UPSC aspirants who had applied for Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2018 can now download the UPSC Hall Ticket. UPSC has also published important instructions to be followed while downloading the e-admit card.
Download the Hall-Ticket (e-admit card) for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2018
All aspirants who had registered for UPSC Prelims 2018 can enter their Registration ID (or Roll Number, if available) to download the hall ticket. Take the print out of the admit card and be ready for the UPSC preliminary exam, which is scheduled on June 03, 2018.
Link – Download the e-admit Card for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2018
Note: No paper Admit Card will be issued for this Examination. The candidates are advised to take a printout of the e-Admit Card well in advance to avoid the last minute rush. “Important Instructions to the candidates” must be read carefully by the candidates.
About UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2018 Exam:
- Date of Examination: June 03 2018.
- Paper 1: 09.30 A.M. to 11.30 A.M.
- Paper 2: 02.30 P.M. to 04.30 P.M.
- Candidates are advised to bring black ball point pen to the examination hall for all objective type papers. Answers other than those made by Black Ball Point Pen would not be evaluated.
- Enter the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the examination.
- You will not be admitted to the examination if you report 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination.
- There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type Question Papers.
Important Instructions for Candidates
- Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.
- Bring the e-Admit Card in each session to secure admission to Examination Hall.
- Candidates are advised to carefully read all the ‘ important instructions to the candidate’, which they have downloaded with this e-admit card from the Commission’s website. Read, download and print important instructions to candidates for UPSC CSE Prelims.
- Read the “Special Instructions for candidates admitted to the examination” given in “Rules for the Examination” available in Examination Notice and “Poster” containing instructions displayed outside the Examination Hall.
- Candidates should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in encoding / filling in details in the OMR answer sheet, especially with regard to Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code, will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
If your photo on the UPSC Hall Ticket 2018 is not clear, you need to bring these!
Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring a photo identity proof viz. Aadhar Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs one for each session for appearing in the examination with an undertaking.
No Mobile Phones, Pen Drives or Calculators allowed in the Exam Hall
Mobile phone, (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device and calculator are banned inside the Examination Hall.
Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items and bags to the Examination Halls, as safe-keeping of the same can not be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
Make sure you appear at the same centre indicated by the Commission
If you appear at a centre / sub-centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in your e-Admit Card, your answer scripts will not be evaluated and your candidature is liable to be cancelled.
Orthopedically /Visually Impaired candidates: Need a separate e-admit card, in case you opt for your own scribe
Orthopedically /Visually Impaired candidates, who have opted for their own scribe, may note that their own scribe will be allowed for the exam only with a separate e-Admit Card for such scribe. The e-Admit Cards for the own scribes will be issued separately.
Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability (only blindness and low vision sub category) should not attempt such questions in Paper II, where data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.,) is required. Questions numbers of such questions are highlighted in the Paper II [e.g. if Question No.1 is highlighted question, it would look like 1.]. Marks of these questions will be distributed equally amongst the remaining questions for such candidates.
Did you face any problem downloading the admit card?
In the case of any problem in downloading e-admit card for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2018 or discrepancy noticed in the e-admit card, may please be informed in detail on e-mail: – [email protected] (For Technical Problem), [email protected] (For Applicant Data Problem).
UPSC Allows Representation on the Questions Asked!
Candidates may submit representations, if any, on the questions asked in the Question Papers of this Examination to the Commission through the “Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep)” only by accessing the This URL during the period from 4th-10 June, 2018.
No representation through any other mode and after 10th June, 2018 shall be accepted by the Commission.
Are you short of time to cover all topics before Prelims?
If you are time-crunched, read this article. ClearIAS has covered a strategy which would be extremely useful in the coming days. All the best!
Admit cards are not downloading
Please try from a desktop or laptop using a high-speed connection.
admit card download getting error..not to get yet now..
Unable to download Admit card
Admit card downloading error
card download getting error..not to get yet now..
Admit card has been not yet downloading send me the link to my mail [email protected]
if any e admit card not download properly we can use another desktop machine.
e admit card not downloding even changing machine, what to do?
Upsc admitcard should be colourful
Sir my name is farheen chaman and I applied forPGT and TGT entrance but my registration slip has lost and tomorrow will my entrance in bulandshahr and I hav no detail and no msg from administration.. With hall ticket I can’t enter the center please help it’s chance for my life. Plz
Farheen chaman
Father. Chaman ahmad
DOB. 17/04/1987
MOB. 8449027677