What are the do’s and don’ts for UPSC mains? What is UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2013 Checklist? Read further to know more.
UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2013 is just one week away. ClearIAS.com wishes all candidates who cleared Preliminary Exam (approx. 15,000) all the very best for Mains 2013!
Mains is a totally different test when compared to Prelims and hence the rules are also not the same. For example, one cannot take a calculator for Prelims, but can use for Mains.
Also, there is a question-cum-answer booklet for mains (written exam), while Prelims is an objective test.
Do’s and Don’ts for UPSC Mains
UPSC Civil Service Exam is a one-year long exam which has three stages ie. Preliminary, Mains and Interview. This post brings you ‘Do’s and Don’ts for UPSC Civil Services Main Exam.
- Don’t forget to bring the admit card to exam hall.
- Bring the e-Admit Card in each session to secure admission to Examination Hall. e-Admit Card may be preserved till the declaration of final result.
- Enter the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the examination.
- You will not be admitted to the examination if you report 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination.
- Use of Scientific(Non-Programmable type) Calculators is allowed. Programmable type calculators are, however, not allowed in this examination.
- Possession/ Use of Mobile Phones and other Electronics/Communication devices is banned in the examination premises.
- The candidates must note that they should strictly answer all parts and sub-parts of a question, in the space provided, in the Question Cum Answer (QCA) booklet, under each question/ part in the QCA booklet.
- Candidates are advised to ensure that spaces / pages remaining blank are clearly crossed out before the QCA booklet are handed over to the invigilators.
- Candidates are advised not to bring any valuable / costly items in the examination hall, as safe keeping of the same can not be assured.
Extra Tips from ClearIAS.com for UPSC Mains
- As it the first time the Question Cum Answer (QCA) booklet is tried, the details of exam pattern is not very clear. As there will be limitation on space, candidates are advised to be careful while writing.
- Plan your answers. Avoid cancellations, as this will take out valuable space.
- Time management will be crucial.
- Hopefully candidates will get an additional question paper on each paper. If any marking/rough work/draft is to be made, use this question paper.
- Plan according to the time table.
PS : Speed will be the most crucial factor for Mains along with content and quality. All the best!
Also read Civil service mains 2013 general studies paper 1 (GS 1) question paper.
truly helpful article…thanks…
sir, is exam ke kisi bhi phase mai birth certificate Ki jaroorat hoti hai kya ya phir jab ham IAS ban jaate hai tab saare documents check hote hai jisse pta lge Ki kuch fake tho nhi