Freshers in the field of UPSC Civil Services Exam may have lot many queries while filling the application. This article is a humble attempt to clarify the doubts regarding UPSC Civil Services Exam, popularly known as IAS Exam among the masses.
All readers of are advised to have a quick look at these questions and answers before filling up the application form for Preliminary Exam this year (hardly takes 5 minutes of your time!). Answers to the questions are taken from the official UPSC notification as well as from the FAQ section in the UPSC website.
Also read: Candidates should not change appearance, says UPSC
How should you apply for UPSC Civil Services Exam (IAS Exam)?
Candidates are required to apply Online by using the website
Should I send documents via post to UPSC?
UPSC take up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidate has qualified for Interview/Personality Test.
What is the late date of application for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam?
The online Applications can be filled up to 30th June, 2014 till 11.59 PM after which the link will be disabled.
What is the fees for UPSC Preliminary application?
Fees for Preliminary exam is Rs.100. All female candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Physically Handicapped categories are exempted from payment of fee. No fee exemption is, however, available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the prescribed fee in full. NB : Candidates admitted to the Main Examination will be required to pay a further fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundreds only).
How should the candidate pay the fee for UPSC Civil Services Exam?
Candidates are required to pay fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either by
- remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by Cash, or
- by using net banking facility of State Bank of India/State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/Sate Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala /State Bank of Travancore or
- by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
Will I get an exam-center of my choice for Preliminary Exam?
Allotment of Centres will be on the “first-apply-first allot” basis, and once the capacity of a particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen.
Should I install security certificate as alerted in the UPSC website?
Before proceeding further in UPSC website ( you may install Security Certificate if not done earlier.
What are the requirements (in size and dimensions) for the Photograph and Signature to be uploaded for UPSC Civil Services Exam?
The images of the photograph and signature should be scanned in the jpg format. The candidate should scan his/her signature which has been put on white paper with black ink pen. Each of the scanned images of the photograph/signature should not exceed 40 KB in size (for photograph, the pixel size is 140 pixels height x110 pixels width and for sign it should be 110 pixels height x140 pixels width) and also to be ensured that the uploaded photograph/signature are proper. [The communication as per is that “the photograph should preferably be in .jpg format and the signature can be in .jpg or format”. But it’s safer to follow the communication mentioned in UPSC Notification 2014 ie. “Images to be uploaded should be only in .jpg format of size not exceeding 40 KB each and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph and 1 KB for the signature”.].
Note :
- Please note your photograph and signatures should be properly cropped / clear and should not be hazy or illegible.
- The photograph file should contain your photograph only without any other mark such as signatures etc.
- The signature file should contain your recent signatures only without any other mark such as date etc.
- In case of poor quality images, not properly cropped or swapping of photograph / signature file, the application is liable to be rejected.
- Check the link for sample acceptable photos and signatures for UPSC.
- Check the link for sample non-acceptable photos and signatures for UPSC.
Whether the photograph should be in Black and White or should it be in a colour ?
Both are acceptable as long as they are as per the given specifications and quality of photograph is good enough to be identifiable and acceptable.
If the Photograph is not of the proper pixel size given, then how to convert it?
Use any free image editing software such as MSPaint or Irfanview. To delete the unnecessary print area, use the CROP option after selecting the Image. To resize to proper pixel size use the resize option.
NB : Candidates using MSWindow/MSOffice can obtain photo and signature in .JPG format not exceeding 40KB by using MSPaint or MSOffice Picture Manager. Scanned photograph and signature (scan at 200 dpi) in any format can be saved in jpg format by using ‘Save As’ option in the File menu and size can be reduced below 40KB by using crop and then resize option (resize 110 pixels width x 140 pixels height) in the ‘Image’ menu. Similar options are available in other photo editor also.
What if I submit multiple applications?
The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher RID is complete in all respects like applicants’ details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the applications with higher RID (Registration ID) shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.
How do I re-confirm that my application is saved and received in the Commission’s Office?
The successful submission of the online application requires the completion of two parts of the application correctly. After completing the part-I of the application the system generates a unique number which is known as the Registration ID. After the completion of all the columns in part-II, a fresh page displays the message that the application has been submitted successfully. The generation of the unique registration ID number combined with the display of this message indicates that the application has been registered.
What details should I retain after completion of successful submission of my form?
It is strongly advised that after the completion of the process of submission of the online application, the applicant must take a print out of the submitted application form and keep the same for future reference. The candidate is also advised to keep his fee payment proof which might be required by the commission in case of any discrepancy.
