For UPSC and PSC exams, aspirants may need to refer diverse books to get a good grasp of different topics. With a lot of books available in the market, students are often confused. has already published the list of recommended books for IAS Prelims and Mains taking feedback from toppers. We also keep updating aspirants when new but relevant books are available in the market. This post is a review of some of the latest books for UPSC Exams from the publisher Cosmos Bookhive Pvt Ltd.
Attention: Publishers or authors in the field of Competitive Exam Books
This might be an online age, but the importance of books (and sales) has only increased. There a lot of books available in the market, but still for certain specific topics or subjects, there is a dearth of quality books. It’s a good sign that new authors and publishers are entering the field with books where sufficient material is unavailable. If you are a publisher/author with quality books for UPSC Civil Services Exam, then you can send us sample copies for review to be published in book review section. You may mail us at contactus[at] for more details. Thanks.
UPSC Exam Books by Cosmos Bookhive – Book Review
The Publisher Cosmos Bookhive has come up with many revised books to suit the requirements of the changed syllabus in UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam. Some of the topics covered include World Constitutions, International Relations, International Organisations, Foreign Policy of India etc.
International Relations – By Prakash Chander and Prem Arora
The book International Relations is divided into two sections. Section A deals with comparative politics and international relations (448 pages). Section B is titled India and the World and deals with the foreign policy aspects of India (244 pages). Though Section A is a little theoretical, it covers many important topics for IAS mains like Party System, Pressure Groups, Globalisation, North-South dialogue, Global commons etc. Section B is a highly useful study material for studying India’s foreign policy which covers topics like NAM, Kasmir Question, India-US, India- Russia, India-Africa and so on.
Click to buy International Relations by Prakash Chander and Prem Arora online at a discounted price.
Foreign Policy of India – By Prem Arora
Foreign Policy of India by Prem Arora is a handy book on India’s foreign policy. The first 80 pages of the book trace the latest developments in India’s foreign policy, while the remaining 200 pages explore India’s foreign policy, right from the beginning. While the initial chapters discuss the relevance of SAARC and Nuclear Security Summit, the second part deals with conventional topics like India and its neighbours, India-US relations, India and UNO etc. This brief book is useful as a ready reference of Indian Foreign Policy.
Click to buy Foreign Policy of India by Prem Arora online at a discounted price.
United Nations (A Study of International Organization) By Prem Arora
International organisations are a topic mentioned for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam GS Paper 2. This book explores latest developments related to many international organisations like UNO, UNDF, IMF, BRICS, UNFCC, ECOSOC etc in the first 82 pages, but the next 350+ pages are entirely devoted for United Nations Organisations. We won’t advise research on the 350+ pages on UNO, but for a quick grasp of current issues/events related to international organisations, the initial chapters of the book might help. NB: 2013 mains question was about the difference between the IMF and the World Bank.
Click to buy United Nations (A Study of International Organization) By Prem Arora online at a discounted price.
International Politics by Prem Arora
The first 52 pages of the book explore the latest developments in international politics while the next 400 pages is a detailed write up on international politics, including the theoretical aspects. Though not a must-buy, the book can be used as reference material for GS1 and GS2 papers of UPSC Civil Services Mains exam. A few aspects of world history like imperialism, world wars, arms race etc are also covered. The book might be more useful for aspirants with political science as an optional subject in UPSC mains.
Click to buy International Politics by Prem Arora online at a discounted price.
World Constitution by Prem Arora
The revised edition partitions the book into two sections. The first 74 pages trace the latest updates or amendments in many world constitutions like US, UK etc. The next 488 pages give a detailed description of the constitutions of 7 countries namely, Britain, USA, Switzerland, China, Japan, USSR and France. World Constitutions is a comprehensive book which discusses various constitutions of the world, giving students an idea of their salient features. Given the time constraints, it is neither easy nor advisable for IAS aspirants to read the entire book end to end, but it is advisable to go through the summaries given in each chapter of the book. (For UPSC Civil Services Mains GS2 paper).
Click to buy World Constitution by Prem Arora online at a discounted price.
Public Administration Part 1 by E. Chandran
Public Administration Part 1 by E. Chandran is written according to UPSC Civil Services Syllabus. The book is for those who take the popular optional subject Public Administration in IAS mains exam. Each chapter of the book is prepared according to the sub-headings in the Pub Ad syllabus. There are 13 chapters divided into 2 sections. A few previous year question papers are also given at the end.
Click to buy Public Administration Part 1 by E. Chandran online at a discounted price.
Public Administration Part 2 by E. Chandran
Public Administration Part 2 by E. Chandran is written according to UPSC Civil Services Syllabus. The book is for those who take the popular optional subject Public Administration in IAS mains exam. Each chapter of the book is prepared according to the sub-headings in the Pub Ad syllabus. There are 14 chapters which cover almost all topics under Section A and B of Pub Ad optional paper. A few previous year question papers are also given at the end.
Click to buy Public Administration Part 2 by E. Chandran online at a discounted price.
March of the Indian Economy ( 1947 to 2014) by Nitin Dhingra, I. C. Dhingra
March of the Indian Economy ( 1947 to 2014) by Nitin Dhingra, I. C. Dhingra is a book on Indian Economy, written adopting a new style of presentation. The book gives readers a feel of sitting in the classroom. Many current events, newspaper clippings, policies and programs related to the Indian economy are added which gives the book a different feel. This book can aid in UPSC civil services main exam preparation. To help for aspirants for Prelims, multiples choice questions are added, but considering the style of presentation, this book seems more suitable for main (written) examination. This book is up-to-date, and even includes many of the latest topics related to Indian economy including CSS and the last budget. The book is an easy read, and that makes it special. Indian Economy is a tough subject for many, this is one book which anyone can try to get a quick grasp about the direction of growth of Indian Economy.
Click to buy March of the Indian Economy ( 1947 to 2014) by Nitin Dhingra, I. C. Dhingra online at a discounted price.
sauravsarkar2013 says
Hi Clear IAS team,
Congratulations first of all to your tireless endeavours in helping the aspirants for IAS.
I would be glad if you can kindly suggest some relevant and important books for the IAS Anthropology Optional syllabus.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Regards Sourav says
Thanks Saurav, for the positive comments. For Anthropology optionals, the following books are suggested by experienced candidates.
Physical Anthropology – P.Nath/Das.
An Introduction to social anthropology by Majumdar/madan.
Makhan jha’s book on Anthropology theories.
Indian anthropology by R.N. Sharma.
NCERT Indian Society, Social Change.
Indian anthropology by Nadeem Hasnan.
nisha says
Plz tell me books for sociology optional subject for mains
abhi134 says
Please tell me if cosmos bookhive book is enough for paper 2 part a which consists of comparative politics and international relations?