Those candidates who successfully cleared UPSC Mains written exam will have to appear for UPSC Interview, also known as Personality Test. Unlike the Prelims (objective) and Mains (written exam), which is conducted at different centers across India, Personality Test is conducted only at the UPSC office in New Delhi (Dholpur House).
As this will be a crucial day in the life of most candidates, we advice to carefully verify the documents before-hand to avoid last minute panic. Ensure that you have all necessary documents ready.
Documents that should be brought in for IAS Interview
We have bullet pointed the documents needed for UPSC interview taking notes from the different PDFs in the official UPSC website (, as well as the previous year interview candidates. We advise all candidates to please re-check the same with official UPSC website each year.
Candidates are advised to bring the following documents for Civil Services Exam Interview to UPSC Dholpur House.
- Matriculation or equivalent certificate in original to verify the Name and Date of Birth.
- Self-attested photo-copy of Matriculation or equivalent certificate in original to verify the Name and Date of Birth.
- Degree certificate in original to prove education qualification (If original degree certificates are not issued, carry provisional certificates and/or mark-sheets).
- Self-attested photo-copy of Degree certificate in original to prove education qualification (If original degree certificates are not issued, carry provisional certificates and/or mark-sheets).
- Self-attested photo-copy of Degree in original.
- Mark-sheets of Degree in original (UPSC staff may not always ask, but carry along with you.)
- 2 passport size photographs that are taken recently. Self-attest one of them.
- E-summon letter print-out.
Additional documents (case by case basis)
- Caste/Tribe Certificate in original plus copy.
- Physical Disabilities Certificate in original plus copy. Also DWE certificate for PH-1(LDCP).
- Certificates in support of age relaxation for corresponding categories.
- PG degree/higher education certificates and mark-sheets.
- TA form – two copies plus proof of journey (for outstation candidates).
- Affidavit (in case of minor name discrepancies).
Documents needed for Medical Examination
- 8-10 passport size photos.
- Prescriptions or medical certificates if any (may turn helpful for eye check-up).
NB: After the medical exam, get the relieving letter from the concerned authorities.
Documents that need to be sent to DoPT
A copy of the attestation form duly filled plus six copies of the same, each signed in. Don’t forget to affix a signed passport size copy of a recent photograph on the same.
Extra Tips/Info regarding IAS/IPS/IFS Interview
The below information is based on the experiences of past year interview candidates.
- Medical checkup normally happens on the next-working-day after the interview. But if your interview date is on Friday, the medical check-up may happen only on Monday (the next working day). Please be prepared for the stay.
- You cannot wear a watch inside UPSC interview hall.
- Better to keep mobile phones outside the UPSC premises.
- You will normally get newspapers inside UPSC hall.
- The office staff will verify your original documents and give it back on the same day itself, often before your interview starts.
- You don’t need to come up with certificates of extra-curricular achievements to UPSC hall. For last few years, candidates are allowed to enter UPSC interview room only free-hand.
- There are ample facilities for toilets and drinking water inside UPSC premises and there is no need to worry about those issues.
Also read: IAS Interview: 25 Golden Tips for Success
Experienced candidates who had attended UPSC interview are requested to bring in more insights if we missed any. Freshers who got calls for UPSC interview for the first time may ask the queries or concerns regarding UPSC interview in the comment section below. Clear IAS Team wish all readers of and users of Clear IAS app who attend UPSC interview this year all the very best. Keep calm and confident. Clear IAS!
is there need to graduate for preparation for IAS
what qualification wants for IAS
Yes, if you are in 21 years old and complete your graduation so you can eligible for this exam…
Yes,of course
Sir I am commerce graduate. But can I take geography for upsc mains exam..and is it possible for me that I can prepare geography vast syllabus till mains…some one told me that don’t go for geography due to vast and tough competition from Delhi and other university students. They advise for history. So can u pls help me out between these subjects.
Yes u can…this is not necessary u know
But as depend on u
sir i am graduate in B.A. in open univercity. can i give competative exams?
You can appear in exam…
But ensure that the university from which you have achieved the qualifications has a valid affiliation during your course period.
yes vipin u can take geography for ur cs mains……as u are a commerce graguate i recommend u that u had better to take arts subject while opt other sub…
how check medical examination ?
my question is regarding the medical examination after the interview. Does tooth extraction makes a candidate likely to be regected? Please answer.
Sir I need UPSC interview dates
UPSC interview dates 2016
sir if a boy is married , then is it required to give his marital status in the document verification process of UPSC exam ?
sir actually I have cleared mains IAS but recently declared result shaken me as in my view dates of personality test were 18,19 may but I m not getting what was happened tommorow please suggest me what’s going on. …is that really that I lost my interview
Your interview is on 18th May?
hi prabhat can u help me regarding interview.. 8309882661
one sitting degree is eligible for civils examination. plz inform me
What is one sitting degree can u explain..?
do migration certificate is necessary for the civils and forest service at the time of upsc interview ?
Does a person who wrote his/her exam in general category, needs to carry their community certificate?
sir my fathers sirname is written in 10 th marksheet but not in the 12 th and degree…..does it matter in document verification…..
How the interview date fixed whther it is based on MAIN marksor based on roll number
I’ve only provisional
I have no all semester marksheets
Can I apply with provisional
Sir mains Clear hone k baad.. Marks kab Pata chalta hai… Before interview or after interview.. And ranking bhi.
What if i changed my surname after 12th and my 12th and graduation certificate has different surnames ?
