71 Model Questions for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam (written). The questions are based on the eBook (PDF) “Current Issues – What’s Hot Today? [Analysis of 75 Important Events of National and International Importance]“.
71 Model Questions for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam (Written)
- Second administrative reform commission envisaged a shift from a ‘career-based approach’ to a ‘post based approach’ for higher level bureaucracy. Highlight the drawbacks in the existing bureaucratic structure and the extent to which ‘post based approach’ would answer these shortcomings.
- In the light of various judgments of Supreme Court and High Court, examine the different arguments in support of and against the section 377 of Indian Penal Code.
- Discuss the possible factors that inhibit Indian Higher educational institutions from breaking into the world’s top 100. Can the recent ‘Institutions of Eminence’ status help Indian institutions to achieve this feat?
- “University Grant Commission (UGC) has not proved to be the effective regulator for higher educational institutions in India”. Critically examine the statement and also comment on how the proposed Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) aims to address the shortcomings in the present regulatory structure.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Bad Bank’? Critically discuss the extent to which Bad Bank would help in reducing the balance sheet stress in the Indian banking system.
- “Data protection legislation should be about protecting people, not innovation”. In the light of this statement critically examine the recommendations of B.N. Srikrishna committee on data protection framework.
- Enumerate the salient features of Ayushman Bharat – National Health Protection Mission. What challenges would you foresee in implementing the scheme?
- Critically examine the Supreme Court’s judgment ‘Subhash Mahajan Vs State of Maharashtra’ with reference to the protection of rights of SCs/STs in India.
- “The recent financial package announced by the Union government for the sugar sector does little to address structural problems”. Discuss.
- “In India, Khaps are waning at the social level, but are getting rejuvenated at the political level”. In the light of this statement discuss why the Khap panchayats are still flourishing in some parts of India.
- Despite the government efforts, the promotion of ethanol as a biofuel has not yet succeeded in India. What could be the reasons for this? Discuss how the ‘national policy on Biofuels, 2018’ aims to address the gaps in the earlier measures.
- “Though the live telecast of proceedings of the Supreme Court may make the process of justice more visible, it faces more challenges than that it aims to solve”. Discuss.
- In order to achieve the target of doubling the farmer’s income by 2022, the focus needs to be more on the non-farm sector rather than the farm sector. Do you agree? Give reasons to justify your viewpoint.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’? Is Artificial intelligence leading the world towards ‘technological singularity’, as warned by some scientists and thinkers?
- India’s female Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) has sharply declined over the last decade, despite being a period of high GDP and employment growth. Why?
- Discuss how the ‘special category status’ is different from the special provisions made in respect of some states under the Article 371 of the Constitution of India? Did the ‘special category status’ granted to some of the states succeeded in achieving its stated objectives?
- What is the National Register of Citizens (NRC)? Describe the circumstances that led to the current process of updating the NRC.
- What is ‘Price Deficiency Payment’ system? Discuss how the Price Deficiency Payment system addresses the shortcomings in the current ‘Minimum Support Price’ regime?
- “The death penalty is a regressive step in the field of sentencing and reformation”. In the light of this statement critically evaluate the main provisions of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2018.
- “The incidents of mob violence cannot be blamed on social media alone, rather it calls for a political, administrative and legislative response”. Discuss.
- “If the amendment bill to the Right to Information Act, 2005 is passed, it may structurally weaken and nullify the entire Act”. Critically evaluate.
- Discuss the benefits and challenges before India as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
- “A Minimum Support Price (MSP) can be effective only if it is matched by the procurement”. In the light of this statement critically evaluate the working of minimum support price mechanism in India.
- What was held in ‘M Nagaraj case’ (2006)? Does the judgment come in the way of providing greater representation to the SCs/STs in the higher bureaucracy?
- “In a country of unequal opportunities, detention could be another scale weighing down the underprivileged”. In the light of this statement critically evaluate the recent proposal to do away with the ‘no-detention’ policy under the RTE Act 2009.
- What are the objectives of the Interlinking of Rivers project? What environmental challenges would you foresee in the implementation of these projects?
- Evaluate critically the important provisions of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016. Is the Act in compliance with the provisions of the Forest Rights Act, 2006?
- What do you understand by the term ‘non-performing assets’? Discuss the factors responsible for the growth of non-performing assets in the Indian banking system.
- “The recent amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 would further weaken the already weak anti-corruption mechanism in India.” Discuss.
- In the context of recent developments related to the appointment of Lokpal, discuss why is it important for India to appoint an anti-corruption ombudsman at the national level?
- Highlight the current regulatory challenges with respect to the public sector banks in India. Does RBI need more power to monitor public sector banks?
- “The increasingly partisan Speaker is a symbol of the crisis in India’s legislatures”. Discuss.
- “The existing provisions of the Aadhaar Act are not good enough to protect data privacy”. Critically comment in the light of ongoing debate related to privacy issues in Aadhaar.
- In the light of the various judgment of the Supreme Court, discuss whether the prohibition of the slaughter of cows and calves as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy is consistent with the fundamental rights of the citizens.
- The cash to GDP ratio in India is around 8.8%. Discuss the possible factors that hold back India from moving towards a less cash.
