Yes! Here is the news you have been waiting for! has released the official mobile app to help aspirants access our extensive UPSC study-materials from the comfort of your mobile or tablet.
That too for free! The android version of Clear IAS app can be downloaded by visiting the Google Play store from your mobile or tablet device. Aspirants can directly download the app from Google Play store using the Clear IAS mobile application download link given here.
Alternatively, aspirants can also search using the keyword “clearias” in the search box at Google Play for apps. If you have a QR code reader app, just scan the QR code (given at the bottom of this page) for quick install.
What’s new with the Clear IAS Mobile App? has been following a responsive design from the beginning, which made us accessible across all devices sizes, including desktop, laptop, tablets and mobiles (through the url : Though most of our users access this website from bigger screen sizes devices like desktop or laptop, our user base from small screen devices has also been rapidly increasing. We provide this application free of cost to our mobile and tablet users, with enhanced features in a reader-friendly format. Users can now download and install this application (app) in their handsets, and access the features using the touch interface.
Features of the official Clear IAS Android App
Here is what you’ll love about the official Clear IAS Android App:
✓ Access our UPSC study-materials from the comfort of your mobile or tablet, for free.
✓ Tips, strategies and study plan to clear all stages of IAS exam.
✓ UPSC syllabus for Prelims, Mains and Interview now at your finger tips.
✓ Read news from all major newspapers at a single place, no need of separate apps.
✓ Get all latest posts and updates from
✓ Shop online the recommended books for IAS exam.
✓ Mobile-friendly layout and fonts to avoid eye strain.
✓ Toppers interviews, mock exams and lot more.
PS: The official Android version of Clear IAS™ mobile app has many features useful not only for the IAS/IPS/IFS aspirants who write the UPSC Civil Services exam, but also for all, who look for quality information. Install Clear IAS™ app to clear IAS!
NB : The Clear IAS android application is compatible only with android phones running on android OS 2.3.3 and above.
How to download and install Clear IAS Mobile App?
- Android users who have access to Google Play store: As mentioned above, android users who have access to Google Play store can directly download the app from the Clear IAS mobile application download link. Alternatively they can also search using the keyword “clearias” in the search box at Google Play for apps.
- Android users who don’t have access to Google Play store: Those android users who do not access have to Google Play store can install it as a native app from other markets, where our app is available. Please note that you may need to enable third-party app installation in the ‘settings’ of your device.
- iOS users: Yes, we have our iPhone App ready (Update: April 8, 2015): Click to download Clear IAS app on App Store on Apple iTunes.
- Other smartphone users like Blackberry or Windows: Till the corresponding version is available, you may use our HTML5 version from the link
PS : Please don’t forget to add your reviews and comments here, as well as in Google Play store. Thanks.
Vi Pi says
Please launch iphone app for clearias asap!