Good news! It’s now easier for readers to download online study materials from ClearIAS. We have added new download links in ClearIAS website, right in the menu bar itself. Readers can now download ClearIAS notes as PDF for free!
What’s new?
Yes, online study materials published in were always free to download. We have now compiled the must read notes to make it more user-friendly for our ever loving readers. Readers can now download ClearIAS notes of individual subjects via the drop-down menu option at the top.
How to download ClearIAS study-materials as PDF?
Every note published in has a print-pdf button attached at the post-bottom and at the left-margin. Alternatively, you can use the website ‘’ to enter the URL of any posts in to download a clean, reader-friendly PDF.
Our Philosophy: No student should be denied the opportunity of learning
We believe that services like IAS, IPS, IFS etc need the best brains in the country and we strive to ensure that no deserving candidate be left out of UPSC exam competition due to inaccessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching.
Our Vision: Educating India
As an emerging EdTech startup, ClearIAS has been providing free IAS online coaching, free online study-materials and mock tests. We have also listed out the recommended books for UPSC preparation, with links to buy online.
We write simple and easy-to-understand articles. Rated among the best, emerging online test preparation startups, ClearIAS also offers for free, the popular ClearIAS android app.
Hlo ..I m kamesh .meko IAS ki caoching krni h or m b.a 1 st year m hu ….or iska test Hindi English dono m de skte h na …..or interview bhi. …
Sir,please provide week wise target for upsc 2018.
I am a working person .. want to prepare for IAS …. Is it possible for me to start preparing for next year without coaching..
Sir online class kse lga skte h
I am studying agriculture engineering what are the syllabus are suitable for in my degree how to choose my syllabus in preliminary exam and then what are the syllabus are studying
respected sir study material total ek subject ki kese download kare please send kare
All geography and history and savidan
Respected Sir , plz study material Hindi m provide kra
Sir I’m working in a bank as Assistant Manager. I would like to appear for UPSC exams in 2020. What all the portions to be covered for prelims ?
Hallo sir
I am Komal from pryagraj se mei IAS ki tayeyari Kar rhi hu pizza study material Hindi me provide karajye