UPSC has announced the results of Civil Services Mains 2015 written exam results. Roll numbers of around 2800 candidates are included in the list. Personality Test of these candidates is likely to commence from 08th March, 2016. Here are the highlights of the official announcement from UPSC on Civil Services Mains 2015 Written Exam Results:
Highlights of UPSC Civil Services Mains 2015 Written Exam Results
9 lakh candidates appeared for CSE 2015 Prelims. 4.5 lakh candidates appeared on Prelims Exam day out of which UPSC called only around 15,000 for Mains exam. Now, for the UPSC interview, the number of candidates selected are around 2800.
- On the basis of the results of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2015 held by the Union Public Service Commission in December, 2015, the candidates with the under mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified for Personality Test for selection to the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and other Central Services (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’).
- Candidature of these candidates is provisional subject to their being found eligible in all respects. The candidates will be required to produce the original certificates in support of their claims pertaining to age, educational qualifications, community, physical handicap and other documents such as Questionnaire, Attestation Form and TA Form, etc. at the time of their Personality Test. The formats of SC/ST/OBC and PH certificates and Questionnaire, Attestation Form and TA Form, etc. can be downloaded from the website of the Commission. They are, therefore, advised to keep the said documents ready with them.
- Personality Test of these candidates is likely to commence from 08th March 2016. Personality Tests will be held in the Office of the Union Public Service Commission at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069.
- Detailed program for the Personality Test will be uploaded on the Commission’s website
- The e-Summon letters will be made available on the Commission’s website on 23.02.2016.
- The Qualified candidates who are unable to download their e-Summon Letters from the Commission’s Website at least 5 days before the commencement of the said Personality Test/Interview should immediately contact the Office of the Commission through on Phone Nos. 011- 23385271, 011-23381125, 011-23098543 or Fax No. 011-23387310, 011-23384472.
- No paper Summon Letters will be issued for the Personality Test/Interview by the Commission, but there will be only e-summon letters.
- No request for change in the date and time of the Personality Test intimated to the candidates will be entertained.
- The candidates are advised to notify changes in their address, if any, to the Commission immediately through letter or Fax at Telephone numbers indicated above.
- The marks sheets of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s Website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result (after conducting Personality Test) and will remain available on the Website for a period of 60 days.
Result Analysis
- The intake this time is less (2800 instead of last year 3300), due to less number of vacancies reported.
- The results came in record time (approximately 60 days).
Successful Readers of Clear IAS: UPSC CSE 2015-16 Interview congratulates all candidates who made it to the final round. We thank all our readers who took advantage of ClearIAS Mains Mock Test Archives. Clear IAS wish you all the very best for the personality test.
Those who are yet to make it…
And those who didn’t make it to the personality test, never confuse a single defeat with final defeat. We know it’s tough to stay inspired for long, particularly after setbacks. But one failure is not the end of life.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.
Plz review my interview transcript nd give ur feedback….nd can u just tell abt Pradeep Joshi sir board marking pattern…