Yes, Clear IAS iPhone app can now be downloaded from App Store! The good news comes at a time when the Android version of Clear IAS app crossed more than 75,000 downloads (within 9 months of its launch)! Both iOS version and Android Version of Clear IAS mobile app are absolutely FREE. Our goal is to provide a complete package for IAS preparation by providing free guidance, study materials and mock-tests. Integrated with, the app provides an excellent platform for self-study.
Download Clear IAS iPhone App
There was big demand for the iOS version ever since we launched the Android version. Clear IAS Team has promised our users to come up with iOS version, and we are happy to deliver the product. To get the app for FREE, just go to iTunes and search “Clear IAS”or use the Clear IAS iPhone app download link.
Clear IAS Mobile App Review: Complete self-study package for FREE!
The Clear IAS mobile app (andorid and iOS) provides not only free knowledge but also online study materials, coaching, guidance, strategies, books, mock tests etc. with a vision that no candidate should be left out of UPSC exam competition due to the inaccessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching. Here is a review of the Clear IAS app by AppMakr.
What motivates us to go mobile along with web?
Clear IAS™ stands for free/affordable high-quality education. We have been there on the web for quite some time guiding lakhs of aspirants in various exams. But as our user-base from small screen devices has been rapidly increasing, we decided to provide this application free of cost to our mobile and tablet users, with enhanced features in a reader-friendly format.
Huge Response to Clear IAS Android App from IAS Aspirant Community
Clear IAS mobile app received huge response from our users. The app received top ratings, mostly 5 stars! Clear IAS app was ranked among the top 5 new apps under the education category in the Google Play store. Within 6 months since its launch, our app crossed 50,000 downloads in Google Play store. We got a happy user community, as the free-to-download app helped aspirants extend their exam preparation from laptop to mobiles and tablets.
Clear IAS app: AppMakr selects Clear IAS as app of the week!
AppMakr, a US based company which provides platform for more than 21 lakh mobile apps, selected Clear IAS as app of the week – a distinction which only 52 apps get per year.
How to download and install Clear IAS Mobile App?
- Android users who have access to Google Play store: Android users who have access to Google Play store can directly download the app from the Clear IAS mobile application download link. Alternatively they can also search using the keyword “clearias” in the search box at Google Play for apps.
- Android users who don’t have access to Google Play store: Those android users who do not access have to Google Play store can install it as a native app from other markets, where our app is available. Please note that you may need to enable third-party app installation in the ‘settings’ of your device.
- iOS users: Yes, we have our iPhone App ready (Update: April 8, 2015): Click to download Clear IAS app on App Store on Apple iTunes.
- Other smartphone users like Blackberry or Windows: Till the corresponding version is available, you may use our HTML5 version from the link
PS : Please don’t forget to add your reviews and comments here, as well as in App Store and Google Play store. Thanks.
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