Under our free online study materials for Polity, we have been doing detailed analysis of Indian Constitution - article-wise - a unique approach to learn Indian Constitution for Prelims, Mains and Interview. We follow the same constitutional order and wordings as in the Constitution of … [Read more...] about Council of Ministers in States (Articles 163-164)
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 2 (GS2)
Important Parliamentary Committees in Detail
Parliamentary committees in India play a crucial role in the legislative process, oversight of the executive, and examination of various issues related to governance and policy implementation. These committees are instrumental in ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective functioning of … [Read more...] about Important Parliamentary Committees in Detail
Parliamentary Committees in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
What do you mean by the Parliamentary Committee? What are the types of committees in the Parliament of India? You all are familiar with Parliament as a major organ of the state dealing with lawmaking. Parliament is also the authority to check the Executive (government). Every Executive is … [Read more...] about Parliamentary Committees in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Indian Companies Act 2013 : Salient Features
The Indian Companies Act 2013 replaced the Indian Companies Act, 1956. The Companies Act 2013 makes comprehensive provisions to govern all listed and unlisted companies in the country. The Companies Act 2013 implemented many new sections and repealed the relevant corresponding sections of the … [Read more...] about Indian Companies Act 2013 : Salient Features
SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
In this post we shall discuss Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It is important that our capital markets have a strong and non-manipulative infrastructure. To ensure this, India has its capital market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India – SEBI. We shall see the … [Read more...] about SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
Governor of States (Article 152-162)
PART VI of the Constitution deals with the other half of Indian federalism, ie the States. Article from 152-237 deals with various provisions related to States. It covers the executive, legislature and judiciary wings of the states. Article 152 clarifies about the definition of state, while the next … [Read more...] about Governor of States (Article 152-162)
Comptroller and Auditor-General of India : CAG (Articles 148-151)
Chapter V under Part V of the Indian Constitution deals with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG). CAG is responsible for auditing the accounts of the Union and State governments and public sector organizations, and for maintaining the accounts of State governments. The reports of … [Read more...] about Comptroller and Auditor-General of India : CAG (Articles 148-151)
The Union Judiciary ie. The Supreme Court (Articles 124-147)
What are the provisions in the Indian constitution that deal with the Union Judiciary, i.e., the Supreme Court? Read to know. Chapter IV under Part V of the constitution (Union) deals with the Union Judiciary. The constitution and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court are stated in detail in articles … [Read more...] about The Union Judiciary ie. The Supreme Court (Articles 124-147)
Ordinance Making Power of the President (Article 123)
We have so far covered Chapter 1 (Executive: Articles 52-78) and Chapter 2 ( Parliament: Articles: 79-122) under the Part 5: The Union (Articles 52-151). Chapters 3 stands out with a single article chapter with Article 123 dealing with the legislative powers of the President of India. Article 123 … [Read more...] about Ordinance Making Power of the President (Article 123)
Bills and Procedures in the Parliament (Articles 107-122/122)
Articles 107-122 of Chapter II (Parliament) in the Part V (Union) of Constitution of India deals with three sub-topics namely : Legislative Procedure, Procedure in Financial Matters and Procedure Generally. These articles are very important, as it throw light on Joint Sitting (108), Definition of … [Read more...] about Bills and Procedures in the Parliament (Articles 107-122/122)