After the successful 50-day answer writing practise for UPSC Civil Services mains under Clear IAS Mains High-Value Answer Writing Test Series, it’s now time to start the full-length test series for UPSC mains.
We deeply appreciate the interest and enthusiasm shown by our regular participants and readers, which is the main motivating factor for us to come up with this free full-length series.
These mock tests for UPSC Mains can be taken from the comfort of home. In the coming days, aspirants can expect free mock tests on GS2, GS3, GS4 and Essay.
Clear IAS Mains Full Length Free Mock Test Series – 1 (GS1)
Instructions: There are 25 questions. Each question should be attempted in 200 words and carries 10 marks each. Content is more important than the length.
- Ragas play an important part in many Indian paintings. Analyse the significance of Ragas as seen in different Indian schools of painting.
- The common root of all classical dance forms of India can be traced to Bharat’s Natyasastra. Evaluate this statement.
- Upon studying the temple architecture, special patterns/types can be observed in the temples of the Gupta Age. Discuss the major types of temples constructed during the Gupta Age?
- List the major women’s organisations in India working for their cause. Highlight the main objectives.
- What do you mean by Demographic Transition Theory? What are the criticisms of this theory?
- Why Gross National Income(GNI) or GNI per capita cannot be used as accurate instruments for measuring poverty and development? Highlight the limitations.
- What dimensions of human development are represented in Human Development Report? What are the findings related to India in the latest Human Development Report?
- There were many uprisings against the British even before the first war of Independence in 1857. List the major uprisings before 1857 and analyse if the mutiny in 1857 can be called the first war of independence.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Commercialization of Indian Agriculture’ in the backdrop of British policies in India? What were the consequences of this policy?
- The strengthening of cultural nationalism eventually led to the strengthening of political nationalism. Critically evaluate this statement in the backdrop of social reforms initiated Arya Samaj.
- Indian National movement was not an isolated movement, but it was inspired by the happening all over the world. How did Russian Revolution influence Indian National Movement?
- What was the ideology and programme of Swarajists? Trace the reasons for the decline of Swarajists.
- Nehru report was an important step towards creating a constitution for India. What were the responses to the Nehru Report from the inside of the congress and from the British?
- What were the provisions of the India Independence Act 1947? What was the reason for the dominion clause even in the Independence act?
- Post-independent India adopted Federalism where states have a crucial significance. Trace the historical events which led to the re-organisation of Indian states on the basis of language.
- The issues of official languages and minor languages were a major debate in post-independent India. How were these issues resolved?
- Identify the factors that led to the nationalization of banks in India?
- The French revolution is counted by many as one of the bloodiest revolutions in world history. What were the major impacts of the French Revolution on France as well as the world outside?
- Modern communism is reformist rather than revolutionary. Critically evaluate.
- Hundred years have passed since the beginning of the Great War. Analyse the social, economic, and political implications of the First World War.
- 2014 is the 25th anniversary of the Fall of Berlin. How did the Fall of the Berlin wall affect the course of world history?
- What are the factors that result in the formation of a tropical cyclone? Why there are more tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal than in the Arabian Sea?
- What do you mean by Cloudburst? What are the preventive measures?
- The salinity of oceans in not uniform. How does the salinity of oceans vary from poles to the equator? What are the reasons for the variations?
- What are the major industrial regions in India? Highlight the factors that favoured the development of any four of the major industrial regions.
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