Will I get a hall ticket or admission ticket via post from UPSC?
The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admission Certificate three weeks before the commencement of the examination. The e- Admission Certificate will be made available in the UPSC website [] for downloading by candidates. No Admission Certificate will be sent by post.
Should I apply for UPSC Mains again?
Candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified for admission to the Main Examination will have to apply online again, in the Detailed Application Form which would be made available to them.
Can I contact UPSC directly for any clarifications or guidance regarding applications?
In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC’s Facilitation Counter near gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Telephone No. 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs.
What details should I provide to make correspondence with the Commission?
In case of correspondence with the commission an applicant must mention these details -Name of Examination, Applicant’s name, father’s name, date of birth and the Registration Identity Number(RID).
I am clear with the application related aspects of the Preliminary exam, but I am yet to get a clear idea about many aspects of the actual exam, ie Prelims, Mains and Interview. Can you brief me on the exam-related common queries and clarifications too? has already written many articles on the queries about the UPSC exam. But at this particular point, we advice you to read our article titled “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on UPSC Civil Services Exam” which is a comprehensive write-up with hyper-links of many related articles. Thanks.
If i apply for Indian Forest service exam alone this time then still i have my Civil Service exam attempts untouched, right ?
Respected sir,my date of birth is 12-01-1988,i belongs to general category,can i apply for civil service 2019 exam because in march 2020 the interview is conducted i will be attaining the age of 32
im in mbc community but in application is not there what i want to do now.
i am unable to install the certifiacate, I mewan even when iam installing the certificate it is showing th same page
Please help…
will I be considered fit/eligible in the medical check-up of UPSC CIVIL SERVICES if I have myopia(details given below) :
SPH: 7.00
CYL: 0.75
AXIS: 180
V/A: 6/6
SPH: 8.00
CYL: 1.50
AXIS: 180
V/A: 6/6
If yes,what are the posts in which I will be considered? If no, then , can LASIK Surgery be of any help? Please reply ASAP.
sir,my D.O.B is 12/6/1983. how many times can i appear for ibps po exam & SBI PO exam?plz reply.
Can BCCA (bachelor of computer commerce administration of) student can apply for IFoS(Indian forest service) after clearing All level of UPSC exam?
Sir , if a parent of a student preparing for civil services is declared a convict in certain case then whether it may affect his examination course. Please give me reply its very important for me
Thanks and regards
Can someone please clear this..
UPSC has sent me a letter requesting to submit an identical photograph for CSM DAF within 10days. I have two queries regarding this.
• I have sent by the courier, but it hasn’t reached till today and tomorrow is the last date. What will happen, if it is not going to reach within 10 days?
• Does sending a letter for photograph mean that I got qualified for the next round ie., interview.
how do I know that my application I have submitted was rejected or not?
Sir,I m born in mumbai .i fall under obc community as my ancestors aRe from.govt. Of maharashtra is not giving me obc caste certificate as their criteria Is dat my grandfathers and father sshud be resident of maharashtra.the govt. Of uttarprAdesh has given my dads n grandpas caste query is now what should I do now….shud I apply as obc from maharashtra or shyd I give exams from UP OR shall I apply as open from mumbai.would my certificate of UP be vaLid even if I am born n studied in mumbai.
i am filling online for ias exams and i born on 19/01/1989.
when i go to date of birth column . it does not have the option for1989 in years
please revert as soon as possible!!!
thanks and regards
Rajan Dhiman
How can I cross check the subjects applied for the mains ?
sir, space mistake in father name in mark-sheets. so please clarified that in future create a problem or not.
Sir, I’m basically forestry graduate.. I’m desperate abt becoming IAS. How is geology as an optional for Civil services? Is it scoring? Upto what extent the toppers have scored in this subject? How moderation of marks is done with other subjects? Pls help me sir
Can I write my some paper in eng. And some in Hindi like history in mains exam?
where to get( prescribed performa of obc by upsc) form? please help me guys ,it is very urgent.
my dad died in my childhood and i dont have my father death certificate and i unable to get that is that certificate compulsory for ias exam
I have a tattoo in my forearm saying INDIA . Am I eligible for a civil service exam particularly IPS ?
sir/mam i want to cancel my registration for IAS,,,,,,,,,, is there any option? sir please tell me if any option..
