UPSC Civil Services Mains 2013 is over and has already shared the question papers for Essay, GS1, GS2, G3 and GS4 papers and has done detailed analysis for GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4.
This post is for those candidates who want to share their exam experience for the benefit of future aspirants. This post also shares the cut-offs for UPSC Civil Services Mains 2012 for various categories.
UPSC Civil Services Mains 2013 Cut-offs : Analyzing The trend
If we extrapolate the 2012 mains score for 2013, a top score for 2013 mains can be around 875/1750 (50%) and the cut-off score from general category can be around 615/1750 (35%). But, this might not be the case for 2013. The cut-offs can be higher or it can be lower and we are not speculating any precise score as cut-off. It is tough to predict the cut-offs for 2013 as it is based on a revised syllabus giving stress to General Studies.
Toppers’ Marks in UPSC Civil Services Exam 2012
Name |
Mains Marks |
Interview Marks |
Total Marks |
1013 |
180 |
1193 |
919 |
230 |
1149 |
950 |
198 |
1148 |
935 |
198 |
1133 |
905 |
210 |
1115 |
UPSC Civil Services Mains Cut-offs 2012 : Various Categories
UPSC Civil Services Mains 2013 Exam Experience Sharing
UPSC 2013 mains candidates who are interested to share their exam experience for the benefit of future aspirants can do the same in the comment space below. You can site the positives and negatives of the exam pattern for 2013. Other suggestions include : Difficulties faced during exam, tips to tackle them, areas from which questions are asked, useful books and materials, number of questions attempted, expected marks and so on.
the questions in mains 2013 surprised me. I was actually not prepared to write this much. Looking from outside the question may seem easy but the atmosphere was very different in exam hall. I was not able to complete my papers and in all the papers I had to leave almost 20-25% of total marks. I know it is going to cost me dearly. The questions gave a kind of indirect choice. I mean if your speed is slow you are free to attempt only those in which you can write better. At the same time question were quite interesting like there was a question on CSR of company bill; but the question asks about the difficulties in implementing it. Similarly thought the Glivec question is asked but it actually asking about the effects of judgement and the prejudices about patent law
The pattern really tested the understanding of the current affairs of the aspirant
quiet right, even ppl who could finish the whole paper and coming out were talking big are now realizing that they might ve not answered the question correctly as the questions were not merely asking “what is …………… ” but more of analytical questions about their impacts etc which needed some thinkin at-least which costs time!! still overall assessment says most of it could depend on how upsc evaluates answers and the markin scheme esp for essay and GS IV, as we dont know what we were supposed to write and what are they expecting from us in GS IV, this might be decidin factor and overall GS IV essay and optional are gonna decide which way the game will swing…………..
Appreciate the sincere effort…Thanks a lot Shailja! All the best!
Expected cutoff mains 2013-
General-615 to 635
obc- 605 to 625
Sc- 580-600
st- 550-575
CSE 2013 mains cut off most probably will be below 600/1750 as this year GS is for 1000. out of which 40% scoring will be good & sufficient.
what is the highest marks in essay
Good evening sir, I m from patiala(Punjab).I need comprehensive GS Mains study material.I hve just started this year for IAS. Plz tell me how much time should I spend for study. What are the most comprehensive books for mains GS and optional(Sociology).Can I clear within two years if study for minimum 10hrs daily.