Is IAS coaching a must to clear the UPSC Exam? Can one clear the IAS Exam without coaching? read further to know more.
Every year, when the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) declare the results of the Civil Services Examination (CSE), we see hundreds of advertisements from coaching classes, claiming that that toppers studied in their institute.
The vacancies of top Civil Service posts are only around 800. However many institutes advertise that 400 or even 500 students were from their IAS coaching institute.
Very often multiple institutes claim the success of the same topper.
How accurate are the claims by IAS coaching institutes in various advertisements?
Only to an extent. Very often results are exaggerated.
As in many other sectors, there are many frauds in the IAS coaching sector as well.
The IAS coaching industry is worth Rs.3000 crore (reference: The Print).
One admission to an institute is often worth Rs. 1-2 lakh, so most institutes try to influence as many IAS aspirants as possible with the faces of toppers. Some institutes even pay toppers (in lakhs) to give an interview or testimonial in favour of them. Beginners are very often misled by advertisements.
Aren’t there genuine IAS coaching institutes?
There are a few quality players.
IAS coaching, if provided by an expert mentor is really helpful. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time, effort, and money.
Even with quality coaching, the results are mostly the result of the effort put by the candidates themselves. Nobody can become an IAS officer these days just because he/she attended coaching in a top institute in the country.
To make it simple, we can say that the role of an IAS coaching institute in the success of a candidate is a maximum of 40%. The rest 60% is purely the effort from the candidates’ end.
Of course, 40% is crucial. However, such a level of support is provided only by a few quality coaching institutes. The help you get from most average coaching institutes in the country is 20% or less (true share in a candidate’s success).
Can I Clear the IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes?
There are some instances of candidates who cracked IAS without going through any coaching – without spending sleepless nights and a truckload of money at any coaching institute.
However, these are exceptions. Exceptions should not be generalised.
In general, we can say that ‘it takes two hands to clap‘. Most toppers take some form of guidance or coaching – online or offline.
Aspirants can consider combining the benefits of coaching with self-study.
Go through our UPSC toppers interview section. You can read the testimonials of toppers.
But is classroom coaching bad?
No; unless the institutes are misguiding you.
Upon checking the profiles of candidates who cleared IAS, we can also see that there are candidates who cleared with coaching, without coaching, left the job for self-preparation, who cleared the exam while working and so on.
And that itself gives the answer to this question “Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes?” – It can be a YES or NO – It all depends on the person.
Do you need IAS Coaching? The Answer To The Long Pending Question!
Let’s start with Sachin Tendulkar. Everyone knows that Sachin is a genius. He is talented and awesome. But why did he take coaching under Ramakant Achrekar and numerous other coaches? Will he be as successful as he is today without his coaches? Any clue? Ok. Leave that topic now, but try to ponder over this: Why did you attend schools and colleges if you were able to study everything on your own?
We think good coaches and mentors can help their students a lot. Of course, there are many students who do well without mentors (like Ekalavya did in Mahabharatha [excuse us, if the example is too old. Of course there are examples from the modern world too:-) ]), but there is no doubt about the help good mentors can do. In our opinion, what they do is – reduce the work of students by half! They help reduce the burden on students. With good guidance and clear knowledge, they can help students learn fast and succeed in an age of tight competition.
Having said that, we didn’t mean that in order to succeed in the IAS exam you need to attend coaching institutes the way you attended school. This is not necessary. And this is not a must. Why because you are already graduates! Apart from optional subjects, none of the questions asked in the examination require specialized study. If your optional is not your subject of graduation, you might need coaching for that, else it is not a necessity.
Wait, the topic is not over. What if you are not confident that you can finish the vast syllabus by yourself within a limited time? What if you do not know where to start and what to study? What if you don’t know the books and magazines for UPSC preparation? Here, like what I said before, a good coach can help you reduce your workload by half. But only a good coach!
What should a good coach do?
There are two things you need to clear the UPSC exam:
- Guidance (Strategies).
- Knowledge (Study materials and notes)
A good coach or a good coaching institute should be able to provide these two. If you are not getting relevant and latest strategies and guidance from a coaching institute, even after spending thousands and lakhs of rupees there, then there is no meaning in attending coaching classes. At times, you might even know about students who fail to clear the UPSC exam due to misguidance from coaching classes.
Also read: Which is Better for UPSC CSE Coaching – Online or Offline?
Coaching Classes: The latest realization
Of course, there are good coaching classes that care for the students and not their money. And not all are bad. Do Join if you find quality institutes. Don’t join institutes with a reputation of misguidance.
