UPSC Results 2019 are out! UPSC has declared the results of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2019 held on 02.06.2019. About 12,000 candidates qualified for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019. About 8 lakh candidates had applied for UPSC CSE(Prelims) 2019.
How to check UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2019 Results?
Two separate lists of qualified candidates are prepared by the UPSC for the Civil Services(CSE) Mains exam as well as the Indian Forestry Service (IFoS) Mains exam.
Aspirants can check the roll numbers of successful candidates in the below pdfs for the Civil Services Mains call and IFoS Mains exam call.
- List of successful candidates who got Civil Services Mains Exam 2019 calls.
- List of successful candidates who got IFoS Mains Exam 2019 calls.
Note: The results are also available on the websites as well as UPSC, this year, has also published the names of the successful candidates. To access that PDF, check this link.
Cut-off Score for Prelims 2019?
The official UPSC keys and cut-off scores will be released only after the final results are published (by May 2020).
Each candidate will be provided with a separate login to check his/her individual marks for Prelims.
The cut-off score for the Indian Forest Service Mains call is usually on a higher side than the CSE Mains call.
Qualified Candidates: What to do next?
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First of all, hearty congrats from We are overwhelmed by the thank-you emails from our students regarding the highly successful ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2019, from which many questions came in the actual UPSE CSE Prelims 2019.
Now, it’s time for the written exam – mains. Work hard, take the best out of our free online study materials, and clear IAS mains in flying colors! ClearIAS Team will update you shortly about our Mains 2019 program (Mains Marks Booster Program) through our website/email. Stay tuned. All the best!
In accordance with the Rules of the Examination, all qualified candidates have to apply again in the Detailed Application Form, DAF (CSM), for the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019, which will be available on the website of the Union Public Service Commission
There are 2 DAFs – DAF 1 and DAF 2.
All the qualified candidates are advised to fill up the DAF (CSM) online and submit the same ONLINE for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019 to be held on 20 September 2019. The DAF-1 (CSM) will be available on the website of the Commission from 01-08-2019 until 16-08-2019.
Not Yet Qualified Candidates: What to do next?
There is nothing to be ashamed of if you didn’t make it this time. This exam is considered one of the toughest exams in India, and only 3 candidates out of 100 who take UPSC CSE clear it. This means the Prelims stage is a tough barrier to cross considering 97 percent rejection.
Take the results in the right spirit, rectify your mistakes, and try hard. Remember, most of the toppers had failed many times, either at Prelims, mains, or interviews before making it to the top. So don’t lose your spirit.
Keep trying. Work hard for the Preliminary exam 2020 with extra vigor. We strongly recommend you enroll in the ClearIAS Prelims 2020 mock test series, which will surely help you to get an edge in the competition, as it combines learning with test-taking from the very beginning.
Listing out some helpful articles from our side for a new start.
- ClearIAS strategy post for beginners
- Time-Crunched Before UPSC Prelims? Then Apply This Strategy – The Secret of Achieving More With Less! (80/20 Principle)
- Prelims over! What next? Tips from
- IAS Books for Civil Services Prelims and Mains Exam Preparation
- IAS Preparation – The Online Way! Ten Useful Tips
- ClearIAS – Toppers Interviews
Takeaways from UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2019 Results
- The cut-off is expected to be higher than that of 2018. You can check the cut-off analysis for UPSC CSE in the link.
- There were a few confusing/ambiguous questions this time too. Hence scores varied a lot between various un-official keys.
- Based on feedback from successful users, the cut-off score seems to be in the range of 100-105 (as per the ClearIAS key).
- UPSC published Prelims 2019 within 40 days after conducting the exam. Last year it took 41 days.
- Around 12000 candidates are called for mains 2019.
- Approximately 2500 candidates will be called for the UPSC Interview 2019.
- The final vacancies are expected around 900.
Note from
Candidates of the CSE 2019 exam, those who got calls for CSE Mains or IFoS Mains, and those who didn’t get calls, enter their approximate marks (as per ClearIAS key) and category in the comment section, that would be helpful to get a rough idea about cut-off marks for future candidates.
My upsc mark is not so me. Please any offense this exam on the so Mark.
HOW to check my marks in upsc pre 2019
Thank you sir for being with me during my bad time and for upholding my moral.Though i couldnot able to clear this year UPSC prelim but i dare to hold the fortitude to face this exam with more vigour.
Not qualified candidate list how to check
Not qualify marks how to check sir
How to check my marks in upsc prelims 2019
T.Viratnagar d.jaipur rajy- rajasthan
Yes i prepared upsc please help me
Out of 2500 applicants selected for final interview for 2019 Civil Service Examination to be held in July 2020, how many are post-graduates?