™ provides free IAS online coaching, guidance, strategies, books and online study-materials with a vision that no candidate should be left out of UPSC exam competition due to in-accessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching.
We have always acted as a motivating factor for candidates from rural background, encouraging and guiding them to write and learn according to the requirements of UPSC. Now, at a time when Clear IAS™ is rapidly growing into a community, we are planning opportunities for UPSC aspirants to associate with us and polish their exam skills.
About Right Strategies to Clear IAS
Often candidates fail to reach their goals not due to lack of their skills, but due to lack of right materials and guidance. Aspirants can produce wonders, if they are directed in the right path. is a humble initiative in this direction. We stand with all candidates who do not have access to classroom coaching facilities. Our motto is free study-materials and right strategies to Clear IAS for free.
Write Articles and Win Prizes!
Toppers have always stressed the importance of Answer writing and Note Preparation in UPSC exams. ClearIAS has now decided to open our website platform for all interested aspirants to write notes on various topics. Writing articles will not only increase the depth of your knowledge, but will also polish your exam writing skills.
Knowledge sharing will make your foundations strong and will help others too. Collective effort can reduce individual time, money and other resources. Articles will be published in in your name itself! Not yet finished…! There will be prizes and guest blogging opportunities as well!
Our Standards is regularly appreciated by IAS aspirants for its simple and ‘to the point’ online study materials. We can never compromise on quality even if we go open. There will be moderators to evaluate the quality of the entries published. We may not publish all articles which reach us.
Copied articles and low quality entries will be rejected. Aspirants who send us articles are expected to ensure the quality in their articles in accordance with the UPSC requirements. [ Content writing team at will still continue to write our own articles and this competition does not mean the end of our direct efforts 🙂 ]
As of now, we are planning for prizes under two categories in each month.
- Best Entry of the month.
- Top Contributor of the month.
Winners will get either Flipkart Giftvouchers or useful UPSC books delivered at their address. They will be given choice about the book they want to receive from among the available options. Regular contributors with more than 10 published entries may be offered a chance to become a guest blogger in
The whole idea of “Write Articles Win Prizes” challenge is to encourage UPSC aspirants to learn and write more.
What should you do to participate in the Writing Competition by ClearIAS?
- There will be competition for every month from Jan 2014. There is no age-limit or other restrictions. Those interested can send any number of entries in each month. Quality and content of the entries are more important than the length.
- Participants can write on any topic relevant to UPSC Civil Services Prelims, Mains or Interview, but are advised to stick to UPSC syllabus.
- You can pick any topic to start writing about. Topic can be selected from current affairs or traditional areas. Examples include (but not limited to) ISRO GSLV D5, Indian Architecture, Social Problems in India, Quit India Movement, Gadgil Report, Budget, Planning, Fundamental Rights, Indian Monsoon, WTO, IUCN, Emotional Intelligence etc. See a model article in the link Food Processing and Related Industries in India.
- Selected articles will be published inside any of the categories given below:
More about the writing competition: Rules
- Don’t copy directly from other blogs, newspapers, wikipedia or any other online or offline sources.
- Refer articles published by under category IAS study-materials to understand more about our requirements.
- Article format should either be in word (.doc) format or HTML.
- reserves all rights regarding the contents to be published. We may also make changes in this competition in future.
- Participants are not allowed to reproduce the same article in any other websites or print media. [The only place they are allowed to reproduce their articles is the actual UPSC exam paper. 🙂 ]
- Word count on any topic should be between a minimum 500 words and maximum 3000 words.
- We may edit your articles to suit the requirements of UPSC and our website.
- All entries should contain your name, full postal address, email and contact phone.
- Include the sources you refered (not copied) to produce the article.
- Mention the category under which you wish to see your article get published in (Eg: Indian History, Foreign relation etc.)
- We will start publishing articles as and when we get good, quality entries; and prizes for each month will be announced soon after each month end.
- Last date of entry : Each month, last day 11.59PM.
