If you just apply for the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) but don’t sit for the same in the exam hall, will you lose a chance?
What is counted as an attempt by UPSC?
What does UPSC notification (last year), says?
Read the last year UPSC notification. It says –
- An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Civil Services Examination.
- If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, he/she shall be deemed to have made an attempt at the Examination.
- Notwithstanding the disqualification/ cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.
How many attempts are permitted for UPSC Civil Services Exam?
In UPSC Civil Services Examination, a general category candidate is allowed 6 attempts, an OBC candidate is allowed 9 attempts, and an SC/ST candidate is allowed unlimited attempts (until he/she attain the upper age limitย – which is different for different categories).
UPSC CSE – How are attempts counted (as of now)?
As of now, only if an aspirant has appeared and sat for the exam, it is treated as an attempt in the UPSC Civil Services Exam.
This means, if a candidate just applies for UPSC CSE, but don’t appear, that won’t be counted as an attempt by UPSC.
New Proposal by the UPSC to the Centre: Treat application as an attempt!
It seems UPSC has made such a proposal to the Centre. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) had proposed the Union Government that if a civil services aspirant applies to take the exam to become a civil servant but does not eventually appear for the test, it should be treated as one of the attempts candidates are allowed. (Read the news report by Print)
However, the centre has not taken any such decision yet.
UPSC Civil Service Exam Attempt Counting: Why a new proposal?
UPSC says 10 lakh candidates apply on average but only half appear for the exam, and this stretches commissionโs resources.
The commission has to book venues, print paper, hire invigilators, and ship the documents for all the 10 lakh applicants โ which turns out to be a 50 per cent waste of energy and resources.
The commission is thinking about giving a window to withdraw applications after it is filed. Once the window is over, all valid applications should be counted as an attempt, says UPSC.
Civil Service Exam Attempt Count – Counter views
This move, if implemented, will deny the chances of genuine candidates who may fail to appear for the exam due to health reasons, accidents, or personal reasons which may arise after the application is filed.
Aspirants have further pointed out that, as UPSC collects a fee of Rs.100 for Prelims from all General and OBC candidates (excluding women candidates), this should help to cover a large portion of the printing or transportation expenses. In fact, even if some candidates decide not to appear for Prelims, that maybe after paying the fees for UPSC Prelims application.
Also, many think that there won’t be much reduction in the expenses for halls and invigilators even if a few aspirants withdrew their application, as these resources are booked and used in common.
What should IAS/IPS aspirants do now?
Nothing has changed as of now. It’s just a proposal.
A lot of proposals has been coming these days related to UPSC/IAS. A decision is taken only on very few of them.
All you need to do now is to be a little more serious regarding UPSC preparation and attempts.
After all, only serious candidates clear IAS exam! All the best!
Request to be gievn to the Govt.of india- the boundation of nos of attempt in CSE should be withdrawled/eliminated . Because already age limitation is there . If the aspiransts are serious then they should be given chance up to attainment of mAximum age. 2/3 attempt of rural aspirants are waisted dueto CSAT or other related cause. For IAS /IPS required not only brilliant sudent/aspirant but maturity level is also important. Maturity related to age , sothat age relaxation also be allowed.
With thanks.
:Tarun Soni,8959710100.
Read and revise
Read and rewise
Rewise and rewise .
Thats how its work . Sucess dosnt have shortcut only hard work work with structural way is matter .
Is attempt counted if u fill upsc form and dont appear in exam
Is attempt counted after applying for prelims and dont appear in exam
is attempt counted if u fill upsc form but dont appear in examination
No it’s not count
I have filled up the upsc form for IAS., exams but was unable to go for the first preliminary exam… Will that be counted…. And please tell me that can i go for another after not taking the first exam….?
If give C.D.S exam it will be counted in I.P.S or not
Or i have seprate chances for both because both are conduted by upsc
Hi I am from Defense I want to try for UPSC Prelims for try before leave my Job is that will counted as my 1st Chance. Because I will get 5 years time after leaving my Job. I want to check my ability to attend the exams.
sir I am a general candidate aged 32 having last attempt(2 nd attempt ).I also a state government employee.Taking preparation for six years.But the pandemic rendered me no option open other than hurriedly appear on 4 th October .But as the Supreme Court in recent verdict directed the center and upsc to consider an extra attempt for those who have appeared this year as last attempt as per age and attempt criteria.Now I am very worried if I will get a chance as per the direction or not.If anyone know about it plz help me providing if I will get an extra attempt.Will be obliged if can help regarding this.
Just applied for cse 2021 , but due to worse conditions of this pandemic runied my resources flow that directly affect my preparation, so decided not to waste attempt but has doubt that if not appeared in exam will be counted as attempt or not
Is state pcs attempt would be counted in upsc attempt ??
What if someone missed the registration date of UPSC ESC 2022 due to any reason ? Is there any other way ?!
The only Reason i missed UPSC exam This Year was because no one informed me about it, i had applied for the examination on March 2021 but no notification was provided by UPSC via mail or Text message, even the State level PSC examinations notify you through email or phone no, i think more than half of the people fail to attend the examination is due to unawareness of the UPSC preliminary examination