Every candidate who attempted UPSC Prelims 2019 (Civil Services Examination) on June 02, 2019 will be eager to know about the probable cut-off marks.
However, UPSC will announce the official cut-off score only after 1 year. Then how will you know if you should study for UPSC Mains 2019 (this year) or prepare thoroughly for UPSC Prelims-cum-Mains 2020 (for the next year)?
Only experts in this field (UPSC coaches) who have data to keenly analyse the past (and present) trends can help you with this.
Everyone loves to hear about low cut-offs, but…
Despite hard work and dedication, a huge majority of serious candidates will be crowded in the brim area near the UPSC cut-off marks.
So it is quite natural that aspirants love to hear from anyone mentioning that ‘the exam was tough this year, so cut-offs would be low’.
Of course, that is quite comforting. It takes a lot of pressure from you. You will feel happy.
We know.
That’s one of the reasons why many coaching institutes predict low cut-off marks. However, they have other hidden agendas as well.
- Many institutes need to cover up their mistakes in the past one year of coaching. If you feel aggrieved, they will try to pacify you by mentioning that the exam was so tough for everyone, and not just you. They may even say that your score – even though low – should be enough to clear UPSC Prelims – to push you into a fool’s paradise for some more time.
- Many coaching institutes wish to charge more money from aspirants – for their Mains program. So unless they project the cut-off score as low, the majority of the students won’t join their Mains program.
ClearIAS does not have these two agendas.
First of all, we believe in providing real value to students. That’s the reason why our userbase of happy and satisfied aspirants is growing at an exponential rate.
Second, we don’t run paid courses (test series) for UPSC CSE Mains (until this moment). Most of the programs we offer for Mains are for FREE!
Now, my real question – do you think that the UPSC Prelims cut-off score for 2019 will be lower (than last year)?
If not, what will it be?
To get an answer to this, you should know your UPSC Prelims Marks – based on ClearIAS Answer Key.
Yes, you might have calculated your marks from the ‘soon-after-exam’ answer keys of many institutes. That’s Okay. However, you need to spend 5 more minutes of your time and find your score based on ClearIAS answer key (online). The links of the same are given below.
- General Studies Paper 1 – ClearIAS Answer Key with Explanations
- General Studies Paper 2 – ClearIAS Answer Key with Explanations
Once answers are submitted, wait for 1-2 minutes for the exam results to be displayed on the same screen. Marks, All-India Rank, Detailed Solutions, andย Performance Analysis Reports will be available in โMy Accountโ link for future reference. Our rank-list gets automatically updated whenever a candidate enters his/her score. Check the latest ClearIAS rank-list here.
What can you infer about the cut off marks from the past trends on the ClearIAS Mock Exam platform?
Did you notice any surprising similarily in the shape and data of 2017 graphs with 2019 graphs?
The bar-charts from 2015-2019 shown above are taken from the ClearIAS Mock Exam Platform. Every year, thousands of aspirants calculate their probable UPSC Prelims Marks based on the ClearIAS answer key on the platform and analyse the all-India trends.
If you are new to ClearIAS platform, you may not know how to decipher the above graphs. But these graphs are familiar to all users on the ClearIAS Mock Exam Platform (ClearIAS Prelims Test Series).
For the new users, let me explain the ‘grades’ in our system. It’s quite simple. ClearIAS gives different ‘grades’ corresponding to the marks scored in any exam on our platform. The main grades are as follows:
- Negative Gradeย (negative marks) ie <0 marks
- Not Enough (0-24%) ie. 0 – 49 marks
- Needs Improvementย (25-39%) ie. 50 – 79 marks
- Averageย (40-44%) ie. 80 – 89 marks
- Capableย (45-49%) ie. 90 – 99 marks
- Competentย (50-59%) ie. 100 – 119 marks
- Strong (60-74%) ie. 120 – 149 marks
- Expert (75-89%) ie. 150 – 179 marks
- Masterย (90-99%) ie. 180 – 199 marks
- Unbeatableย (100%) ie 200/200 marks
So, what are two grades, which you should focus now on the ClearIAS rank list for GS Paper 1, 2019?
Those are:
- Competent (50-59%) ie. 100-119 marks
- Strong (60-74%) ie. 120-149 marks
In 2019 Prelims, the share of candidates who scored between 100-120 marks is a lot more than what was in 2018!
