Prelims notification to see the medical standards. All the best!
Thank you so much sirr..clear ias is helping me n it is very usefull for me…bt i have little confusion about mains so plzzz guide me sir.. m from Gujarat n gujarati Medium student..sir mains me regional english n optional ke alwa jo 4 g.s pepars n eassay pepar can i write pepar in gujarati language???
Hi Team,
Kindly suggest me i was average student in my school and college, now i want preparation for civil services so how can i be regular for preparation.
Dear sir/ mam I have a very poor background in mathematics, so i wonder that student like me can write the upsc exam, please guide me,
sir/ ma’am any person can do upsc or ias after completing AMIE { associate institution member of engineer
Dear sir/mam,
Please tell me if I have once filled the form of civil services but I couldn’t have appeared in it.
So will it be counted as an attempt for me?
sir i am the student of 1st year of agriculture…my dream is to be a IAS. so plz advice me that should I go for prep after or from now !!
Which ncert is good for preparation old or new
Anyone old r new from 6-12th for understanding higher books
Sir in upsc cds online form, in religion box not showing Hindu what should I do
Please reply
sir i did b i eligible to write indian forest service.please reply
Respected Clear IAS
My question is . Can I clear UPSC without coaching because I can’t afford for tuition I have a financial problem and I need some tips for clearing Upsc without coaching. Plz reply sir I am waiting
Can I prepare here in hindi medium?
Sir if someone completed all attempts in upsc , didn’t get any rank ,then that person is eligible to teach classes with his own graduation,,are any degree courses are there???
I m a doctor, doing internship. I have qualified in upsc cms written test and have called for interview. I just started internship 2months back. And I m not a person who is always watching news, mainly because of lack of time. I have seen some of the mock upsc interviews. I m not aware how to prepare for the interview. And what all things or topics should I cover and how to prepare for upsc cms interview .so please help me…
Dear sir,
I am a B.A student. I had left my study after completing my M.A. in 2014. I was confused to choice right career. That’s why i am still jobless. I am a political science student. I am from West bengal. I belongs to bengali medium. After three years , i have decided to go for IAS exam. I wonder whether i can do it or not? Because those who are reading for IAS are far intelligent than me and also they are good in english.. Please guide me… which would be right for me?
मेरी ग्रेजुएशन 4 साल मे क्लियर हुई है क्या मे ias की इग्जाम दे सकता हु
I have started preparation for UPSC 2018 now in October.
So is it possible that i prepare from both NCERT books and reference books or should i stick to anyone of them?
If yes, then which one i should stick to? NCERT books or reference books?
Can I give all paper if IAS in Marathi language?
Sir, I’m little confused with my optional subject. Public administration or political science which one is the best for cse 2018?? I’m interested in both eqaully. Now a days, which is the best optional subject??
In Which Language We Can Write the IAS exams..?
any language which is recognised by govt of India but knowledge of English is must
can i give ias exam and iss exam both ??
i want to know about UPSC board of examination
when UPSC [ CSE ] start making question paper and when they will stop ?
I have completed my undergraduate course and I’m persuing L.L.B.
Can I apply for I.A.S???
Sir mai 2017 me BA 1 semester me admission liya to kya mai 2019 me ias Prelims exam de sakta hu
Plz help sir
Would a degree from Prayag Sangeet Samiti , Allahabad , in the field of Kathak ,be regarded appropriate to fill up the form for Civil Services Exam ?
Hii sir…I am moving to USA for 2 years because of my husband’s job.. Am I eligible for the exam after coming from USA ??. If I get NRI status am I eligible for exam??
If we choose Kannada as compulsory paper , so that we need write GS papers in English is it possible
is it right decision for ias coaching by immediate completion of graduation
Sir, my date of birth is 12-02-1981, SC candidate, am I eligible to attend the IAS Prelims 2018. Please suggest me
Hello sir i m a b-tech 1st year student. I want to become an ias officer. Plz tell me what strategy should i follow from now itself for better result in future…..
