For Indian Polity preparation, a combo of ‘Indian Polity by Laxmikanth‘ and ‘Important Judgment that Transformed India by Alex Andrews George‘ is now available.
This product bundle is a popular choice that offers extra savings.
Link to buy: UPSC Preparation Combo for Indian Polity (Set of 2 Books)
Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
The book “Indian Polity by Laxmikanth” needs no introduction.
For many aspirants, Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity is like a bible for UPSC Polity Preparation.
It covers almost all aspects of India’s Polity like Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Budget, Constitutional bodies, etc. in a very easy-to-understand manner.
Important Judgments that Transformed India by Alex Andrews George
The study of the Indian Constitution can never be complete without understanding how it evolved through various Supreme Court Judgments.
The book ‘Important Judgments that Transformed India‘ takes a brand new attempt to understand Indian Polity through landmark judgments of the Supreme Court.
The book does an analysis of the importance of 30 landmark Supreme Court judgments. In addition to this, a compilation of 90+ Supreme Court judgments with respect to the main area of conflict is also included.
Each chapter is divided into – an introduction, background, arguments, judgments, importance, and impact. This ensures that the complicated legal context behind Supreme Court cases is made simple and easy to understand.
The book has also included mindmaps and previous-year solved questions from the topic (Prelims and Mains). ‘Important Judgments’ will surely boost your interest in the Indian Judiciary, Polity, and Constitution.
Why should you buy the UPSC Preparation combo?
The book Important Judgments by Alex Andrews George perfectly supplements and compliments Indian Polity by Laxmikanth. Both books are best-sellers.
Traditionally, questions were asked mainly from the topics – Parliament, Executive, Judiciary, Fundamental Rights, DPSPs, etc. However, nowadays, new questions are framed to test the conceptual understanding of the candidates. Considering the commanding role played by the Supreme Court, UPSC has been giving great priority to the Judiciary and important judgments.
This requires new methods of preparation and additional reading.
Last but not least, the combo (product bundle) offers an additional discount for you. This means extra savings!
Already have one of the books for Indian Polity Preparation? Click to buy the next one
If you have already bought any of the books, you can buy the other book separately. Links to buy books individually are given below.
Review of the Product Bundle - Indian Polity and Important Judgments

Book Title: Product Bundle - Indian Polity and Important Judgments (UPSC Preparation combo)
Book Description: This product bundle is a great UPSC Preparation Combo which you should not miss!
For Indian Polity preparation, UPSC aspirants now have a combo of 'Indian Polity by Laxmikanth' and 'Important Judgment that transformed India by Alex Andrews George'.
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