Yes, that trend can be understood only if you have the data like the one we shared above. Analyse the graphs for 2018 and 2019.
In 2018 only 7% of the users who submitted their answers got a score between 100-120 (when cut off score was 98), while in 2019 about 21% of users are in the range 100-120.
When more than 2000 users took the re-take exam, the recorded trend is as below.
Marks of 21% candidates were in the range 100-120. 4% candidates scored between 120-150. Only 1% candidates scored above 150.
The UPSC CSE Prelims 2019 trends of marks can be best compared with the trends of marks in UPSC CSE Prelims 2017 when the cut of was 105.34 (compare the bar-graphs above). In 2018, the mark-profiles were different.
Does this mean that the UPSC Prelims 2019 cut-offs will be higher (than last year)?
Yes, it may be. ClearIAS trends give an indication that the cut-offs may be higher.
Just like exit polls after elections, the ClearIAS trends should help you with a general idea (even though may not be 100% reflective of the true picture). Our estimation methods are more reliable than the exit polls (as only registered users can enter the marks, that too based on what they bubbled in actual exam).
However, nothing can be conclusively said until the sample size is sufficiently large.
In 2018, more than 4000 candidates marked their answers in ClearIAS Answer Key (which was released on the exam-day night itself). In 2019, we released the key 6 days after UPSC Prelims (as some questions required more research for an accurate answer.ย Still, more than 2000 candidates took the re-take exam, but the sample size is not equal with the last year to compare.
Share the below two links with your friends (fellow aspirants) for more accurate entries/cut-off extrapolation.
- General Studies Paper 1 – ClearIAS Answer Key with Explanations
- General Studies Paper 2 – ClearIAS Answer Key with Explanations
Update: We closed the free re-take option as the window is now over. The exam is now available as part of our UPSC Previous Year Questions Re-Take Package. We had taken a backup of the latest trends before we deleted it.
What will be the cut-off for UPSC Prelims 2019?
Considering our sample size (mainly internet population), we consider the top 10% candidates on the ClearIAS mock test platform when the total entries touch 2000+ to have high chance to clear Prelims 2019. As per the current trends, the probable cut-off score (based on ClearIAS key) is as below:
General Category – 105 ยฑ2
You may note that this is not the official cut-off score prediction from ClearIAS, but rather an initial trend when 1000+ candidates entered their marks.
ClearIAS does not predict UPSC Prelims cut-off marks. We leave the analysis to aspirants themselves.
However, we provide aspirants with pan-India data (including previous years) to help them make independent judgements/analysis rather than blindly trusting anyone. That should help you to take the right step forward – whether Mains 2019, Prelims 2020, or any other direction in life.
You may note that the initial trend may not truly reflect the profile of all aspirants. A more accurate trend will emerge when more candidates enter their marks.
Having said that, if your score is already above the mentioned marks, you may strongly remain hopeful for UPSC mains call. Start working on GS Topics as well as your Optional Subject.
What if your marks are below the UPSC Prelims cut off score?
Don’t lose heart. There can be mismatches/errors in any unofficial answer keys.
Even ClearIAS keys too may not match 100 per cent with official UPSC Key. We can never know that until the official UPSC key is out.ย UPSC will release cut-off cut score and answer keys, once the exam cycle is over (ie Prelims, Mains, and Interview) ie by May 2020 (in the official UPSC website). So, keep a room for the possibility of 2-3 variations with any key.
Having said that, even with a leeway of 5 marks, if you are not near the probable cut-off marks, you should seriously think about an early approach for UPSC 2020.
Don’t under-estimate the UPSC Civil Services Examination. This year UPSC Prelims has once again proved that Civil Services Examination is one of the toughest exams in India. It requires extensive-preparation.
Don’t take it lightly. Even Prelims.
In fact, Prelims is more difficult in recent years than UPSC Mains and Interview.
Give UPSC Prep the attention it deserves. Selective study or traditional short-cut methods may not work anymore. What you need is a holistic approach which covers the core areas along with the new areas from which questions are being asked.
Also, understand that the UPSC is not just a knowledge-game. It’s also about skills (strategy). This year’s UPSC CSE Prelims was more about your analytical ability to eliminate wrong answers.
