Well, with 5 questions each day, we have completed 50 question sets (250 questions) in Clear IAS Mains High Value Answer Writing Test Series. Our regular readers enthusiastically participated in the program and wrote many high quality answers under our humble guidance and evaluation.
Now we are taking a small break from the highly successful daily routine of 5 questions, but only to come back with bigger programs like full lengths tests and current affairs analysis, in coming days. Candidates are advised to keep writing answers of the questions they missed, referring them from Clear IAS Mains High Value Answer Writing Test Series archives.
Though our Team has time constraints, we try our best to extend feedback/guidance to the participants in the program. Next on agenda: Some really useful articles as part of our Prelims cum Mains Integrated approach to Clear IAS on some important topics from conventional areas and current affairs.
UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2014 Time Table
UPSC has published the time table for Civil Services Mains Exam 2014. Mains exam (written) will start on Dec 14, 2014 and end on Dec 20, 2014. There are gap (off-days) between papers.
Check the link for UPSC Civil Services Mains exam 2014 time-table from official UPSC Website.
UPSC IFoS Mains Exam 2014 Time Table
Time table for IFoS mains was already published and the window for the same is from 22nd November to 3rd December 2014. Check the link for IFoS Mains exam 2014 time-table from the official UPSC Website.
thanks a lot for your guidance..it has been very helpful…see you soon 🙂
Could you please suggest from where I can study geology for IFos Mains
Refer related portions from NCERT/NIOS/IGNOU books. That can be the best start. Go for Youtube videos to understand difficult concepts. Listing below some reference books. It might not be possible to refer all books as the time left is limited. Skim through the books available in your library/Flipkart.
Geology: An Introduction – Kronaris and Krambine
Physical Geology Of India By S M Mathur
Text Book of Geology – P.K. Mukherjee
Text Book of Physical Geology – Mahapatra
Geomorphology – Woolridge or Tharnbury
Mineral and Crystal Science – V.C. Jesh
Underground Hydrology – David Keith Toad
Ocean – Squaredrop, Johnson and Bliming
Simple Geological Structure – Plate and Charlincr
Soil Minerology – I. E. Grim
A Dictionary of Geology – Morrison
Dear ClearIAS,
Your feedback and this initiative is really very helpful and have been torch bearer for remote students. Heartfelt thanks to your team.