Ethics Case Study No: 4: Personal Ethics vs Professional Ethicsย []
Question: You are a strong religious believer since childhood and have been an active participant in your religious institution. When you grew up, you became the administrative authority in the locality where the religious institution belongs. One day your superior informs you that the mentioned religious institution is an illegal construction on a government property and needs to be demolished.
You are shocked to hear this and upon verification found the information passed by your superior is true. You, like thousands visiting the place, have emotional attachment to the institution. Your personal ethics and religious values are holding you back from taking the initiative to demolish the illegal construction, but your profession demands so. Besides, you fear the destruction of such an institution may fuel communal violence.
Being born in a religious family, it’s not easily digestible for you to carry the tag of ‘demolisher of one’s own religious institution’. You fear that the act will turn you against your own community. This situation pulls you into an emotional and ethical dilemma.
Is the above case a conflict between personal ethics and professional ethics? What will be your response?ย
First thing i will not allow to do that illegal construction
i will directly demolish the relogious construction
There’s a middle path tht can be adopted. Demolition of tht building is the rightful choice. But being the administrator of tht area law and order too is under the officer. Hence, rather than outright coerced demolition, involve various stake holders, civil society groups etc to evolve at a peaceful option.
Secondly, the said religious institution has been in, existence for many years. No concerned authority ever questioned tht construction. Hence, the underlying vested intetest, if any, should also be examined.
Thirdly, i ll give notice to the religious establishment about the illegality of the place and its imminent demolition. If needed, let them go to the court to fight their case. Legal option should be given to them. A lil more delay in demolishing the structure is desirable than causing alienation nd law&order problems in the area.
So a balanced approach is more advisable.
Full marks. ๐๐๐
I thought for the same answer buddy
According to my ethical knowledge that their should a middle path be followed, in which we can talk to religious authorities of the locality, and find the solution for the particular situation. The leader of the religious authorities, can be asked to build an other temple or religious insitute so teir would be no communal riots, also a meeting between the administration and the people can be organize to solve the issue.
1) To be demolished if it is creating problem to traffic or public.
2) where many public (govt.) are using for religious purpose,the trust as to be made under govt supervision.
First i believe on my profession……..I know my profession is right way for the welfare of my nation’ for the welfare of the people who belong to my nation and infact for the welfare of whole humanity . so if my profession is so good..Now I will make it in the notice of the authorised people of that area…If they are good knowlegable person..then they also know that every religion follows good principles……so they will agree to demolish that illegal construction..If not then I without any hesitation will do what my profession demands…because that ultimately will be for the welfare of those people..
1.first that construction must not supported or allowed.
2.Incase we found ,there must hold an intermediate path to talk and show profond with religion dignitaries their motivation can uplift the motivation of fallowers.
3.Substitute place with place through govt funds.
4.provide the examples of other institutions that have been replaced or demolished for convinence
gov funds cant be used for the construction of religious institutions.. basic polity
Individual temple – illegal,then I actually action the issue.but public temple- legal right then support to public.
I confirmed that senior officer it is all right issue.
Firstly, apart from the answer i will want ro tell you all that i will answer in a way like i would answer this question in the upsc answer sheet…..
Answer: In my opinion we should not directly compare or connect our personal and professional life So keeping in mind this statement my decision over this would not hury any one’s religious emotions and also would not effect law and order and even my profession. The decision which i would firstly take is to examine the illegality of the place. If possible i will first try to recover that. If not so i would just demolish it but in peaceful manner then i would try to rwopwn it in a near by place so it would not hurt the emotions of the people and would not cause any conflict . On e more thing which i would do is to take written notice from my superior to safe gurantee my job. The noticw would be that all the conflicts caused will be handled by him or her and he or she will undertake them
Being as an administrator it’s my responsibility to keep peace and tranquility in the area.secondly any illegal construction should be avoided or order to handle the situation, I first call a meeting of all the stack holders and try to sorted out the issue peacefully .In case of failure, Will see the significance of the land occupied . whether the religious place hinder the road or any utility of public importance.if any of such thing is going on I will take immediate action.otherwise I try my best to persuade the community group.and try to convince them on religious and moral ground that such construction is against the religious principles.since worship required a place which should not be property of a public.because every religion and non religious group have equal right over it.
Since I am a firm believer of my faith, it’s against my conscience to worship and use it for religious purposes.
Yes, it is my partly personal issue with the superior as well as it is my localities too, .
My response towards this situation are:
1. Meeting with the concer authority of that institute.
2. Explains about what my superior said.
3. Being illegally constructed, I also suggest to demolish to concer authority in the discussion.
4. If the authorities are seems to be totally opposed to demolished it than i shall be informed to my superior.
Hence, I will be also trying to build such a Institute near future if existing institution is desconstructed, so that my localities can worship freely as people know that *right to religion* is one of the provisions contain in the Indian Constitution.
I would certainly chose the middle path. First responsibility of an administrator is to ensure that law and order is maintained in the area and second responsibility falls on him to get the land clear from illegal construction.
To achieve this, I would first go with the formal notice to the relevant authorities of the religious institution with an adequate time for them to consider the all open option to them. At the same time, informing general public in the near vicinity is also the responsibility of the administrator to avoid any shock to them of demolition of building without any prior information.
For sure, authorities should be given enough time to think and if they want to exercise their democratic right of being heard in court. That also should be given to them.
After taking all parties (Religious institution’s authorities and public of neighbourhood) into confidence, I would go ahead with the clearing of land.
In my opinion-particularly in that situation ,
As a religious believer it became very emotionally attached to my personal life but being an administrator; firstly give notice to that head of particular region,the civil society member,village head and other.
:I also examine that area that really it was a illegal construction or not ,
:If it is illegal then i find the solution for if ,if there is no solution for that ,
:i give them a chance to go to high court and fight for their case
:if they are not taking thus solution ,then definitely i demolish that religious institution which is stands illegal place..
In my opinion we should not to interconnect both personal feeling and professional duties .First effective method i will be doing is to study the matter properly .Conduct meetings with the followers and the administration .Hear thier oppinion and come to a solution such as building a religious institution somewhere near to the old institution so that it does not hurt their religious and spiritual sentiments.Demolishing should be done according to law and order.
I need a case study reference
When you are suffer this situation that related to religion and administrative duties.
Former duty is analysed the illegal construction site personally,and understand the situation of authority and concerns with the authority,
When authority not agree with your suggestion than you take action against the authority and demolished the institute that construction illegal site