Registrations are now open for ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2020. ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2020 develops not only knowledge but also the required analytical skills.
Yes, it is the ultimate mock test series in India which has been consistently producing successful candidates. The series has 40 exams with different combinations of most probable questions for Prelims 2020.
If you are attempting Prelims 2020, enroll now for ClearIAS Prelims Test Series 2020 to get the early advantage.
As per the trends of marks of users who checked their prelims 2019 score on ClearIAS platform, UPSC Prelims 2019 is high-scoring when compared to UPSC Prelims 2018. Apart from those candidates who scored exceptionally well in UPSC Prelims 2019, most others would be in confusion now.
They are not sure if they clear Prelims or not. Hence they are not sure of the next step – if it’s Mains 2019 or Prelims 2020.
We intend to help aspirants to get an idea about the probable cut-off marks so that candidates can take an independent decision. For this purpose – we provided three resources:
- ClearIAS Answer Key
- ClearIAS Rank List
- ClearIAS Previous Year Rank List Performance Trends
You may note that all the above resources are for analysis purpose only. The data provided here should not be considered as official data. There is every chance that some aspirants may have entered inflated marks (even though we have excluded the top marks for our cut-off estimations).
However, we hope the trend analysis is useful to you to decide on the next step – Mains 2019 or Prelims 2020.
In our opinion, if you are scoring above 100 marks as per ClearIAS key for UPSC Prelims 2019, you should invariably prepare for UPSC Mains 2019 – without worrying too much about the possible cut-off. However, if your score is lower, adopt an early but rigorous approach for UPSC 2020.
How well did you score in the UPSC Prelims 2019? Did you make the most out of ClearIAS Techniques, Mock Exams, and Study Materials in UPSC Prelims 2019?
What do you think as the possible cut-off score?
We love to hear from you. Feel free to mention your feedback in the comment section below.
Please send me some tips to prepare for mains…
@ Suhas – We will be releasing a lot of new posts (guidance and study materials) on Mains preparation soon.
People are Scoring over 170 according to you guys, it is easy to cheat on your portal.
Please rectify the methodology.
@ Mayank – As explained, our focus was mainly only on marks scored in the range 100-120, and 120-150. We have not considered high scores (1% inflated scores) in our comparison.
Read many comments about 2019 GS cut off from many ways
Not gotten any results about cut off
Are there any final updates on this after the first 1000 entries?
@ Prateek – Yes, the graphs remained more or less the same even when the number of candidates crossed 2000. Marks of 21% candidates were in the range 100-120. 4% candidates scored between 120-150. Only 1% candidates scored above 150.
PS: We closed the free re-take option as the window is now over. We had taken a backup of the latest trends before we deleted it. Now, all the mock exams are deleted and we have started fresh for ClearIAS UPSC Prelims Mock Test Series 2020.
You cut offs are extremely faulty . Do the aspirants a favor and don’t predict it next year based on such flawed polls .
As per clearIAS,
2018 Cut off – 90 .
Actual cut off – 98
2019 cut off – 105
Actual cut off – around 98
As nearly all people who scored more than 98 have cleared .
@ Dinesh, first of all – we don’t predict cut-offs. As mentioned in the above write-up, we leave that part to the aspirants themselves. We just provide insights to the trends. In 2018, the data in our platform showed a lower cut-off score than in 2017. In 2019, the trend was upward – though not a big jump.
Also, we don’t conduct polls. What we provide is a free-re-take option of actual UPSC CSE Prelims question paper based on ClearIAS key. Aspirants are asked to mark their answers to auto-calculate their scores. Before ClearIAS came up with such options, there was no pan-India platform offering such data/insights.
As we have mentioned, since the sample size is small (1000-2000), it may not accurately reflect actual UPSC Prelims. However, this is the best available method to relatively analyse the trends based on current data as well as previous years data. Most institutes which ‘predict’ cut-off score has no data to judge the pattern at all.
In spite of the initial trends pointing a cut-off score around 105, we have asked all students above 100 marks to seriously prepare for Mains.
We are sorry if you misunderstood our process despite our detailed elaboration of the same. However, there are aspirants who benefit from the same, and take it in the right spirit we intend it to be.
Now, it’s not the time to ponder over cut-offs. Our intention of writing this post was also to get your focus right. Focus on your next stage and move on. All the best!