As what you need to get from a coaching class is just guidance and knowledge, in the online age there are alternatives. We are not saying that everyone should start subscribing to this website from today :-). Of course, you can, and we hope it will do more good than harm! But as this post is not intended to sponsor ourselves let’s focus back on the topic. Apart from, there are many other good online coaching websites also which are valued by the IAS aspirant community, which you can rely upon. Good online IAS coaching websites provide much more free service than many of the coaching centers, which charge you lakhs of rupees for their misguidance!
If you are still confused, scroll below.
When do you need Civil Service Exam coaching?
- If you are totally ignorant about the UPSC syllabus, latest pattern, and IAS books and can’t formulate a strategy on your own to crack this exam.
- You are running short of time (hardly 2 or 3 months before the exam), and need a crash course to go through all the important topics.
- If you are a person, who, after whatever efforts put, doesn’t feel confident enough to stay alone (without coaching, because of peer pressure.).
- If you have only very little knowledge about the optional subject you plan to take for the main exam and feel it’s a risky strategy to take it on your own.
- You don’t have access to the internet to browse good websites that provide IAS study materials and guidance free of cost and online shopping websites like Amazon. in and, which provides door delivery of all books needed for IAS with free shipping and cash on delivery options.
When don’t you need Civil Service Exam coaching?
- If you are confident that you can crack it on your own and feel just like UPSC coaching institutes are not a necessity in this exam.
- If you are from any top institutes in India like JNU or IITs and know about the subjects, exams, and pattern with details much before.
- If you have already attempted this exam with coaching – Since you already know the pattern, necessary books, and syllabus, spending time again in the same classes will make you feel bored.
- If you are a serious analyzer of previous year’s questions – UPSC is putting sincere efforts to reduce the effect of coaching and spoon-feeding in IAS selections, by making a drastic change in the exam pattern by avoiding traditional questions and developing questions that require an analytical frame of mind, an area where coaching institute cannot help much.
Also read: Best UPSC CSE Coaching Institute in Kerala
Conclusion: Can one clear the IAS exam without classroom coaching?
Whatever conclusion you reach after reading this, to summarize, we are adding the following points:
- In the online age – one can say with assurance – Yes, any hardworking candidate can clear the IAS exam without attending classroom coaching! Yes, one can clear the IAS exam without coaching. But may not be ‘everyone’. It depends on his/her efficiency in self-study.
- If you are good at self-study, you can clear UPSC CSE without any classroom coaching.
- The ClearIAS website and ClearIAS mobile app were started just to help the bright minds in India do self-study and crack this exam! We have also launched a full-length timed online mock test series with negative markings for UPSC Prelims which can be attempted at the ClearIAS mock exam platform.
- Whether in the classroom or outside the classroom, good guidance and study materials can supplement candidates’ preparation for the UPSC exam. Underline the words – good, guidance, study materials, and supplement.
- Join a coaching institute only if it serves the above purpose.
- Now there are online coaching websites that provide quality guidance and study materials.
- Realize that no coaching institute or online website can make a candidate an IAS officer, unlike the claims they make. The combination can be best described as 40:60. A good coaching institute can play 50% part, but unless the candidate puts in the next 50% effort he cannot become an IAS officer. All the best for all future IAS officers!
Also read: Which is Better for UPSC CSE Coaching – Online or Offline?
what should be done if i have a very little knowledge about all subjects of ias but i want to appear in this exam
I will clear my ias exam without cohing…….. Wait and watch but i hambly requst plzzzzz…….. Help me…… I hope aap hmari help karege thank you……..
Sir I’m mechanical engineer and batch of 2011-2015 .I want to crack ias exam without join of coaching..So plz suggest me …Sir and call call me on that -9506351067
self confident is more important and believe in smart working not hard working.
Dear brother initially you have to know that how to ask a person to help u
Do hard work my brother only hard work if u want
Don’t do that, You will loose your attempt.
Enshrine dedication in your thoughts and hard work but in the means of smart work that helps us to crack any exams
i m from Hindi there book available for Hindi medium.? how to start prepare..??
Yea .. same here
How to preparation for this ..
And am related the Hindi medium
You have the salybus for IAS
I want plzz….
Am searched the Google but I didn’t found the salybus you have the salybus
Plzz give me …..
My Gmail…
[email protected]
Alish Aijaja: I will crack the ICS exam without coaching.In my view we should not depend much on coaching .We should giv our best effort to clear it .Really I appreciate som website is doing a great service.