- Rush your entries to contactus[at]! Subject line of the mail should read ” Write Articles; Win Prizes contest”. All the best.
Details of winners (2014)
- Deepesh S Rajan.
- Vineet Dubey.
- K.B.D.Sridevi.
* In the some months, the articles we received didn’t meet our quality guidelines. So no guest articles were published; no winners! Sorry, we keep high quality standards in our site to benefit our readers. Keep trying.
good initiative
Hi Aiman,
can i have your email id?
Hi ,
I have philosophy as an optional in UPSC exam.Can you please share your views what to read/follow for topic wise in philosophy.
For people like me who are working and cannot go to Delhi for coaching please share your notes or audio recording of coaching lectures if any you have.
[email protected]
How can I contact with this site? What if I have to clear some doubts regarding this fantastic and innovative idea? Can I write the articles now and send them as soon as I finish, and you be the judge whether it deserves to be published in site or not?
Dear Aiman,
Just as you did now, you can always contact us at this comment space 🙂 For personal queries, you can drop an email at contactus[at] Yes, you can start sending articles as soon as you finish. And if it is good, you might see it get published within 1-2 days 🙂 Prizes for each month will be announced based on the quality of the published articles in that month. The admin team of this website will act as the jury in the whole process.
Thank you so much. Just one more thing (if I haven’t bugged you already so much), please elaborate on prize. Isn’t there a ranking system i.e., the best gets Bipan Chandra’s, the second best gets Laxmikanth etc? Or a choice system i.e., if one does not want a particular book can he choose another? Suppose I want to win TMH GS Manual, so what is its procedure?
Thank you once again.
Dear Aiman,
You asked the right questions. So far we haven’t decided on any ranking system. But one thing we can assure you is that there will be choices for books. Winners will be given choice about the book they want to receive from among the available options. PS: We shall add this point in the post itself.
TMH Manuals are reserved to encourage consistent top contributors. You need more than 10 quality articles to compete among the contenders for TMH.
The whole idea of “Write Articles Win Prizes” challenge is to encourage UPSC aspirants to learn and write more.
Fine, thank you. This clears all my doubts.
Thanks…Good innovative step..
Sir,i have a doubt..plz clear it…I am a first timer for CSE…sir, Is this time duration [January’14 to August’14- upto next prelims] enough for me to prepare well for 2014 CSE IN A PRELIM CUM MAINS APPROACH..???..[Here i have an overall peripheral view on my optional subject..thats all now..,regional language]…so plz reply…thankfully…
Dear Sajjad,
You will get 1 year from (Jan 14 – Dec 14) to Clear Civil Services Exam using the Prelims cum Mains Approach, which is more than enough. If properly guided, Prelims can be cleared even with a 3 month or less time frame. As of now, focus on both Prelims and Mains topics together. Polish your writing skills too. All the best!
Much deep seated heartfelt thanks sir….may almighty GOD bless you and our forever….
Excellent initiative team ClearIAS !!! Keep going.
it will enhance writing skill and motivation to do well….
Sir,,where I check the winner name of “write article,win prize”
Dear Gaurav,
Name is updated in the same page.
Very good step sir.where i have to. Give the article sir in u r app or in u r website????
It is very useful for thousands of IAS aspirants
sir, where i have to write the essay ?
sir can I write more than one essay ?
Can i post an article which is regarding failure when students need help? There has been no article of that sort here.
I am not good in typing so can I write my articles on paper and send it to you by scanning it.
I repeat d question of AAKASH KESHRI. Shall we post scanned or clear cut snaps of articles written? Sonce this exam is all about writing rather than typing.
One more thing to be clarified will u check all our answers and present back our answers scripts with corrections and marks? Since all i need is to get my answers corrected and want to test my standard in this competition.
Where to write the articles
I’m not getting how to post my article to this site can u plzz help me out
Where should I write essay and is there a latest competition of July 2016?
Is this initiative still on?