Deepika, Though there is no edit/cancel option, if you need to make any changes, you just need to re-apply again. UPSC will consider only the application with the latest ID.
Also note that if you register for UPSC CSE but not attempt for Prelims, then that will not be considered as an attempt. So there is no need to worry. All the best!
Sir..on my ssc mark sheet my name is X but on other government I’d proofs my. Name is X Y .. Am I eligible for UPSC exam??If thy create any issue at the time of examination..plzz reply
Hello Sir, I have done a mistake while filling the IAS Application form for 2016
Mistake is :Do you hail from Arunachal Pradesh/
Manipur/Meghalaya/Mizoram/Nagaland/Sikkim and are claiming
exemption from appearing in INDIAN LANGUAGE FOR PAPER A ?
I am selecting “**YES**” but in actual For me it should be “**NO**”
Can I change it while filling DAF for mains 2016?
Hi Sukadev: You may give a ring to UPSC Helpline number and file an application again for UPSC CSE Prelims.
I’ll turn 21 years of age on 21st August but the preliminary exam for IAS is on 7th August ….So can I give it or eligible for it…
I am complete my garaduation in mechanical engineering ,then
Can i select writing language in mains exam is ‘ Marathi’ ?
My age on 23/08/2017 will be 21years. Am I eligible for ias exam 2017
I am habe now come in the final year of my graduation. Cam i fill upsc form this year or shall i waot to complete my graduation?
is government employ is eleible for ias?
Hi Sir,
I have written prelims for 2016 and I am sure that I will pass it but I have made a mistake in application form like “Name” and “Exam type” for example: I did not choose as I am appearing for “IAS”.
Can you please guide me how to overcome this as it will be a problem for me in the future when I pass prelims.
I have to apply for ias exam but I am confused about my aggregate as I am from VTU where it considers aggregate from 5th semester to 8th semester. Do I have to calculate aggregate from 1st to 8th or 5th to 8th?
Sir I wish to write CSE in Tamil medium. But I will study my Engineering in English medium. Now I want to write my optional in English medium,essay writing portions and general studies in Tamil medium. It is possible sir. Please tell me about that sir
sir my problem is my cast certificate my father name is yogindra kumar and all my marksheet in yogendra please suggest mi what i do …
Sir, my right hand unnessary tattoo sorry it my mistake so I am eligible IPS post or not please ask me …..sir. mob. 9626812800 And i am a village famil
y s o not understand ……if problem IPS my life service poor
If a person from reserved category apply through general category and if he has completed 6 attempt. So for further attempts can he will be able to take category facilities means can he will fill 7 th application through reserve category.
Dear sir I’m finding very difficult to study prelims csat paper coz I’m very very weak in maths ,getting 33 percentage in csat paper is extremely difficult for me .I’m very confident in paper 1 but with paper 2 I’m struggling a loot pls help me .sud I go to any coaching class r study any books for csat???
Sir I have Changed my name after my SSLC Exams..while filling the form for UPSC it ask to fill the name as per SSLC records..I am confused what I should do? Please suggest
respected sir …in my 10 and grajuation my name is only waseem ..but I want add my sir name as waseem qureshi…is I able to do ias exam…
Studying Bsc in {PCM} combination….in subject selection of Mains paper can I choose another subject…..??
is there any norms for per subject cut off in cse mains????
Hello sir.! Can you please tell me if the registration for CDSE 2 (2017) has started? If not, can you please tell me when the registration portal opens?
Thanks, in advance..!
i attempted prelim of cse prelim in 2016 but failed.when i apply for 2017 this year . what i should answer for “no of attempts made”
Hi Guys,…
It will be really helpful if anyone could clarify my doubt.
In Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth, chapter 14 centre state relations (Page no. 14.2) Territorial Extent of central and state legislation 3rd point he has mentioned that laws of parliament are also applicable to indian citizens and their property in any parts of the world.
I want to know how can parliament make laws on extraterritorial properties as it hurts the sovereignty of that land.
plz share your inputs on this.
Thank You.
Will I be able to change my optional subject before mains, If I pass the prelims???
I submitted upsc(ac)2017 and the registration id is 11724683179.After submission i did not print out my detail.if now i require how will i get detail of submission.
You can get the admit card by entering the same details in UPSC website for downloading the admit card.