- On its way to achieving the economic growth targets, is India neglecting its environmental concerns? Give reasons with suitable examples to justify your viewpoint.
- “Without improving regulatory frameworks for greater transparency in the finances of political parties, changing the means of donations will have little impact”. In the light of this statement critically examine the ‘Electoral bond Scheme’ as a tool for donations to political parties.
- While Article 19 grants the citizens a right to freedom of speech and expression, it also authorizes the state to put ‘reasonable restrictions’ on such rights. What constitutes such ‘reasonableness’? Does it negate the right conferred under the Article 19?
- “Ordinances are not against the text of the Constitution but they go against its spirit.” Comment.
- Give an account of the current Constitutional scheme with reference to the union territory of Delhi. Also, comment upon its demand for full statehood.
- Enumerate the salient features of the Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2017. How this bill aims to address the shortcomings in the present mechanism of resolution of inter-state water disputes?
- How ‘Judicial activism’ is different from ‘judicial overreach’? Discuss with suitable examples.
- Give an account of the current scheme of appointment of judges to the higher judiciary. Is this mechanism helped in maintaining the independence of the judiciary? Give reasons with suitable examples to justify your viewpoint.
- The Kashmir region of India has been witnessing a series of unrest in recent time. Analyze the causes and consequences of such unrest, with a special focus on the national security of India.
- Make an assessment of the current status of press freedom in India and discuss the importance of freedom of the press in a democracy?
- “The more the state takes over the task of social reform, the less likely it is to emerge from within the society.” Do you agree? Discuss with suitable examples.
- With suitable examples discuss the causes and consequences of the growth of regionalism in India
- (a) Critically examine the role played by the NGOs in the development of India. (b) Does India need a separate legislation to regulate the NGOs/non-profit sector?
- “Only economic advancement of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes cannot reduce crimes against them; it should be accompanied by socio-political advancement.” Discuss.
- “Without the protective cover of the freedom of religion, excluding women from access to a place of worship is a clear violation of their fundamental rights.” Examine this statement in the light of various judicial pronouncements.
- “The scientific establishments in India need to inculcate scientific social responsibility to find solutions to the socio-economic problems prevailing in the country.” Discuss.
- Despite the clear judicial pronouncement barring the mobilization of votes based on religion, caste, community or language, they continued to be the prime tools in the electoral process. What are the reasons?
- The productivity of the parliamentary sessions has been decreasing in the recent times. Examine the institutional incentives that work in favour of disruptions rather than debate?
- “Between uniformity and legal pluralism, the latter is a superior value”. In the light of this statement, examine the arguments against the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India.
- “Allowing the private hospitals to run certain services within district hospitals may improve the quality of health care at the local level, but it will take India away from universal health care (UHC).” Discuss.
- What are the reasons for the current crisis in the Indian agriculture? Discuss the measures taken by the union government to address this problem.
- Though the Social media is playing a crucial role in separating fact from fiction, it has exacerbated low trust and ‘fake news’. Discuss with suitable examples.
- One of the biggest issues in India, at present, is the criminalization of politics. Discuss the causes and consequences of criminalization of politics in India.
- “The air pollution crisis of Delhi has its origin in the Green revolution.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your viewpoints.
- Elaborate the current legal position regarding marital rape in India. Also, discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from criminalizing marital rape.
- What do you understand by the term ‘living will’? Critically examine the implications of legalizing ‘living wills’ in India.
- Explain the meaning of the term ‘net neutrality’. Why is it important for India to have a neutral internet?
- Why does the government want to consolidate the public sector banks in India? What challenges would you foresee in its implementation?
- “The government should involve only in such business where the private market cannot deliver the good or service”. In the light of this statement make a case for privatization of Air India.
- In the light of various judicial pronouncements and law commission reports, examine the arguments in support of and against the capital punishment in India.
- “The success of the loan waiver lies on the extent to which the benefits reach the needy farmers.” Critically evaluate.
- Comment upon the need and implications of allowing the entry of foreign higher educational institutions in India.
- “Creating a Special Courts/ Fast track courts to try a class of people such as politicians are inherently discriminatory.” Discuss.
- The government recently withdrew the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) bill from the parliament. What were the objectives of the bill? Why was it opposed by various stakeholders?
- The National Medical Commission Bill was drafted in response to concerns regarding corruption in the Medical Council of India. Discuss how this bill aims to address the problems in the current medical education regulation mechanism?
- In the light of recent plea in the Supreme Court seeking to ban the lawmakers from doubling up as practising advocates, enumerate the arguments in support of and against the petition.
Note: For answer hints, you may refer to the corresponding topic in the eBook “Current Issues – What’s Hot Today? [Analysis of 75 Important Events of National and International Importance]”
Hi Team,
I am confused with these 2 pdfs.
which one to buy
71 Model Questions for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam
75 Most Important Topics for UPSC Mains – Download Current Issues E-Book (3rd Edition)
please help me urgently
Hi Amit,
There is only one PDF to buy ie https://www.instamojo.com/clearias/current-issues-whats-hot-today/
The other link contains model questions based on the PDF (ebook) which is free.
Hope this helps.
Most important topic papers
Sir please provide Hindi also