Ever since Baswan Committee was constituted in 2015 to suggest reforms in UPSC Civil Service Exam pattern, there were many rumours about the reduction of the age-limit (32 years of General category candidates, at present) and the removal of the optional paper. But will there be any major change soon?
Baswan Committee – The background
The Central Government has constituted an Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Shri B. S. Baswan, vide Notice dated 12.8.2015 to examine the various issues connected with the Civil Services Examination. Expert committee accordingly submitted its report to UPSC on 9th August 2016.
UPSC gave its own recommendations along with Baswan Committee report to the Central Government.
There were not many updates on the report so far, but lakhs of aspirants are eager to know the government decision on the Baswan Committee recommendations.
Why is Baswan Committee Report in news again?
In response to an RTI query filed by a PTI correspondent recently, the Department of Personnel and Training has said that the Baswan Committee’s report along with UPSC’s recommendations on it has been received on 20 March 2017 and the same is under examination.
Are the Baswan Committee Recommendations available in public?
The Centre had earlier refused to disclose the recommendation forwarded by the said committee. As per The Hindu, the recommendations of the Baswan Committee is yet to be made public.
But at the same time, there is a PDF file on the DoPT website titled Baswan Report. This report does not deal with the reduction of age-limit or optional language but takes a comprehensive look at the requirement of IAS Officers over a longer time frame. You can read it from the DoPT website.
The Baswan Report available in DoPT website has suggestions to deal with the shortfall of IAS officers. But it seems the Committee is reluctant to increase the number of vacancies of IAS officers from the present strength of 180.
So, why then the talk again about the reduction of UPSC CSE Age Limit and the removal of Optional Paper?
There are no major updates from the government so far, except an RTI reply that the government is examining the Baswan report (of course they have to, as it has been 8 months since the report is submitted before the government).
Will the government reduce the age-limit from present 32-years? Nobody knows. Nonetheless, one thing is clear. Reduction of age-limit will not be an easy decision for any government.
What about the removal of the optional subject? It seems this is recommended by a majority of aspirants while filling the Baswan Committee survey. But again, there are many who argue for keeping the optional subject as well.
Though the government is yet to take a decision on Baswan Committee Report, many believe that key changes are likely in Civil Service Exam soon.
Committees Constituted by UPSC regarding revision of CSE Exam structure
The Union Public Service Commission has so far constituted following committees for review of different aspects of Civil Services Examination including the language issues.
- Kothari Committee
- Satish Chandra Committee
- Y.K. Alagh Committee
- Anandakrishnan Committee
- Bhattacharya Committee S.K. Khanna Committee
- Nigavekar Committee
- Purushottam Agarwal Committee
- Khanna Committee (recommended introduction of CSAT)
- Baswan Committee.
What should aspirants like you do now?
UPSC CSE Prelims 2018 is just 6 months away. The first stage of UPSC CSE is scheduled to be conducted on June 03, 2018.
UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam notification will come on February 07, 2018.
It has been the policy of UPSC, to give sufficient time for the aspirants to prepare before coming up with any major changes in exam pattern or structure.
Nobody knows if the Government or UPSC will come with any major overhaul in next 3 months, to be implemented in 2018, but it is unlikely.
Your focus should be to clear the Preliminary Exam of UPSC CSE 2018, at a comfortable margin against all odds. This will give you added confidence to prepare for Mains 2018 (scheduled to start on October 01, 2018).
Whether there is pattern change or not, the whole ClearIAS Team is ever ready to adapt and help you. So until any major updates from the government, keep preparing with a new vigour. If not enrolled for ClearIAS Preliminary Test Series 2018, join now! ClearIAS!
All about upsc civil service examinations
There should be no alteration about age limit
Government ought to increase age limit but should not reduced.
Wat if the age limit reduction is concerned to schedule castes… Ur still maintain Ur stand
Hai Sir good information thank you..
sir please change current affair format like deep discussion
plz put like previous model
Dear Sir, Being a part of civil servise exam orientation and an ex-civil servise aspirant,you ,along with we aspirants can understand what is the real effect of age reduction, recomended by Mr Baswan, if it is been implemented. I gone through some of the articles and comments regarding this commity report. Sir the main reason said for reducing maximum age limit is by pointing that 32(gnrl)- 38 (sc) is far an age for being adapted to the training and job for a civil servant…!! that means everyone entering into service is of from 32 to 38..!! sir the minimum age is 21. From that minum age each person is writing this exam and competing with other and after completing all the stipulated stages only those, irrespective of age, is coming to the final list among which we can see persons from different age, profession, graduation, phd holders even married and unmarried women/men. Country is recruiting a total of 1100 to 1200 persons per year for total servises. Among that it is about 300 to 350 IAS IPS IFS officers And this is the one and only exam by which one achieve these services. Sir civil service is not armed forced in which they recruit at very young age. Ecen in armed firced for becoming an officer they are having many windows in the form of recruitment exams. NDA, CDS, AFCAT, direct ssb lik SSC Tech, TGC etc. there they are recruiting by many ways like above. So making civil servises equal to way of armed forces, in recruitment and and way training, it will be tto ridiculous ti mention this exam as civil servise exam rather it can be named Civil Force exam And youngsters can be recruited where majority will be surely form elite backgrounds living in metros and cities, birn and bought up by their high class parents, who are having money and access to all sought of orientation and all. They can complete graduation go directly to coaching institutes attempt by attmpt despite of money nor non other comitments for family finance situation. .they will reach the elite servise chairs and look after policy making implementation all in the country, were majority population who are in rural areas.Those who got informed about cicl servise at an age of 26 27 and have to woek still for family there esucational loan ome loan sister marriage fathera medicine and there brothers study even who may be pursuing a distant graduation… along with there responsibility have to stand like stary dogs aroung this system of inhuman, insensitive system…!!! Sir age reduction matter written by an elite man in by sitting in his AC cabin with his golden pen should not be allowed to understimate dreams of lakh of students from rural and financially low background. Really it is unconstitutional and inhuman sir..tnqq
Pk sir I m agree with u.i m also from rural background.government should not reduce the age limit.
