What is Consolidated Reserve List by UPSC? Read this article to understand the concept completely.
UPSC maintains a consolidated Reserve List of candidates along with the list of recommended candidates.
The reserve list can be considered as a second merit list (supplementary list) of recommended candidates, which comes after the first list (main list).
Both lists are based on the vacancies reported for a particular year.
For example, in 2013 there were 1228 vacancies, but the list of recommended candidates was only 1122. Clearly, there was a difference of 105 vacancies.
Any guess on how many aspirants were put on the consolidated reserve list, that year?
Double the number of vacancies to be filled, ie 210.
However, only 105 candidates from the list (that year) were allocated, even though 210 candidates were put on the reserve list. This is the case every year.
Not yet clear?
Don’t worry. Read the entire post. You will get a clear idea about the Consolidated Reserve List in UPSC Civil Services Exam.
NB: Reserve list should not be confused with reservation. Both are entirely different.
Deciphering the Consolidated Reserve List of candidates:
For 2013, in accordance with Rule 16 (4) & (5) of the Civil Services Examination Rules 2013, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated Reserve List of candidates as under:
- GENERAL: 105
- OBC: 88
- SC: 13
- ST: 04
- TOTAL: 210
What does this mean? This means that some candidates from the reserved list have scored enough marks to be counted along with the general-merit-unreserved category (total 105). 88 candidates from OBC, 13 from SC and 4 from ST have marks which can be counted among the unreserved merit list. So where will these candidates be placed: on the general merit list or reservation list? The answer varies – If a reserved category candidate gets better service if considered under the reserved category, he/she will be considered as a reserved category candidate. If the service to be allocated remains the same, whether considered under unreserved merit list (general) or reserved list, then he/she will be counted among the unreserved general merit candidates.
For example, if an OBC candidate secures AIR 1, then his chance of getting his preferred first service most probably remains the same, whether considered on general merit or reservation. In such a case he/she will be considered as general merit only, leaving the scope of allocating another candidate among the OBC category to the reservation.
PS: Though there were 622 vacancies under the general-merit list only 517 candidates were recommended initially by UPSC under this category. The remaining 105 candidates from the general category along with 105 from the reserved category are listed under Consolidated Reserve List.
What happens if a reserved category candidate gets allocated on an un-reserved general merit vacancy?
If reserved category candidates recommended by UPSC get allocated an unreserved general merit seat, there is the possibility of a vacancy in the reserved list, which can be filled only by a candidate from the reservation category. This also means that the prospects of an un-reserved candidate contesting in open merit will diminish.
But, in general, unless the reserved category candidate has a very high rank (less than AIR 200), he/she would get his preferred service only if allocated under the reserved category, and so DoPT allocates in that manner.
Minimum Qualifying Marks in Prelims and Mains
Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion shall be admitted to the Main Examination, and candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Main Examination (Written) as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion shall be summoned by them for an interview for personality test – Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes may be summoned for an interview for a personality test by the Commission by applying relaxed standards in the Preliminary Examination as well as Main Examination (Written) if the Commission is of the opinion that a sufficient number of candidates from these communities are not likely to be summoned for interview for a personality test on the basis of the general standard in order to fill up vacancies reserved for them.
What happens after the Interview?
After the interview, the candidates will be arranged by the Commission in the order of merit as disclosed by the aggregate marks finally awarded to each candidate in the Main Examination. Thereafter, the Commission shall, for the purpose of recommending candidates against unreserved vacancies, fix a qualifying mark (hereinafter referred to as general qualifying standard) with reference to the number of unreserved vacancies to be filled up on the basis of the Main Examination.
For the purpose of recommending reserved category candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes against reserved vacancies, the Commission may relax the general qualifying standard with reference to the number of reserved vacancies to be filled up in each of these categories on the basis of the Main Examination – Provided that the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes who have not availed themselves of any of the concessions or relaxations in the eligibility or the selection criteria, at any stage of the examination and who after taking into account the general qualifying standards are found fit for recommendation by the Commission shall not be recommended against the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes.
Note: While making service allocation, the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes or Other Backward Classes recommended against unreserved vacancies may be adjusted against reserved vacancies by the Govt. If by this process they get a service of higher choice in the order of their preference.
