UPSC has released the Cut Off Marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017. The minimum qualifying marks for Prelims, Mains and Interview stages of UPSC IAS Exam 2017 is now publically available.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017 (Prelims)
A General Category candidate should have scored 105.34 marks out of 200 in GS Paper 1 (52.67%) to get selection into the Main Exam (written) in 2017. UPSC 2017 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
- General – 105.34 (2017) vs 116.00 (2016) vs 107.34 (2015)
- OBC – 102.66 (2017) 110.66 (2016) vs 106.00 (2015)
- SC – 88.66 (2017) vs 99.34 (2016) vs 94.00 (2015)
- ST – 88.66 (2017) vs 96.00 (2016) vs 91.34 (2015)
- PH1 – 88.88 (2017) vs 75.34 (2016) vs 90.66 (2015)
- PH2 – 61.34 (2017) vs 72.66 (2016) vs 76.66 (2015)
- PH3 – 40 (2017) vs 40.00 (2016) vs 40.00 (2015)
*Cut off marks on the basis of GS Paper-I only. GS Paper-II was of qualifying nature with
33% marks as per Rule-15 of Civil Services Examination, 2017.
PS: It is interesting to note here that ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2017 and study materials alone could have contributed more than 100 marks for our regular followers in 2017 Prelims.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017 (Mains)
A General Category candidate should have scored 809 marks out of 1750 for the seven papers in the Main Exam (written) to get selection into the Interview (Personality Test) in 2017 (46.22%). UPSC 2017 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
Marks for UPSC CSE Mains that would have fetched an interview call is as below. (Marks out of 1750):
- General – 809 (2017) vs 787 (2016) vs 676 (2015)
- OBC – 770 (2017) vs 745 (2016) vs 630 (2015)
- SC – 756 (2017) vs 739 (2016) vs 622 (2015)
- ST – 749 (2017) vs 730 (2016) vs 617 (2015)
- PH1 – 734 (2017) vs 713 (2016) vs 580 (2015)
- PH2 – 745 (2017) vs 740 (2016) vs 627 (2015)
- PH3 – 578 (2017) vs 545 (2016) vs 504 (2015)
# Subject to 10% marks in each of the seven competitive papers i.e. Essay, GS‐I, GS‐II, GS‐III, GS‐IV, Optional‐I and Optional‐II and 25% marks in compulsory papers.
Cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017: Final Rank List
A General Category candidate should have scored 1006 marks out of 2025 (49.67%) for the seven papers in the Main Exam (written) plus Interview (Personality Test) in 2017 to get selection in the final rank list. UPSC 2017 Cut off score given in ‘bold’ for different categories is compared against last year cut-off score.
Marks needed to be included in the final rank list for UPSC CSE 2017 is as below (Marks out of 2025).
- General – 1006 vs 988 vs 877
- OBC – 968 vs 951 vs 834
- SC – 944 vs 937 vs 810
- ST – 939 vs 920 vs 801
- PH1 – 923 vs 927 vs 802
- PH2 – 948 vs 951 vs 830
- PH3 – 830 vs 817 vs 697
Final Selection OBC Cut-Off score 38 marks less than General Merit; SC cut off score 62 marks less than General Category
Even though the minimum qualifying mark of the last recommended candidate in General Merit was 1006, it was 968 marks for Other Backward Castes (OBC). The cut-off score was 944 for Schedules Castes (SC) while it was 939 for Schedules Tribes (ST).
The cut-off scores of the reservation categories – OBC, SC, and ST were less than General Merit by 38 marks, 62 marks, and 67 marks respectively.
Civil Services Examination, 2017 Minimum Qualifying Marks – Trend Analysis
We have prepared another post for detailed trend analysis of UPSC cut-off marks from 2005-2017.
While the cut-off marks for UPSC CSE Preliminary Exam decreased in 2017, the cut-off marks increased for Mains and Interview (Final Rank List).
Despite the decrease in the number of vacancies, the minimum qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims decreased as the questions were tougher when compared to 2016.
The increase in cut-off marks for UPSC Mains and the UPSC Final Rank list can be attributed to lower vacancies and better preparation of candidates in the online age.
how to check prelims marks of Disqualified candidates?
This will be released soon. We will be updating users once the marks are published.
When prelim marks of all individuals will be relaesed?
File rti
When will be prelims marks released???
This will be released soon. We will be updating users once the marks are published.
I need to check my prelims mark,that i could able to improve my next attempt.
how to check the prelims mark for disqualified candidates ? please let me know !
This will be released soon. We will be updating users once the marks are published.
Thank you sir
Sir when released the 2017 preleames question paper
Sir please tell cut off marks for prelims and mains exam Upsc cse ..saparate…for ex servicemen of army… reply plz final marks
Thank you