Are you preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE)? If yes, take UPSC Prelims FREE Online Mock Tests by ClearIAS.
ClearIAS strongly believes in the power of quality practice for success in the UPSC Prelims.
Our online mock exams are specially created to equip aspirants to face the challenges of UPSC exams.
ClearIAS offers premium mock exams as well as free mock exams.
UPSC Prelims FREE Online Mock Test (Mini Exams)
Apart from our 45 premium exams (2-hour, full-length exams) in the ClearIAS UPSC Prelims Test Series, we also conduct free exams (which are mini-exams).
There are 3 mini mock exams to practice now.
- GS All-Topics (Mini Test)
- Indian Polity (Subject-specific Mini Test)
- Economics (Subject-specific Mini Test)
Why ClearIAS is providing FREE Online Mock Tests?
ClearIAS provides free mini UPSC Prelims Online Mock Exams.
These free mock exams help you become familiar with the need for quality practice.
Besides the mock exams will help you know the features offered by the ClearIAS Mock Exam platform used by more than 3,00,000 registered users.
The power of test-taking
ClearIAS provides 45 online mock exams as part of the ClearIAS Prelims Test Series.
Out of these, 18 full-topic exams are just like the actual UPSC Prelims. There will be 100 questions to be answered in 120 minutes.
We will cover all sections like History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science, Technology, Culture, Environment, Current affairs etc. as mentioned in the latest UPSC syllabus for General Studies Paper-1.
Apart from the 18 full-topic exams, we also provide 8 NCERT-based exams, 7 Subject-specific exams, and 7 Current Affairs exams as part of the ClearIAS Prelims Test Series (for PREMIUM users).
You can now take the mini UPSC Prelims Online Mock Exam conducted by ClearIAS – for FREE!
Solutions and Performance Analysis are available in “My Account”
- For both FREE and PREMIUM users, detailed solutions will be provided in the “My Account” link. However, for free users, if any of the paid exams are made available free on a temporary basis as surprise exams, those exams and solutions will be available only during the exam window. PREMIUM users will get extended access for both exams and solutions, until the next Prelims.
- For paid users, the details can be viewed from the “My Account” or “Answer Keys” link at any time convenient before the next Prelims.
ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Test Series
ClearIAS Prelims Test Series is a unique way to prepare online by self-study and to remain focused by following a top-notch Timetable.
There are 45 online mock exams in the series. A new exam will be uploaded on Sundays as per the ClearIAS Timetable.
Once you enroll, you will get instant access to all uploaded exams as well as automatic access to all upcoming exams. You can take exams at any time convenient before the next Prelims.
If not yet enrolled, enroll in ClearIAS Prelims Test Series, and plan your preparation accordingly for UPSC Prelims to ensure that your studies remain focused, fast, and efficient.
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Arjun kumar says
Sie upsc ki tayyari karni hai