I will follow ur shedule…
Sir…gd mrng…
Sir I have a problem.. I filled up my form tomorrow.. but wrongly I filled that I M belongs to creamy layer..can any change be possible in this form..???
Yes, file a new application. UPSC considers the latest application. However, you will need to pay again.
This Tim very Few seats 782, I have Three More attempts in my Hand.
This Tim ,I’m thinking Whether to attend exam or not,bcz very few seats. The cutoff going to High
Next year will be more seats
What’s Ur opinion, Confusing
In upsc main how much qulifing mark in optional subjects
Hello Sir, I am Kapildev Behera from Odisha. Currently I lives in mumbai
and I have just started preparaing upsc. My query regarding correction of certficate. Sir my name is Kapildev Behera in 10th certificate but in B.Tech my name is written as Kapil Dev Behera due to misspelling. I have no middle name according to 10th certificate, what I do? I have already completed my degree now i am preparing for civil services. I googled a lot and asked to college sir after finished my degree but they told me it won’t be any problem in job for a gap in name. Any suggest sir ? Will I face any problem ?
My written language of upsc mains is Gujarati and i want to choose mathamatics as an optinal subject so in which language i must be write in my optional subject paper ? Because all book sources of mathematics are in English only and paper checker is also know English only so can I write my optional paper in English ?
I can attend the civil service exam this year without age relaxation .But when i submitted the application i claimed age relaxation .Is it cause any problem in future?
Respected Sir/Ma`am Please inform me that if I want to appear only for IFS 2018 since prelims is common for both. Does this will be counted in my attempts for UPSC or appearing only in IFS will not be included in attempts.
sir i applied for IFS exam during filling a form i put wrong exam centre ,now i want to change my exam centre ,so i request you please tell me how i change my exam centre and send feedback in my g-mail like [email protected]
Sir… i wanna to be an administrative officer but unfortunately and due to my family issues i didn’t done my 12th std alternatively i did diploma and completed B.E (Mech)….shall i apply for UPSC Civil Service (IPS). Guide me what to do now …… reply me as soon as possible..
[email protected]
I m fill the preliums form. I can get english language as mains. After preliums i can change the languages????
i am bad at mathematics can i skip numeracy portion in csat exam and focus on other potions …can then also i’ll be able to clear my gs paper 2?
should we read old editions of ncert books or the recent editions for preparation of upsc
sir can i choose both languages for exam like history,polity in hindi and physics,chemistry,maths in english……
I’ve backlogs in degree I couldn’t complete my graduation in one attempt… So is it possible for me to write upsc and …And whether it will effect in interview??!..Please help me out…
Hi, You can write UPSC exam once you complete graduation. That won’t be a problem in the interview.
Dear sir i have done and i wanna be an I A S officer. But i dont know how i start prepration help me
If somebody fails to reach examination centre in their first attempt .is that attempt will count or not???(for general)
Only if a candidate appears in the exam, that will be counted as an attempt.
I have scored only 53% in my graduation. Is it affect in upsc exam for selection
Sir what if I don’t produce my caste certificate at the time of documents verification of UPSC civils exam.
Will I be counted as General category candidate.
Sir i do 3 year Polytechnic diploma regular and also do 3 year degree private in same year 2010-2013. Do i apply for civil services exams?
Sir I have done my graduation but I am not done 12 because after 10 I go for diploma in electrical
I am eligible for IAS or not
can l appear upsc exam in gujrati ? and does upsc ask question in gujrati for gujrati mideum student??
Sir, me 2017 and 2018 dono years me upsc exam ke liye application submit ki thi bt preparation nahi hone ki wajah s. Mne 2017 ka preliminary exam nahi diya and is baar bhi preparation nahi h to me is baar bhi nahi de paugi to kya nest year 2019 mere upsc exam application submit karne and exam dene me koi problem to nahi hogi plz reply my question
Is Class 12 marks affects in clearing IAS
if then how much it required?
b.l.ed karne ke baad kya ias ke liye apply kar sakte hai
Dob-09/09/1987 gen cat ..may i elligible for ias 2019..if the age limit will same as before 32 yrs for gen cat..
