This is a compilation of the model essays questions we provided as part of our 50-day Mains High Value Answer Writing (HVAW) Test Series in 2014. We will also be releasing the compilation of the essay model questions in the ClearIAS 30-day Mains Answer Writing Program(AWP) 2016 soon.
IAS Mains Model Questions: Essay Paper
Aspirants who write mains are advised to go through these questions, answers written by other candidates, and the respective feedback from ClearIAS Team.
- Challenges in reaping India’s demographic dividend and solutions.
- Is crony capitalism the root cause of increasing Non Performing Assets in India?
- Increasing Juvenile Crimes.
- If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking.
- Is Gandhian Philosophy relevant today?
- Role of women in driving India’s growth forward.
- Indian bureaucracy and globalization.
- Indian youth and scientific thinking.
- Evolution of Indian societal structure from historical times.
- Lessons in good citizenship inculcated at young age will go a long way in creating a better society.
- Contemporary India: Judicial Activism, Civil Society Movements and Media Activism.
- Is cricket the hindering the growth of other Indian sports and games?
- Role of engineers in driving India’s growth forward.
- Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.
- Corporatization of media and media responsibility.
- Socialism and contemporary India.
- Indian Society and Sex Education.
- Is reservation counter-productive?
- Future of human race.
- Commodification of women.
- Digital divide.
- Should India invest in sports and games?
- India should claim its rightful place in tourism.
- Role models for youth in India.
- Global warming : Who loses and who wins?
- Are we giving too much importance to cricket and Bollywood?
- Are women safe in India?
- Sexism in workplace.
- Environment vs development debate.
- Water conservation.
- India as a soft power.
- Scientific progress in Ancient and Medieval India.
- The meaning of life.
- Quality of higher education in India.
- Should politicians’ private lives be public?
- Alcoholism in India.
- Entertainment Industry in India.
- 100 years of Indian Cinema.
- Animal rights.
- Democracy passes into despotism.
- Social media and privacy.
- The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
- Is India truly democratic?
- The mobile revolution is just beginning
- Dualism in Indian economy and society.
- Is it time to abolish Rajyasabha to improve governance?.
- India needs urgent legal system reforms.
- Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for girls and women.
- Did social media made us more open?
- India – A nation in making.
Practice Full Length UPSC Mains Mock Tests – Essay
Please go through Clear IAS Mains Full Length Free Mock Test Series – Essay Paper and see how ClearIAS mock questions helped our online students in the actual UPSC main exam.
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Answers to the questions are available in the links corresponding to the respective day’s questions.
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