Yes very correct opinion.
Dear Sir, Being a part of civil servise exam orientation and an ex-civil servise aspirant,you ,along with we aspirants can understand what is the real effect of age reduction, recomended by Mr Baswan, if it is been implemented. I gone through some of the articles and comments regarding this commity report. Sir the main reason said for reducing maximum age limit is by pointing that 32(gnrl)- 38 (sc) is far an age for being adapted to the training and job of a civil servant…!! that means EVERYONE entering into service is of from 32 to 38..!! sir the minimum age is 21. From that minimum age each person is writing this exam and competing with other and after completing all the stipulated stages only those, irrespective of age,everyone is coming to the final list among which we can see persons from different age, profession, graduation, even married and unmarried women/men. Country is recruiting a total of 1100 to 1200 persons per year for total servises. Among that it is about 300 to 350 IAS IPS IFS officers And this is the one and only exam by which one achieve these services. Sir civil service is not Armed force in which they recruit at very young age. Even in armed forces for becoming an officer they are having many windows in the form of recruitment exams. NDA, CDS, AFCAT, direct ssb lik SSC Tech, TGC etc. there they are recruiting by many ways like above. So making civil servises equal to that of armed forces, in recruitment and and way of training, it will seem too ridiculous to mention this exam as civil servise exam rather it can be named Civil Force exam And youngsters can be recruited where majority will be surely from elite backgrounds living in metros and cities, born and bought up by their high class parents, who are having money and access to all sought of orientation and all. They can complete graduation go directly to coaching institutes attempt by attempt despite of money nor responsibilty for family, financial tensions etc. .they will reach the elite servise chairs and look after policy making implementation all in the country, were majority population who are in rural areas.Those who got awared about civil servise exam at an age of 26 27 and have to work still for family there educational loans,home loans, sisters marriage brothers study and even who may be pursuing a distant graduation… along with there responsibility have to stand like stray dogs around this inhuman, insensitive system…!!!Even recently many state pscs jas incresed there age and also SSC but upsc is plaining to go in reverse. Sir age reduction matter written by an elite man in by sitting in his AC cabin with his golden pen should not be allowed to see day light which will understimate dreams of lakhs of students from rural and financially low background. Really it is unconstitutional and inhuman sir..tnqq
I am extremely agree wigh u pk sir,.u r absolutely correct,..age lim reduction is very bad decision ,,I am in frustration about such decision ,,,,I like your post and m with ur opinion sir,,thank u
Now my age 28 preparing UPSC in self. Baswan committee reduce age limit So i should stop preparation or continue it ??
Government should not reduce the age limit. But should do the age group for all category.
Age limit is not the solution, if only 4 attempts are compulsory for all categories, then what is the logic of reducing the age,?it’s totally absurd, upper age limit will hamper the plannings of the aspirants. There are many medical students like MBBS, BDS, BAMS etc. who clear their courses at a very late time for e.g. at the ages of 28 years. What will happen to these talented students of our India? who are genuinely very much suited for the jobs of IAS officers. It will be a total injustice to them. Thanks
Decolonizing the Indian Civil Services
Government Should not reduce the age limit …and keep the optional subject as well…because this exam is very high level,so I want to say that,,,at least age limit should not change ,,,so many students are want to become an IAS officers ,..lots of students are trying their best ..,
Sir my age is 43 .I have passed my BA in the year 1997.Can I go for UPSC CSE??
Sir I have passed my BA in the year 1997 .My age is 43 .Can I go for UPSC???
Please give me notification on 2020
Age reduction is in fact best decision.
Regardless of caste category an aspirant above age of 28 should not be allowed to give exams.
I bet that those who are against age reduction are not confident about clearing the exam in first or max.4 attempts.
If you dream big then also be sure about fulfilling it.
UPSC favours talented and passionate youngsters more as compared to those who are already parents.
And these are words of UPSC head.
Jai Hind Vande Matram
In which year can I write upsc exam as I was born in 2003 in the month of August. Can I write it in the year 2023.