Plz send your …nmbr I’m asking some questions
Like which websites plz tell me some names
How can you prepare your study without coaching. Plzz explain me. Because i want crack the upsc exam without coaching and i will do it after some guidelines.
Plzzz Help me Ma’am.
8650492428 ( whatsap and calling No)
[email protected]
i am completing b. tech now and i am in second sem and i want to start preparation for upsc exam from now. how do i start the preparation plzzz help me…
i am studying in third year of electronics and communication in NIT .i have a strong desire to be an IAS,i will get a job in company but i want to be in this field,plz kindly suggest subjects that should i take for the prep.plz guide me as no one is in my contact, who can guide me for this.i will start preparing hard if you can tell me.till now i have been reading newspaper regularly.can i sit in exam this year just for an experience.since financially i am not strong so coaching is not possible for me…plz guide me i shall be very thankful to u.recommend some subjects that should be taken by ECE student.books,
exm ki kese prepare karni he without coching kya without coching pre pare karne se me kar paawuga kon kon si subject padni he
can anyone tell me
i’ve completed my this yr bt having arrears
what can i do ?
thanks a lot. u changed me
Sir I’m student of b.a 2 year tell how to prepare for ias ji
IAS can be cleared, what ever subject you take for 12th or graduation. Almost every query of a fresher is answered in the article: Clear IAS FAQ. Please go through the same in detail. All the best!
Thx’ve helped us a lot.Again thx.
Help us untill become officer
Hello sir,i am the student .my branch is computer science and engg.i want to be attend the ias in second stage is that which subject i can choose for main exam.bcz there are no option for me.bcz my branch is comp.scince.plz sir i m waiting for solving ans.for me
sir I student 2 year of rajasthan university I want becam ips officer but I belong a poor family plase help me
I try to get it. My aim is to become eligible for it rather than achieve it.
Sir, just now I have started the IAS exam study.. but I have so many dought bcz I don’t know how to start the study… and 2016 will my 1st attempt..
Can some bady help me..
Is there any friends who are doing Upsc study ..plz call me…so we can make our group for study…
good keep it upppppppppppppppppp
hii i am anand kushwaha, my aim is to become an ias officer. Now i am in indian navy but i have not sufficient time for study………i m not satisfy with my job… can i achieve my target ???? plz help me………
just leave a job
i am 32 year old from sc now want to preparation for IAS please tell me am i eligible
Yes . You are elegible… Bcz age limit for sc is 37. And graduation in any stream
Sir i want to be an IAS officer…but i have no knowledge about …how to prepare …and i am pursuing btech with computer science and engineering..and i am a average personality …can i clear this exam ….
Sir my name.s sumit kumar vaisya …I want to become IAS but i m unable to join coaching ….so i would like to know i can prepair to my self
I am a beginner for civil services please suggest me which books are helpful in clearing Prelims and mains exam .
ncert to start kro all text buks 6 to 10
Hi. my sister looking for write IAS exam on 2016. If you have previous year question papers please sent to mail id [email protected] .
Thank you.
i am shakila devi i have done my master degree in MCA my aim is civil services exam how to i prepare to pls give suggestion to me.thank you
Sir, Notes on History after Part 9 has not been uploaded or it cannot be viewed. kindly request you to help.
Hello sir im very frustrated in my life without guidness I spoil my career I hve no family or frnds support I do many private job in my life and I also earn very good income like 25000 or 30000 per month but I dont want money in my life becoz pesa to duniya kma leti h being a girl every person doing to make me negative or underestimate me i just want moral support in my life duniya m sirf ek person who can give me moral support only one I want respect to me girl hone ki vjh se family se lekr frnds tk sbhi ne thukraya im a Graduate in computer science and also MBA from distance I face lots of problems and struggle nd still I face it but I decide no more I leave in alone and i decide want to becomes a IAS officer yhi wo chij h jo sbhi logo ko answer de skti h ki girl never be down but I have no idea how to do started prepration I hve dadication to work hard but work hard not sufficient I need guidness so pls if any one help me how can I do that pls help me my study is bca graduation and age is 24 and I have no more time to countine so just give only 2 years for prepration mail me on [email protected] pls sir if possible thanku…
Is it easy to crack IAS without attending any coaching centre
Thank u ….. I read sincerely ur article. You give me right direction..!