Will gazzette notification be okay ??? Or is it a serious trouble ?
why you don’t add ph candidates interviews
Is interview going on for cse 2016? When it is going to over???
Sir i am bsc for bu university but sir 12th after dropout
Dear Sir,
I m a muslim girl & recently married with hindu brahmin boy i have a state govt marriage certificate along with joint photo is it valid to appear upsc examination.
Sir is there any solution for a problem related to father’s name in the certificates… as my all certificates carry his sirname but my father has never used his sirname anywhere in his certificates.
Plz… reply ASAP.
hi prabhat can u help me regarding interview.. 8309882661
Sir I have not completed my 12th standard can I join air force
Sir I had my finger surgery 3 months ago
Am I eligible for IAS
Yes, you are eligible.
I hv resigned from bank is my relieving letter enough during interview or should I hv conduct certificate or experience cert
Sir which is best civil service or state civil service
I have done internship in 8th sem of so my 8th sem marksheet contains only internship marks in it not subjects marks of 8th sem, So is there going to be any problem in final interview of UPSC CSE and other government exams ?
i sir…
i have cleared my mains in 2011.. attended interview in 2012.. based on this criteria i got a job… they r asking me to submit call letter on upsc.. since its seen very time i have deleted all mails…. can i able to get d old call letter
Sir, I would really like if you could answer a sincere doubt. I’m in my FY graduation and ended up going and getting a small tattoo which isn’t really in a visible spot. I’ll be giving the UPSC examination in a couple of years and wanted to ask if tattoos are banned in the IAS/IPS posts because I have searched it up but no relevant source has answered. Thanks
Sir, I would really appreciate if you could reply asap. I’m in FY graduation and ended up getting a small tattoo in a not so visible place. I’ll be giving the UPSC examination in a couple of years and wanted to ask if a tattoos are banned for the IAS /IFS posts. I’ve tried searching but I got useless information from irrelevant sources, thanks.
I am a UPSC aspiring female candidate. I belong to OBC Caste and I am also a non creamy layer candidate. I have both certificate obtained from my respective state government of Maharashtra. Is there a need for separate central government caste certificate and non creamy certificate for OBC??. Sir pl. Reply asap.
Look I’m having same spelling for my fathers name on every report card. It’s like my fathers name is Mehraj, but on my documents it’s Mearaj. Do you think it can be an issue. But this is same on my Marticulation, n all other documents. Kindly get back to me on this.
i select a siac ngo …
Sir I choose optional paper mathematics. Is better my graduation bsc mscs sir where is mathematics paper better coaching center
I preper upsc exam & i am blind person i want scribe / writer please help me
What are the documents of the student verified by upsc?
I’ve heard people saying that they verify in deep, they sometimes verify the originality of the certificate with college, they do look even at our activities Social media, they do verify our aadhar regarding our updation n all… To what extent these are true?
Can I give upsc interview at Mumbai
After selection does docoments go to board office for inquary
If we have arrears in b. Com can we apply for ias
Sir,my surname is written as Molla in 10th, 12th and in graduation certificate, but it has been changed as Mondal in my aadhar and pan card.If I apply as Mondal (Molla) will it be a case of rejection when I have the Affidavits? PLEASE INFORM ME AND OBLIGE!
Did Ignou ug diploma graduation after 12th is valid for ias
Hi sir…, sir my Surname in ssc, Diploma, B tech.. Is ‘karjuganti’…. But my parents surname is different as
Karjuguttha…. It was mistaken in ssc board at the time I went to school they said u continue as per ssc so I continued I changed my name as per ssc in pan, adhar, voter ID…
Prasent am preparing it is any problem in upsc please tell sir… I can’t concentrate on study these doubt repeated in my mind..
Will it be a problem if my name has a space in 10th marksheet but is joined together in 12th marksheet and degree certificate!? Will my application get rejected or is that like it is not a big issue to worry about?
can i use a caste certificate which is in kannada for upsc interview
I am currently working and want to quit.Since i am not paying the bond amount i wont be getting relieving letter and company record will have it ad absconding. Will it affect me in future? During verification do they check the previous job profile
Hi pooja i m also in the same dilemma.If you have come to know something about this can u please let me know.plz rly me on [email protected]
I have graduated from a recognized university and have certificate of the same… did my 10th in cbsc… but my 12th is from ksou karnataka state open university i pass 12th breach course from ksou..will my 12th markscard will create problem in document verification???? and also i lost my same 12th original mark sheet so they provided me a duplicate of same….
And i have got only my 10th marks card where date of birth is mentioned but no certificate has been provided in 10th will my 10th markscard will do for document verification??
hi sir ..i have caste certificate ..and we belong to creamy layer …my doubt is what is the checklist of the documents to be submitted in the interview of upsc?
Sir pls help me…I am 2 nd year BAMLT ..PLZ REPLY ME .sir m final year m form ..fill kr skti hu..plz reply me
Sir I am married girl ..sir ..m final year..kya form fill .. UPSC kr skti hu
I have a tattoo on my forearm. Is it something to be worried about for selection?
Sir without caste certificate can we give exam, is it necessary to have a caste certificate , because it is not possible for me to make caste certificate, or can we give exam from gen category also……
Is police verification as a part of background verification done after the final list is announced or before itself ( after interview).?
Sir I am a IGNOU student, what if got selected in upsc interview but I not have degree certificate at that time and my degree certificate will be publish on may and my upsc result will be declared on April. So am I get the recommended candidature.
At the top left corner of my original marksheet of class 10th something was written with pen by the college management during admission..
Will it affect me during the document verification for government job?