Note: The Commission may further lower the qualifying standards to take care of any shortfall of candidates for appointment against unreserved vacancies and any surplus of candidates against reserved vacancies arising out of the provisions of this rule, the Commission may make the recommendations in the manner prescribed in sub-rules (4) and (5).
Rule 16 (4) & (5) of the Civil Services Examination Rules
(4) While recommending the candidates, the Commission shall, in the first instance, take into account the total number of vacancies in all categories. This total number of recommended candidates shall be reduced by the number of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes who acquire the merit at or above the fixed general qualifying standard without availing themselves of any concession or relaxation in the eligibility or selection criteria in terms of the provision to sub-rule (I).
Along with this list of recommended candidates, the Commission shall also maintain a consolidated reserve list of candidates which will include candidates from general and reserved categories ranking in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under each category. The reserve list so maintained shall be treated as confidential till the process of recommendations(s) in terms of sub-rule (5) is 4 and finally concluded by the Commission. The number of candidates in each of these categories will be equal to the number of reserved category candidates who were included in the first list without availing of any relaxation or concession in eligibility or selection criteria as per proviso to sub-rule ( I ).
Amongst the reserved categories, the number of candidates from each of the Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class categories in the reserve list will be equal to the respective number of vacancies reduced initially in each category.
(5) The candidates recommended in terms of the provisions of sub-rule (4), shall be allocated by the Government to the services and where certain vacancies still remain to be filled up, the Government may forward a requisition to the Commission requiring it to recommend, in order of merit, from the reserve list, the same number of candidates’ as requisitioned for the purpose of filling up the unfilled vacancies in each category.
Minimum Qualifying Marks for Physically Handicapped Candidates
The minimum qualifying marks as specified under rules 15 and 16 may be relaxable at the discretion of the Commission in favour of physically handicapped candidates in order to fill up the vacancies reserved for them – Provided that where a physically handicapped candidate obtains the minimum qualifying marks in his own merit in the requisite number for General, or the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class category candidates, then, the extra physically handicapped candidates, i.e., more than the number of vacancies reserved for them shall be recommended by the Commission on the relaxed standards and consequential amendments in the rules will be notified in due course.
hello sir, I am from SC category lost by one mark. is ter any chnace i will get in reverse list? please help and guide me.
My cut off was 830 and i m 829.
Sorry for late reply. But 1 mark less in SC category is 50-50 chance. Let’s hope for the best.
Sir, I am general category.
I got 873.
General cutoff 877.
Any chance in reserve list.
Pls guide.
Hi Amit, you have reasonably good chance to be in the reserve list. Do remember that reserve list count down starts from the mark 877 and it all depends on the number of candidates per each mark. Let’s remain positive. Congrats for the achievement. In meantime, you may prepare for next year exams. All the best!
Sir if selected candidates already working in government service what is the maximum time for joining in new post please clarify
Hello can you please tell about the reserve list and whether you got selected, can you share your mail.
Dear Sir, I am general category.
I got 871.
General cutoff 877.
Any chance in reserve list?
Hi Akash, first of all congrats for making it near the top. Taking into consideration that this year has less number of vacancies, yours is a border-case, but let’s hope for the best. Meanwhile, start preparing for UPSC CSE 2015. All the best!
Thank you Sir !
Hi sir
I m from SC categary
Cutoff is 810
My no is opp
Any chance in reserve list ???
sir my name sai suresh sir i m from poor family i m living in village i did not got civils 2016 notification in time so any chances are there to increase the date of applying
I am PH category student and advise me preparation for UPSC ,howmany PH person apply &howmany are selected
Sir I am general category. In epfo-apfc my roll no is in top 25 reserved panel list out of 88 candidates in reserved panel list.
What are the chances of me getting a joining letter(if not this year then maybe next year)?
Hi Rocky..I am too in reserve panel of APFC…tell me ur name and contact number ?
HI there a fellow compatriot in the APFC reserve panel…any news when it will be declared…
Hi Ayan…it will take another 3-4 months..
Sir on june 30 2016 out of 172 86 reserve candidate list has been declared till when remaining 86 candidate will be declared
sir i m from general category.
i secured 986
cut off was 988
chances of being into reserv list??
nd when they declare reserv list..
thanks in advance
You have very high chances of being on the Reserve List. Congrats and all the best! Last year, the Reserve List was out within 1-2 months after the first list was published.