Is it any chance to change the exam location after applyied the prelims upsc examination
I am doing B.A (Hons) Geography from Delhi University. I hv statistics and agriculture as on of the subjects. Am I eligible for ifs (indian forest service)?
sir.I have finished a degree of mechanical engineering, but I have 2 two history of arears and clear it ,next semester .
this history of arears make any problem in upsc exam
Sir I have finished degree in correspondence is correspondence degree is eligible for ias exam
Sir my name is thamizh selvan s.but my name is printed as thamizhselvam s in my upsc admit card 2017.can I eligible to write exam? If yes,what are the steps to be taken to write exam.if no give me correct suggestion sir please.
i bore in 14-11-1992 in india (Samya pur badli) dlehi, studied in india till my graduation having own residence in ghaziabad. and i am also a holder of indian pass post , voter id , Aadhar ,DL . Am i eligibl to sit in IAS , IForeigns and IPS service ..i.e upsc exam, but the the most vital point is that my parent is belong to nepal but living in india from a long time atleast before my birth.
sir iam btech eee 2nd year student am I eligible to apply for upsc prelims only 2018
sir i did b i eligible to write
indian forest service exam?
Please send free study material for economics
Hello , actually i made an attempt in 2012 having zero knowledge about upsc …later in 2014 i made another attempt n i dint cleared it..wat should i mention in no.of attempts for 2018??
Dear Sir,
Present time I have not degree .
We can form filled in 2018.
By b-tech 8 seem.
Sir,i have applied for upsc civil service exam yesterday but by mistake i have selected optional paper commerce and accountancy instead of selecting public administration, is there any possibility for making the change in the optional paper sir…..??
Im coming under SC category and while applying for CSE in UPSC site,there is a column that asks the community certificate date.
Should i get the new community certificate issued?
Does UPSC gives some format to follow while getting new certificate?
If I can use the old Certificate ,then how old could it be?
Is state SC/ST certificate is valid for applying CSE?
Dear UPSC,
Your telephone numbers are given us to help us with the Queries we have. And even if its a matter of reading the whole notifications and than calling you and asking you any small and silly question, its your duty to answer us. Not to disrespect a lady like you did to me.
I am new to the form and its rules. And yes i read whatever was written in the notifications. But,
May be i must have missed the point regarding fee remission to females, sc, st and sons of navy officers, etc. So, what u will talk in such a manner to a female ?
I totally disagreed the manner one of the person on above mentioned numbers talked to me.
Shame on u.
I am apply first part of application registration ID also created but i am not apply my second part of application please help to solve the issue.
Sir please confirm me whether obc girls have to pay fees 100rs or not? Please please say me..
Female candidates are Exempted from fees
I have a doubt that is I studied AICTE approved college so the degree is valid for apply upsc exam?
Sir I’m a Engineering student and more interested to crack civil services but my surname in SSC and Intermediate certificates was different from my father
Is it a problem for civil services
What will happen if 2nd part of registration is not complete? But my payment is done for the application? Plz help me
Sir Yesterday I had applied foar upsc prelims and registered the part 1 sucessfully.But i was unable to register the part and the time was up due to server problem.I am very eager to upsc civil service this year.But without application being submitted, I cant write the exam.Yesterday was the last day for upsc application.Is it possible to do part 2 registration and submit my application after the time limit.Will u plz help me sir.
My reg id:11824605922
Its part 2 sir
In my CSE prilims application my signature is not clear ,will UPSC completely reject my application.If it happens then what is the procedure to get it rectified ? Can i approach to UPSC and re-upload the sign as last date of application is over.Please sir suggests me what can i do ?
i have one question like
will examination dates will be separate for particular exam like IFS IAS or it is same for every one
My DOB 25/02/1999 can I write 2019 UPSC ? I m stying b.a English…2019 I completes ! If I m not eligible to write how did Roman ,Ansar dids
my name is R.K ARATHI . Which should be my first,middle and last characters?
Explained everything about UPSC Exam. Almost all doubts regarding UPSC are discussed here. People who are preparing for UPSC should definitely read this.
Can i change language of exam petern tomorrow onwards
Iam giving my first attempt in Indian forest services this year 2018, preliminary on 3rd June. And next year will give civil services exam.
So is there any chance of getting a question in interview that why after opting ifos first,now civil services only.
My first preference is civil services only.
So should I skip this ifos attempt.
