Economic Survey (ES) is the flagship annual document of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Economic Survey 2016-17 is a must-buy book for all UPSC Civil Service aspirants who needs to be updated with the current trends in the Indian Economy. It’s equally useful for Prelims, Mains, and Interview.
Why should every IAS aspirant revise the Economic Survey multiple times?
Economic Survey summarizes the performance on major development programmes, and highlights the policy initiatives of the government and the prospects of the economy in the short to medium term.
As most of the questions from the Indian Economy section is based on the latest Economic Survey, aspirants are strongly recommended to revise Economic Survey multiple times. This is extremely important for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam.
In the Preliminary Exam too, there are many questions which are asked from the tables and trends given in the Economic Survey. At least, aspirants should cover the first chapter which summarises the Economic Survey in detail.
Once you start revising economic survey, you may fall in love with Economics. There are many interesting facts which can be understood from the Economic Survey.
Should aspirants buy the Economic Survey book (hardcopy) or stick with PDF (soft copy)?
It’s entirely upto the comfort level of aspirants.
Still, most aspirants prefer the traditional book format, rather than the PDF way.
Economic Survey 2016-17 is only 340 pages, but has a lot of charts and graphs. If you prefer the highlighting and underlining using pen and paper, go for the hard copy. If that is not the case, and if you wish to read the same using a tablet PC, then go for the softcopy (PDF).
Economic Survey 2016-17 OR Economic Survey 2017-18?
Aspirants should not be confused with the titles ‘Economic Survey 2016-17’ and ‘Economic Survey 2017-18’.
The Economic Survey reviews the developments in the Indian economy over the previous twelve months.
What is available in the market officially now is Economic Survey 2016-17. Economic Survey 2017-18, will be available only by the next financial year.
You should not be misguided by the marketing gimmicks of some publishers who brand their book as Economic Survey 2017-18. Just go for the official Economic Survey, published by Ministry of Finance.
How can you buy Economic Survey 2016-17?
Review of 'Economic Survey 2016-17' - by ClearIAS Team

Book Title: Economic Survey 2016-17
Book Description: Economic Survey (ES) is the flagship annual document of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
Book Author: Ministry of Finance Government of India
Book Edition: Second
Book Format: Paperback
ISBN: 0199477663
Number Of Pages: 340
Economic Survey 2016-17 discusses in detail about GST, demonetization, and 'Big Data'. Further, it analyses the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a means of achieving social justice and economic productivity. ClearIAS, recommends the book as a 'must buy'.
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