ClearIAS is known for its expertise to select the most probable questions to be asked by UPSC, a special knack widely appreciated by toppers.
The questions carefully selected by ClearIAS Team evaluating the latest UPSC trends and current affairs are added in ClearIAS Prelims Test Series and ClearIAS ebooks. ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions Compilations are now available for download as PDF.
The MCQs in these compilations are sourced from the repository of questions used for the ClearIAS Email Program.
Download “ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions” Compilations
We have compiled the questions into 5 sets – each set with 100 MCQs each (PDF).
Click the below links to download the compilations as PDF.
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions – Compilation of Daily MCQs: Set 5 (100 MCQs)
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions – Compilation of Daily MCQs: Set 4 (100 MCQs)
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions – Compilation of Daily MCQs: Set 3 (100 MCQs)
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions – Compilation of Daily MCQs: Set 2 (100 MCQs)
- ClearIAS Most Probable Prelims Questions – Compilation of Daily MCQs: Set 1 (100 MCQs)
The above compilations cover questions from almost all topics in UPSC Prelims like Polity, Economy, Geography, Science/Tech, History, Environment, Current Affairs etc.
However, stress is given for Current Affairs.
Our approach here is to connect items in the news with the static topics relevant to the UPSC Prelims.
Set 5 (100 MCQs) is provided for FREE for all aspirants
The Compilation Set 5 is provided for FREE for all readers of ClearIAS.
For all the remaining sets, there is a nominal fee of Rs.100 per each set.
All 5 Compilations (500 MCQs) FREE for ClearIAS Prelims Test Series Subscribers
If you are a ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series 2020 Subscriber, you are eligible to get all 5 sets of ClearIAS Most Probable Questions Compilations for FREE.
Check your email for a discount code from ClearIAS. If you are not able to find it, email us your registered email and username, we will email you again the discount code.
ClearIAS Daily MCQs + CCC + ClearIAS Prelims Test Series = Maximum Marks!
The 500 MCQs provided in these compilations are additional to the questions in our other programs like (1) ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series (2) ClearIAS Current Affairs Capsules (CCC).
To maximize your marks, we strongly recommend you to go through all ClearIAS study materials/programs.
All the best!
Raj Parekh says
I have not got my discount code even though I paid for the mock test series and now I am unable to access PDFs of daily compilation.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
@Raj – We have sent the discount code to you again. Please check your email. If any issues, please drop us an email.
sai says
sir plz make 500mcq sets free it is at crucial movement wecan’t buy them so plz make it free
I need daily updates from clear ias
abhi says
sir ,
in the previous clear ias 500 probable question for 2018 have the question come in prelims 2018?
sir i am really nervous and wanted to know if it can increase my marks in prelims 2019.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Remain calm and self-confident. That is our main advice for all young aspirants as exams are near.
Don’t panic. UPSC CSE is sometimes a war of nerves.
Use the coming days to revise and consolidate what all you have learned.
To answer your question, yes, in 2018 you could have scored 100+ marks if you followed ClearIAS Prelims Test Series, CCC (Monthly MCQs), Daily MCQs, and ClearIAS Study Materials.
What we have developed for Prelims 2019 is a step-ahead, without leaving any loop-holes. If you have religiously practised ClearIAS Online Mock Exams, learned CCCs (Monthly MCQs), Daily MCQs, and ClearIAS Study Materials (online and eBooks), we strongly believe that you should count yourself as an aspirant preparing for the next stage, ie Mains 🙂
Tip – To regain self-confidence, we suggest you read ClearIAS Intelligent Elimination Techniques (IETs) again. All the best!
Kundan kumar says
Helpful MCQs for IAS and also UPSC,
Lalitha says
Sir ,
Could you please give me additional coupon code so that I m ready to take test series