Are there any rules to get the SAME SET OF QUESTION PAPERS For both the exams csat and gs in prilims ?
If we will clear prelims exam but not qualified in mains can we have chance to write direct mains exam in next year or else again we have to write prelims???
Hi, even if you reached mains or interview stage, for the next attempt – you need to start from prelims.
Sir now, I am doing diploma and after my b. Tech, can I attempt upsc exam and my branch is civil but I have not 12th degree
what is most helpful for upsc preparations BA or BA history honours???please tell
Sir..does provisional degree certificate enough for appearing mains exam…
If we cleared Upsc exam and we get good rand in CSE so can you tell me what happend next procedure to reach lbsnaa and how to take addmission in Foundatation courese. Can you tell me complete procedure to reach Lbsnaa
please reply me as soon as possible.
Hello! My background is biotechnology. But I’m very much interested in medical science optional. But paper 2 is full of case studies. Will face problems with this optional? Or shall I continue?
Respected Sir/Ma’am,
I am 16 as on 1st August 2018.
When can I apply for USPC- CSE ??
I am a governmented employee. Can I appear the UPSC CSE ?????
Respected Sir/Madam
I did my graduation in English literature, sir can I take English literature as optional paper in mains ?
If i study newspaper online and not offline. Is it sufficient or should i read a newspaper offline too?
i have mistakenly choosen hindi while filling form of upsc CAPF, as a meduim of writing essay….now can i write essay in english
plz answer
Can I choose my medium as English in prelims and Hindi in mains
I have changed my name in state govt Gazette & have the gazette notification copy.
I wish to apply for civil service exam next year.
My 10th,12th & Degree certificates are in OLD name.
Also, changed all my ID proofs to NEW name.
Will they accept my name change if i apply in new name?
Also, in the final process can I produce gazette notification copy along with certificates holding the OLD name?
Hello Meera. I too have the same issue. If you get your answer then please let me know.
You can mail me here [email protected]
Or ping me in whatsapp 9800094786.
Please let me know.
i have compleated diploma in civil engineering and also be in civil engineering. am i able to apply for IAS/IPS exams? or is it complosry to compleate the 2nd puc and degree
..plls sir reply me
Will it be an issue in the selection procedures of a woman candidate opting for UPSC CSE ( IPS ) if she has a tattoo on her wrist ( near to the place where we used to wear wristwatches ) of four letters, i.e., the name of her elder sister who is no more? Will it be an issue even if the candidate belongs to the ST category?
Whether a heart patient can attend IAS exam?
Respected sir/ madam , I have completed my b.pharm and planning to join m.pharm this year . Can I appear for UPSC CSE this year while simultaneously completing my m.pharm first year ?? Or should I wait till the completion of my masters, prepare for UPSC in these 2 years and then appear for the exams??
My graduation session is 2018-2021. and my DOB is 07/05/2000. May i gave 2020 prelims in last year
My graduation sesssion is 2018-2021. and my DOB is 07/05/2000. May i gave 2020 prelims in last year
upsc exam may eligible for how arrears in under graduate
to sir i am complete in mechanical-2014 in ksou mysore i apply for mpsc exam?
pls give me detail
I have a tattoo on my right hand (just a design)
Am I eligible to write upsc exams?
Please help
I’m 19 now
Thought of Starting for preparation
But then ppl told tatoo is not allowed for government jobs (regretting now for getting tattooed)
this year on 6 july 2018 I am 20years. is it possible to fill the form of 2019 upsc exam
this domestic help unlawful entry and harijan act at body and soul up agra
My qualifications 10th ,diploma in civil engineering & B.Tech
Can I able to apply form upsc
I’m in confuse,, my date of birth is 31-07-1984.., my category is B.C,, i knew that my age limit is 35 years,, but still i’m in confuse.,, did anybody can tell me that i can attend the upsc prelims exam on 2019 or not??
I want to take Maths as my optional subject but my medium is Hindi….can I write maths papers in English & all other papers in Hindi??.. kindly reply.
I want to information about SCRA EXAM 2019.
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