I’ve secured 983 marks as general candidate how much chances to get a seat. 2. What will be expected cut off in reserve list for general candidates. 3. When the reserve list will declare expected time. 4. Is any chance to allot Group A services in 983 marks.
Please reply in detail
Hi sir . I got 949 while OBC cutoff is 951. 2 marks . Any chance ?
Sir i m general category . I got 985.while cutoff is 988.how much chances in reserve list.
Dear Sir, I want a small clarification.
(i) If a candidate selected in previous year applies for improvement
(ii) His merit is amongst that of candidates recommended in first list by UPSC
(iii) But he/she is unable to improve.
Then what happens ? Will the DOPT allot him service based on present service or will his/her name will not be considered ? Further if he/she is not considered, will it be counted as a vacancy to be filled from resrve list or will this vacancy be carried forward for next year ? Reply will oblige me.
can a person from obc/sc/st can give exam as a general candidate ?
will any problem appear if a person gave few attempts with reserved category and want to appear next time with general category ?
please provide true answer ?
What is 59 recommended candidates is provisional? All of this candidates will get ?
Sir,How the reserve list being chosen.Gen cut off was 1006.What is the cut off for reserve gen categories.
Sir my cousin got selected in upsc 2015 in provisional list, but still he has not got opportunity to serve. Is provisional list is not confirmation of service
Hlo sir i got 977marks is there any chance to get the name in the reserve list.iam from general category.
When UPSC reserve list 2019 will b declared ? Reserve list candidate when will get opportunity to join ?
When upsc reserved list2019 will be declared?Reserved list candidate when will they get opportunity to join? pls give reply sir
Can a candidate from reserve panel/list be placed above a candidate from original panel/list in the consolidated seniority list prepared after combining both lists, when the reserve panel/list was published separately, for a post advertised by UPSC.
Can a candidate from reserve panel/list be placed above a candidate from original panel/list in the consolidated seniority list prepared after combining both the lists, specially when the reserve panel/list was published separately, for a post advertised by UPSC.
Sir why tina dabi and kanishk katriya have been put into sc category of service allocation list as per dopt website though they cleared exam in general ?
Sir why tina dabi and kanishk katriya have been put into sc category of service allocation list as per dopt website though they cleared exam in general ?
Please clarify
Hi Akshay, seniority of all the candidates (main list and reserve list) for a selection year is determined as per their aggregate marks secured in Examination. See DoPT OM 22012/15/2013 AIS (1) 08/08/2013.
If a candidate UR, OBC of reserve list candidates have higher marks than SC or ST category candidates of main list , then those UR, OBC candidates will be placed above in seniority list
I have a question. I request you to kindly clarify because many candidates of CSE 2019, who could not get a place in the Main List but are hopeful of being placed in the Reserve List, would be curious to know about their fate, based on your reply.
For CSE 2019, UPSC has selected 829 candidates on 05 Aug 2020 against the total vacancies of 927 and, hence, left 98 vacancies unfilled. Later on, it was informed by them that they have also prepared a Reserve List of 182 candidates. Your current article clearly explains the above fact. Many thanks for enlightening so many candidates.
I just want to know how long it takes for any general candidate to get appointed in the job if he finally gets selected against a general vacancy based on his rank in the Reserve List. And, in this process, what would be his chances of getting a Group “A” post? When UPSC is likely to declare names of the candidates securing place in the above prepared Reserve List and send marksheets of such candidates?
Thanks and regards….
@Alok…Thank you for appreciating the effort behind the post. Regarding your query,
(1) Earlier UPSC used to take 8-9 months time to come up with the reserve list. In recent years, UPSC has started publishing the reserve list within 3-4 months.
(2) If the list comes soon, candidates in the reserve list may get training along with candidates in the first list. If it is delayed, they will join with next year candidates. However, the candidates retain the seniority.
(3) Yes, there are good chances of getting Group A posts too – like IPoS, IIS, ICLS etc.
Sir,please guide whether candidates falling in reserve list in 2019 will get appointment like main list candidates in various government establishments.
What may be chance for OBC PWD ORTHOPEDIC CANDUDATES.KINDLY GUIDE US.The candidate have given CSE PRE conducted on 5 Oct and preparing for mains.
Sir is there any waiting list in cse mains exam …
how do we come to know about provisional list? is it being uploaded on the site?