Kindly suggest
Sir I am Utpal Kumar as I have filled the upsc form in appearing 2017 is my graduation final year but till the date of upsc cse exam 3 June my final exams are not held can I give the exam this year. If yes and I am willing to give the exam then I give the exam this year then while filling the form next year i.e, 2019 till then also if my results are not declared which was supposed to be declared in 2017 only both exam and results too then what will I write in form appearing or passed in 2019 because I think appearing I can’t write in 2019 because already I have given exam in 2017 then only passed option is left then how can I write passed alsoif till then if my results are not been declared till next year exam of upsc cse prelims or till mainsof 2019. All these are my doubts because I am graduating from history honors from very bad govt university of backward state
While feeling up the form i have received the notification as – Your date of birth does not match with the valid criteria od examination. My DOB is 15-04-1998. What should i do sir/madam.??
Sir Myself Himanshu . Mai allahabad university se B.A.Kr rha hu mai 1st year m hu. My DOB 17/08/2000 hai mai UPSC mai phela attempt kb de skta hu?
Sir ..what is this security certificat & how can it me made and when….??plzz guide me..
sir I have a doubt so please clarify me.. As I was applying for cse and ifs both.. Firstly I didn’t know that both will be considered in only one exam pattern. So I first applied for only for cse then by knowing that u can apply for both I applied for both so will the application first I filled will be cancelled?
I have done a mistake I have filled wrong email address while filling the upsc prelims form will it be any problem? Plz rpli
Is there any problem if I have entered the final year marks(and not aggregate marks) in the UPSC Civil Services Examination form 2019? I have a B.E. in Mechanical from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.I have completed the degree in 2015, but I have entered final year marks instead of aggregate marks.
if i have cast certificate and ncl certificate of state, but do not have central obc and ncl certificate till the last date of application for upsc…am i eligible or not..?
I have applied UPSC exam on march month. I have given MBC certificate no instead of OBC no while applying. Is there any problem due to this mistake? Is it possible to correct it in future?
Is it upsc give us permission to do working note in prelimes CSAT exam….???
Plzz sir rpl
How to get job of architect in pwd after b arch in government sector through upsc plz tell me
I have updated my voter id in application form, but i have lost my original voter id ……will they allow me with another identity card to give exam
Hi sir,
I want to know whether i am able take exam for upsc of 2020 as my age is going to be 32 on 12 march.
Pls clear my doubts.
does it pose any problem later on if temporary address written at center of choice in prelims cse exam ?
I have a doubt about civil service exam if prelims will pass mains will fail then next year we write prelims also or we can write direct mains.
My name written on ssc and hsc certificate as singh Xxxxx yyyy, but in my degree it is written as xxxx yyyy singh ,
Will it create any problem in upsc examination. Kindly help someone
Sir, I am a final year student in civil engineering. Can I appear for this Engineering services exam this year?
If i filled my domicile state wrong in pcs pre form of 2019 is it can be changed in mains form?
Csat prlims paper 2020 conduct or not
Is a microbiology degree is eligible to write IFS exam?
Sir my date of birth is 12 July 2002 and the completion of my graduation I’ll be of, 20 years so sir my question is can i eligible to give prelims exam at the age of 20 although till mains exam of upsc I’ll be of 21 years which is the required age so may I eligible? Please answer sir
And anyone have this answer so please answer me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Is tattoo is allowed in upsc exams? I have a tattoo on my dorsal side of palm…am i eligible for upsc exam??
My address in identity proof and application form is little different. Should i submit again with corrected address or will it be fine as it is
Can UPSC disqualify me from the process if I submitted state issued caste certificate in DAF-I and not in UPSC prescribed central format?
I am born in June 2001.can I write upsc exam in I eligible for this exam? Plz tell me
Sir ,can I choose hindi literature, if I am from English medium.
Sir ,can I choose hindi literature as optional , if I am from English medium.
where is community certificate number written in haryana obc certificate
Sir, I belong to OBC non creamy layer category . Which certificate is need,state community certificate or center certificate ? If central caste certificate is mandatory for filling upsc application . Can I upload my caste certificate registration number because i have applied for central certificate but my caste certificate will make in 10 to 15 days . Please tell me
I completed my graduation in BSc with PCM are as subjects then what to submit in UPSC application form there’s no option of BSc ?
Sir my semester exams are not held due to pandemic..and according to rules of upsc, we have to submit final marksheet with DAF..but I will receive my marksheet after mains..can I give my mains I will submit my documents before interview
What to write in parents name column if we dont have parents? Is it neccessary to write late before parents name?
Is it necessary to fill email Id in capital letters in upsc prelims application form
I really want to ask that while solving pyq for prelims then how should I do that year’s current affairs or should I leave those questions??