@Sumit – All the best!
who called as Ambedkar as ‘father of indian constitution’
My name is Abhishek kumar sharma & I am student of final year .could u plz Suggest me … how to prepare of civil service exam ? What will be the best subject for me … Sir plz reply me !
ias whatsaap group……..
without coching student……….
only hard work aim…..
pls is group se jude……
logo ki and hmari help kre…
whatssaap no 7071494723
iam ready
yaruvennalum serallama
excuses all stdnts i have a quote which i heard from ias toppers interview that if others can clear ias without coaching that i can also do,,,,,,,, so mind set up kro apna ki kiwe tyari krni aee…
sir ,I am ece study ,I want to write the civil services exam , I don’t know the portion and also how many levels are there to qualify civil service exams….. i want you suggestions to fill my goals plss explain me in detail sir.
This is bhugeswar Sonowal….and I have been pursuing BA through IGNOU ….but I want to become an IAS officer ……im not satisfied with my present job… what strategy should I follow to achieve my goal….would you like to guide me….please……!!!!!
Sir I Belong To A Poor Family. How Can I Prepare. My English Is Too Strong.
How Can I Prepare For Ias. My English Is Too Strong.
Keep it up you are doing a very good job the article was very helpful
sir, for cracking ias with good ranking,can i prepare at home?contuning a govt. service?
Yes, if you are properly guided and if you invest on right resources.
hi, I am from telugu medium is there any books in telugu medium, in this civill exam in overall English and hindi, only
i hv just passed my 10exam i really wants to became an ias officer so how could i preprape for it
Hi Rishika first of all you have to completed 12th and take admission in graduation.more over you can start preparing for civil services examination parallely. You can start with 6 -12 old ncert books.
Nitin – 9834966616
i have jst passed 10 i want r became ias officer so hw could from now only i could i prepare for ias pls help which subject shall i take
Reply me fast
You have to wait still your graduation will complete.
I want to apper upsc exam without coaching…i want to clear it with zoology…i think i get advice form you
actually i can’t understand how to start the preparation m so much confused every time a single question comes in my mind how and where to start the preparation and also want to know coaching is compulsory for that kindly help me
Sir I mridul nandi I want to become ias,about I am unable to join coaching……. So I would like to know…… How I can prepare to my life.
Can anyone can become a Doctor without going class? Can anyone can be a Engineer without going class? Answer is No. There are many free classes for IAS for all really interested students who preparing for IAS exams.
Coaching classes increases Osmosis communication, Knowledge sharing, motivation, tips tricks are some of the important factors we get if we attend the classes.
Thanks and all the best…
Vetrii IAS Academy, Chennai
Sorry to say…but it is possible to become engineer without attending classes.
Guys dont believe in coachings…if you go through the past ias ips officers, then you will come to know that only hardwork and positivity will work for cracking exams.
Why i am saying this because i am an engineer and got job in Cummins Technologies.
I got job only because of my efforts. I studied engineering myself, crack interview myself, left job myself and now….preparing for competitive exams myself.
So guys believe in yourself and god.
If you put your efforts then definitely you will be selected in IAS or other competitive exams.
Hi I am a chartered accountant my age is 23 I want to job in indian embassy by ifs so can you give me details for that
I had done graduate degree of last year so i want to ask which subject is best for optional subject for mains .i am from punjab can i appear for punjabi literature for mains . I humble request to u that Show briefly for main exam subjects thank u very much clear ias team
hello sir, i am last year student of B.E. in electrical branch. i want to be an IAS officer but i have no idea how to start preparation for this and i am from middle class family so i want to pass this exam without coaching. I am eng. student so which subject is good for me. plz sir reply me at my gmail. [email protected]
Hi I am Vijaya nenu education lo chala poor kani Edo sadenchali ani goal. Degree complete ai 7 years aindi ,group 2 Ki prepare avvali ani decided ayyanu, but indian polity assalu ardam kavadam ledu, so plz ela prepare avvalo koncham chepandi
Want to prepare upse exam..plz suggest
hi friends! i want to prepare IAS exam.. so please giving some details…..
Sir i completed my diploma in engineering. Can i used this certificate to am qualified in civil service exam??
Parvesh kumar
Hi I am Parvesh kumar . My age is 15 years . I want to become IAS officer so please give me some details…..
Hello sir. . . .
I’m in 1st year pcm
Sir I have a dream to become an IAS officer from my childhood .. it’s not only my dream it’s my ambition my goal nd my every thing …
I belong from a middle class family so I can’t afford so called coaching classes for this so I want to prepare it frm my own self so plzzz guide me nd give me some instruction. .. coz I wanna crack upsc … Nd Achieve my goal
Sir I only want a good guidance
I m petty much sure that I will be one of them who will crack upsc in lakhs students. ………… ☺
Found your post interesting to read. I can’t wait to see your post soon. This article is really very interesting and effective. Keep uploading the essential articles about this very examination
Hi this is Shamitha(22 years). I am working in wipro technologies. I want to become an IFS officer. But I have time constraints to join coaching classes. So can you help me plan how I can crack the exam without coaching? Coz I understand that planning is very much important to crack upsc.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Appreciate your interest in Civil Services (IAS/IPS/IFS…).
To get an early advantage you need be focussed and determined.
Please go through the below links, to get the right guidance.
1. IAS books (
2. Guidance (
3. Mock Exams (
4. ClearIAS App (
5. UPSC Exam syllabus (
6. Free Study Materials (
7. Free downloads (
Thanks and regards, ClearIAS Team
hello sir,
hi sir i m annu. currently i m working under CAG (central govt. sector). Due to job it’s not possible for me to join any tuition classes.But i really want to clear this exam without any coaching. Sir, pls can i get lil guidance regarding this.
kindly reply me.
i belongs to middleclass family. and can afford for coaching for ias. i am unable to understand that which is correct path for ias . plzz guide me how to prepare for ias withoutout coaching . and what books to refer for ias . .
kindly rply me
many are called but few are chosen.
so my dear friends, don’t take so easy nor to difficult, bcuz it will crack your mind.
in a year approximately 12 lakhs students appeared for ias… but out of 12 lk only 100 will be elected for ias..
I’m persuing PGDM (Finance and Marketing), and this is my 3rd sem.
After getting placement in bank, my next Target is preparing for IAS @2019.
I need guidance .
Hi Sapna,
When you r getting placement in bank, you can start your preparation with 6- 12 th old ncert books.
1- learn the requirements of the UPSC civil services examination.
2- Buy some essential books to get the stone rolling.
3- read clear IAS online study material (free).
4- get the right guidance; follow clear IAS articles on UPSC civil services examination.
5- Join clear IAS mock test series practice,learn and revise.
6- Stay away from low quality IAS coaching centers as well as low quality study material.
7- Stay away from negative thinking and speeches. “Do healthy discussion”.
8- Stop worrying too much , just do it.
“Best of luck”
my self Santosh sahu and I’m medical student with BMLT course in 2nd year but we want be an ias so without coaching because I’m unable to pay coaching fee so please sir guide me for self study
Sir, you can start preparation without coaching with the help of different study materials.
Thanks for the information
When to change in upsc upper age limit reduction.which year to change. my dob 09.03.1993 general category.upper age limit will be change for 2019 how many attempts eligible for many years eligible for me.(year mentions plz)
Sir I’m student of B.a honours and batch of 2018 -2021. I want to crack ias exm without coaching. So plz.. suggest me sir and call me on that 7479591979
Sir, I’m a B-Tech finial year student of 2015-2019 batch. I would like to hold IAS so sir plzz… guide me. Because I’m not able to pay the coaching fee.
Sir I am working person & I wanna prepare for ias exam & I have been started for last 2 month but working on it only 4 hour per day . Is it ample time to prepare? Tell me better website for preparation.due lack of time unable to join coaching.
Mai ek science ka student hu to muje optional subject kia lena chahia
Sir im the student who enter into b.Sc first year .Ias is my goal nd i want to make my parents proud .I dont have proper guaidence .So plz help me. To start my prepartion frm now.Im not understanding how to start my preparation plz help me its my ambition.Im frm middle class so i need ur help sir plz .
Sir I am working in bank, I have 3hrs per day to read, sir is it possible to crack ias having 3 hrs study a day
I’m just curious. Is there anyone who has cleared UPSC with the help of this website?
@Randomer – A lot of candidates. See the testimonials of UPSC toppers here and here.
How many students join different institutions for upsc preparation every year and how many out of them qualify for exam ?
Thanks for giving me the confidence to clear the IAS exam without coaching.
It is a great blog post about Coaching Classes.I am always read your blog helpful and informative tips. I like it thanks for sharing this information with us
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I’m completing my bcom prog from du and I’m planning to start preparation for upsc can you pls guide me how can I start my preparation without coaching.
I’ve just read your blog post on about whether it’s possible to clear the IAS exam without coaching classes. It’s a thought-provoking and informative piece. Your insights into self-study strategies and the pros and cons of coaching classes provide a comprehensive perspective for aspiring candidates. Thanks for shedding light on this crucial aspect of IAS exam preparation!